Californians boo fallen soldier in aiport


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
California family booed on flight bringing home soldier killed in Afghanistan, dad says

STOCKTON, Calif. -- The father of a slain Northern California soldier said his family was booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home from Afghanistan, CBS Sacramento station KOVR-TV reports.

Sgt. John Perry was killed on Saturday in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber.

His father, Stewart Perry, mourned the loss of his son at a service on Thursday.

“Most importantly, I want people to know about the heroic thing that my son did,” he said.

His son stumbled on the suicide bomber before he could reach his target, a soldiers’ 5K Veterans Day run.

“He would have killed possibly 100, 200, who knows?” Perry said.

Perry said his son’s death comes comes at a time military service is facing disrespect. He said his family was even booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home over a delay.

“To hear the reaction of the flight being delayed because of a Gold Star family and the first class cabin booing, that was really upsetting, and it made us cry some more,” he said.

Perry said his son’s death also underscores why the American flag is sacred for service members, not just a symbol for protest.

“It’s not for protest - it’s for the death of the people that are saving us. That’s what it’s for,” he said.

He also called out recent presidential campaign rhetoric, including President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks about the Khan family.

“One example would be Donald Trump speaking badly about a Gold Star family, who I now am, and it really bothers me, but it also bothers me that people don’t want to talk about the terrorism that killed my kid,” he said.

A soldier’s death defending his country has left a father defending his son.

“My kid was over there to help put a stop to this garbage, and he died,” he said.
So let me get this straight, Californians sent Obama into office twice who then sent this soldier to die and then he comes back in a body bag and is booed?

I hear talk of California wanting to break away from the union.

Please do.
California family booed on flight bringing home soldier killed in Afghanistan, dad says

STOCKTON, Calif. -- The father of a slain Northern California soldier said his family was booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home from Afghanistan, CBS Sacramento station KOVR-TV reports.

Sgt. John Perry was killed on Saturday in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber.

His father, Stewart Perry, mourned the loss of his son at a service on Thursday.

“Most importantly, I want people to know about the heroic thing that my son did,” he said.

His son stumbled on the suicide bomber before he could reach his target, a soldiers’ 5K Veterans Day run.

“He would have killed possibly 100, 200, who knows?” Perry said.

Perry said his son’s death comes comes at a time military service is facing disrespect. He said his family was even booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home over a delay.

“To hear the reaction of the flight being delayed because of a Gold Star family and the first class cabin booing, that was really upsetting, and it made us cry some more,” he said.

Perry said his son’s death also underscores why the American flag is sacred for service members, not just a symbol for protest.

“It’s not for protest - it’s for the death of the people that are saving us. That’s what it’s for,” he said.

He also called out recent presidential campaign rhetoric, including President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks about the Khan family.

“One example would be Donald Trump speaking badly about a Gold Star family, who I now am, and it really bothers me, but it also bothers me that people don’t want to talk about the terrorism that killed my kid,” he said.

A soldier’s death defending his country has left a father defending his son.

“My kid was over there to help put a stop to this garbage, and he died,” he said.
Progressives have always hated military folk, because they know they are all too spineless to do what military folk do… Fact
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They hate the military that give their lives for them but love illegals?

Too much pot maybe.
The sooner those losers leave the Union the better.

That or break it into 2, 3 or 4 states.
California family booed on flight bringing home soldier killed in Afghanistan, dad says

STOCKTON, Calif. -- The father of a slain Northern California soldier said his family was booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home from Afghanistan, CBS Sacramento station KOVR-TV reports.

Sgt. John Perry was killed on Saturday in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber.

His father, Stewart Perry, mourned the loss of his son at a service on Thursday.

“Most importantly, I want people to know about the heroic thing that my son did,” he said.

His son stumbled on the suicide bomber before he could reach his target, a soldiers’ 5K Veterans Day run.

“He would have killed possibly 100, 200, who knows?” Perry said.

Perry said his son’s death comes comes at a time military service is facing disrespect. He said his family was even booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home over a delay.

“To hear the reaction of the flight being delayed because of a Gold Star family and the first class cabin booing, that was really upsetting, and it made us cry some more,” he said.

Perry said his son’s death also underscores why the American flag is sacred for service members, not just a symbol for protest.

“It’s not for protest - it’s for the death of the people that are saving us. That’s what it’s for,” he said.

He also called out recent presidential campaign rhetoric, including President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks about the Khan family.

“One example would be Donald Trump speaking badly about a Gold Star family, who I now am, and it really bothers me, but it also bothers me that people don’t want to talk about the terrorism that killed my kid,” he said.

A soldier’s death defending his country has left a father defending his son.

“My kid was over there to help put a stop to this garbage, and he died,” he said.
I'll bet the californicators didn't know what a gold star family was. Probably thought they were flour company reps.
I support an effort to PHOTOGRAPH such events or seek out
the footage from any nearby security cameras-----ID the BOO'ERS-----put them on a list------something like the sexual
predators list--------so that I will know upon whom to spit
California family booed on flight bringing home soldier killed in Afghanistan, dad says

STOCKTON, Calif. -- The father of a slain Northern California soldier said his family was booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home from Afghanistan, CBS Sacramento station KOVR-TV reports.

