Calif Govt Janitor Made $270K in Pay and Benefits Last Year

Almost $700K in the past 3 years.
Democrat controlled governments doing what they do.

BART janitor grossed $270K in pay and benefits last year

That's really not fair, he was training other junior janitors. He was training them to take his job. Kinda like we train people in other countries to take our jobs only if the jobs go back overseas we train them for less than what they will make. A form of they will do the jobs we won't do, aka, Socialism.
Do all states do like CA?

17 propostions on ballot. Takes a Law degree to figure out how to vote on them? The only thing to do (I heard) is look up recommendations on-line (Tea Party) and vote.

They send thousands of MAILERS just saying vote example:
"Anna Cabellero" 20 years of going for clean air and water, good schools. I care about your childern. huh? No party? no idea? They all come like that. If name looks Mexican...........check mark.
It is an absolute nut house.

The two candidates for senate.........both Dem......Sanchez and Obamas girlfriend. No other choice. I heard not even a write-in line for that one. Trumpence is on ballot
Good for him. :thup:

its' gays and affirmative action first. Chief Heather Fong (aka Leather Thong) for police. Fire Dept has bull-dyke who never climbed a ladder but in her own bedroom get into the swing. Nut house........yet it goes on and on.

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