Can a Mormon explain their belief in 'precarnation' please?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
While reading around on I came across their belief in existance in heaven prior to being born. What I'd call precarnation or preexistence.

How long did you exist before you were born? And how did you come to exist in the first place?
We were created spiritually before we were given our mortal bodies. God is literally our Father. He taught us and we lived with Him.

He proposed a plan where we would have a mortal experience and learn to become like Him. We would be given free agency and through our choices we could either follow His counsel to become like Him or we could damn ourselves.

But we would have two obstacles that prevent us from becoming like He is. We will die and we will sin. Jesus volunteered to be the savior. Lucifer volunteered as well with his own plan.

Father went with Jesus. Lucifer rebelled and became Satan and took a third part of the hosts of heaven with him. His plan was to take away our agency in some way.

We don't know much about.the pre-mortalblife outside the Grand Council of God. The veil covers our mind so we don't remember what happened. But at times we get glimpses. Many of us were foreordained to do things in this life.

I suggesting you want to learn more you search the scriptures. The bible shows glimpses but if you want to learn more read Moses 4, Abraham 3, alma 13, John 9, and psalms 82 to start
Before God created us spiritually, we existed eternally. We are self existing beings. The part of man which was not created or made and neither indeed can be is known as intelligence or the light of truth.

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

For a discourse by the Prophet Joseph Smith, read The King Follett Discourse

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