Sgt. John Perry was killed on Saturday in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber.

His father, Stewart Perry, mourned the loss of his son at a service on Thursday.

“Most importantly, I want people to know about the heroic thing that my son did,” he said.

His son stumbled on the suicide bomber before he could reach his target, a soldiers’ 5K Veterans Day run.

“He would have killed possibly 100, 200, who knows?” Perry said.

Perry said his son’s death comes comes at a time military service is facing disrespect. He said his family was even booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home over a delay.

“To hear the reaction of the flight being delayed because of a Gold Star family and the first class cabin booing, that was really upsetting, and it made us cry some more,” he said.

Perry said his son’s death also underscores why the American flag is sacred for service members, not just a symbol for protest.

“It’s not for protest - it’s for the death of the people that are saving us. That’s what it’s for,” he said.

He also called out recent presidential campaign rhetoric, including President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks about the Khan family.

“One example would be Donald Trump speaking badly about a Gold Star family, who I now am, and it really bothers me, but it also bothers me that people don’t want to talk about the terrorism that killed my kid,” he said.

A soldier’s death defending his country has left a father defending his son.

“My kid was over there to help put a stop to this garbage, and he died,” he said.
I'll bet the californicators didn't know what a gold star family was. Probably thought they were flour company reps.

The soldier was not
I lived 2 years in California for a contract engineering job. I couldn't wait to come back to Arizona. I have never seen so many "It's all about me" Liberals in my life. I guarantee you they were on their 3rd cocktail comparing their bling when they started booing.
California family booed on flight bringing home soldier killed in Afghanistan, dad says

STOCKTON, Calif. -- The father of a slain Northern California soldier said his family was booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home from Afghanistan, CBS Sacramento station KOVR-TV reports.

Sgt. John Perry was killed on Saturday in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber.

His father, Stewart Perry, mourned the loss of his son at a service on Thursday.

“Most importantly, I want people to know about the heroic thing that my son did,” he said.

His son stumbled on the suicide bomber before he could reach his target, a soldiers’ 5K Veterans Day run.

“He would have killed possibly 100, 200, who knows?” Perry said.

Perry said his son’s death comes comes at a time military service is facing disrespect. He said his family was even booed on the flight to bring his son’s body home over a delay.

“To hear the reaction of the flight being delayed because of a Gold Star family and the first class cabin booing, that was really upsetting, and it made us cry some more,” he said.

Perry said his son’s death also underscores why the American flag is sacred for service members, not just a symbol for protest.

“It’s not for protest - it’s for the death of the people that are saving us. That’s what it’s for,” he said.

He also called out recent presidential campaign rhetoric, including President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks about the Khan family.

“One example would be Donald Trump speaking badly about a Gold Star family, who I now am, and it really bothers me, but it also bothers me that people don’t want to talk about the terrorism that killed my kid,” he said.

A soldier’s death defending his country has left a father defending his son.

“My kid was over there to help put a stop to this garbage, and he died,” he said.

So no corroborating evidence of this, other than what the father said?

This is a typical Repug circle jerk thread.
I lived 2 years in California for a contract engineering job. I couldn't wait to come back to Arizona. I have never seen so many "It's all about me" Liberals in my life. I guarantee you they were on their 3rd cocktail comparing their bling when they started booing.

Yep, liberals only care about themselves. Which is why Democrats in Congress want to raise the minimum wage for millions of poor people and not one Repug in Congress supports this. Fucking imbecile.
I lived 2 years in California for a contract engineering job. I couldn't wait to come back to Arizona. I have never seen so many "It's all about me" Liberals in my life. I guarantee you they were on their 3rd cocktail comparing their bling when they started booing.

Yep, liberals only care about themselves. Which is why Democrats in Congress want to raise the minimum wage for millions of poor people and not one Repug in Congress supports this. Fucking imbecile.
How's the cyber career going sarge...? Get your security clearance back yet?
How awful. Some people are just mean-spirited assholes.
I lived 2 years in California for a contract engineering job. I couldn't wait to come back to Arizona. I have never seen so many "It's all about me" Liberals in my life. I guarantee you they were on their 3rd cocktail comparing their bling when they started booing.

Yep, liberals only care about themselves. Which is why Democrats in Congress want to raise the minimum wage for millions of poor people and not one Repug in Congress supports this. Fucking imbecile.
How's the cyber career going sarge...? Get your security clearance back yet?

It's going quite well, goober.

And I'm not a Sergeant.
I lived 2 years in California for a contract engineering job. I couldn't wait to come back to Arizona. I have never seen so many "It's all about me" Liberals in my life. I guarantee you they were on their 3rd cocktail comparing their bling when they started booing.

Yep, liberals only care about themselves. Which is why Democrats in Congress want to raise the minimum wage for millions of poor people and not one Repug in Congress supports this. Fucking imbecile.
There is no correlation between California being loaded to the gills with egotistical LIberals and minimum wage legislation. You are calling me a fucking imbecile and you came up with "Dubya da Last Repug Prez"? Oops, how embarrassing for you.

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