California for the first time fines oil company for dumping fracking discharge


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
California for the first time fines oil company for dumping fracking discharge

A southern California oil company has been fined $60,000 after being caught on camera illegally dumping a toxic discharge produced by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

The company, Vintage Productions of Kern County, agreed to pay the fee last month on November 15 after they were caught on film by an area farmer dumping a black liquid discharge into an unlined, open pit on the well site in Shafter, CA.

“My intent was to take a movie if I saw anything interesting,” the farmer, Tom Frantz, told local network KPIX 5.

According to the CBS affiliate, Frantz posted the video on YouTube and eventually handed it over to the Regional Water Quality Control Board that monitors activity in California’s Central Valley.

“Without the video I don’t know that we would have ever have known that that activity took place,” RWQCB executive officer Clay Rodgers told the network.

California for the first time fines oil company for dumping fracking discharge ? RT USA
And a single farmer has yet to be sued for destroying our air, land, and water.

Get your priorities straight, moron.

Good deflection :thup: :rolleyes:

Caught on camera breaking the law. Prosecuted, fined. Big deal. It damns an entire industry employing millions and pumping billions into government coffers?

This isn't a newsworthy item, it's a witch hunt. Get another game, you two.

Agriculture is the one true rapist of our environment. Turn a blind eye.

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