Campaigns find that some truths are inconvenient


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
NEW YORK (AP) - Corporations are people. The fundamentals of the economy are strong. I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it.

From Mitt Romney this month to John McCain in 2008 and John Kerry four years earlier, presidential candidates are caught telling the truth by accident in every campaign, blurting a phrase that is both factual but politically ill-advised.

Those moments speak to the deeply contradictory nature of American politics.

Voters say they want authentic, straight-talking candidates. But voters also tend to punish candidates who veer too far off script or who make assertions that, while true, cause people to cringe and question whether these politicians are out of touch with those they seek to represent.


Wait a minute... Does this mean that the American people can't handle truth?

That they don't even really want to hear it??

That the masses truly ARE asses???
It means ‘the people’ have nothing to do with who gets elected. Politicians speak to corporations, special interests, and lobbies – the true power brokers in American politics. It’s they who can’t handle the truth, or want it kept concealed, more precisely.
Perhaps someone ought to create the CASSANDRA party.

They can tell us all the inconvenient truths, and the other parties can only tell us pretty lies.

Then I'm sure there's some kind of logic problem we can devise where one needs to get across a river, and at the dock are three partisans and two boats of questionable seaworthiness.
It means ‘the people’ have nothing to do with who gets elected. Politicians speak to corporations, special interests, and lobbies – the true power brokers in American politics. It’s they who can’t handle the truth, or want it kept concealed, more precisely.

And they all play "grab-ass" with progressives.

Progressives grant them corporatism and they donate largely to the progressive party.

Of course progressives believe I'm just making this up.

How about GE?

They basically have a fucking monopoly and they pay little to nothing in taxes while other corporations are being attacked.

I suppose its all cool tho because GE is hooked at the hip of this nations first half black president...

I suppose I'm just a big fat racist for pointing that out.......

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