Cain's "9-9-9": Isn't this the ULTIMATE "FAIR SHARE" theory? Libs???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
How can ANY liberal, or ANY person who has ever once uttered the phrase "their fair share" be against Cain's 999 plan?

It's the absolute fair share. Absolute equality. Isn't "fairness" and "equality" what the left preaches and desires?

How could anything be more equal than 999?
How could anyone say that isn't the ultimate "fair share" if we're all paying the same?

Liberals, how can you dare oppose something that is ultimate equality, ultimate "fair share" ideal?
Isn't "fairness" and "equality" what the left preaches and desires?

Only in the perversions. Not when it comes to money.
Isn't "fairness" and "equality" what the left preaches and desires?

Only in the perversions. Not when it comes to money.

It is. They preach it, they DEMAND it in OWS.

Well, Cains plan is the ULTIMATE "fair share".

"Fair" would be all equal right? "Share" would be amount. If we all pay the same % of our income to the gov't, then everyone is paying absolutely the same rate, ultimate fair share.

Why aren't libs jumping on board? Unless they think some people should get a free ride and others have to pay far more. Thats not "fair" or "equal".
Check out how FAIR is with 9-9-9...
For this fact-check, we'll only be talking about the personal income tax and the sales tax since the business tax directly affects only business owners and corporations.

As a result THEY FAILED to ADD the following contributions!!!

1) Prices may be lowered to consumers. OR
2) profits would be increased to shareholders who again would report TAXES!
3) $2 trillion in offshore assets moved back to USA!
4) if 1/4th used to hire people at $40K per year that would be 12 million people at work!
5) That would be then 9% X 40K $45 billion in personal tax revenue!
6) 12 million people spending $10K each with an economic multiplier of 1.18/$1.00
adds another $147.5 billion to economy!
7) 9% sales tax on $147.5 billion:adds another $13 billion in sales tax revenue.
All in all corporate taxes dropped would add by bringing back $1 trillion off shore almost $100 billion or more in federal tax revenue..
8) with 12 million people coming off the unemployment lines another $100 billion in savings.
9) Food stamps reduced.. another $40 billion a year!
Completely ignored these benefits!
Isn't "fairness" and "equality" what the left preaches and desires?

Only in the perversions. Not when it comes to money.

It is. They preach it, they DEMAND it in OWS.

Well, Cains plan is the ULTIMATE "fair share".

"Fair" would be all equal right? "Share" would be amount. If we all pay the same % of our income to the gov't, then everyone is paying absolutely the same rate, ultimate fair share.

Why aren't libs jumping on board? Unless they think some people should get a free ride and others have to pay far more. Thats not "fair" or "equal".

I like the plan. However democrats will never give up the right of government to fleece your wallet. Never.... They blocked SS reform because they could not spend the money.
It's the absolute fair share. Absolute equality.


Cain might benefit handsomely from '9-9-9'

Presidential candidate Herman Cain made over a dozen stock sales over the past year and a half that earned him between $230,000 and $1.3 million in capital gains — income that would not be taxed at all under his “9-9-9” plan, according to his own financial disclosure statement reviewed by NBC News.
Check out how FAIR is with 9-9-9...
For this fact-check, we'll only be talking about the personal income tax and the sales tax since the business tax directly affects only business owners and corporations.

As a result THEY FAILED to ADD the following contributions!!!

1) Prices may be lowered to consumers. OR
2) profits would be increased to shareholders who again would report TAXES!
3) $2 trillion in offshore assets moved back to USA!
4) if 1/4th used to hire people at $40K per year that would be 12 million people at work!
5) That would be then 9% X 40K $45 billion in personal tax revenue!
6) 12 million people spending $10K each with an economic multiplier of 1.18/$1.00
adds another $147.5 billion to economy!
7) 9% sales tax on $147.5 billion:adds another $13 billion in sales tax revenue.
All in all corporate taxes dropped would add by bringing back $1 trillion off shore almost $100 billion or more in federal tax revenue..
8) with 12 million people coming off the unemployment lines another $100 billion in savings.
9) Food stamps reduced.. another $40 billion a year!
Completely ignored these benefits!

No No No Supply side economics is vodoo... lol
Why the desperation on the part of the right to defend a plan which will never be implemented as its ‘creator’ will never realize office?

It’s very strange and pathetic.

Because if they didn't that would become a self fulfilling prophecy. I realize he is as likely as Ron Paul to win but it amazes me how people are criticized for supporting who they support because he's not popular enough

get a life and worry about yourself then douche
Why the desperation on the part of the right to defend a plan which will never be implemented as its ‘creator’ will never realize office?

It’s very strange and pathetic.

I'm not defending it. I for one think rich people should pay a higher rate out of their earned paycheck than the rest of us.............WHICH THEY ALREADY DO.

But, "fairness" and "equality" and making everyone "pay their fair share" would mean making everyone pay the same rate on their paycheck. Which 999 does, and I don't agree with it.

Obama and the left's bitching is about capital gains. And EVERYONE pays the same rate on that, it's just that most people don't bring in capital gains income.
I've discussed what I don't like about Cain's plan a number of times. Here are the bullet points. I should add the caveat that to the best of my memory I've never advocated using the phrase "their fair share":

-- Cain's plan is secret. He hasn't released any details or analysis, and some of his statements about excise taxes and deductions have been confusing and inconsistent.

-- Cain's implementation plan is horrible. He contemplated not one but two complete overhauls of the federal tax system. There's no economic reason to make two big changes instead of doing everything at once.

-- Despite what he says, Cain's plan is regressive, for reasons I've discussed in other threads.

-- Despite what he says, Cain's plan is not revenue neutral.
Obama and the left's bitching is about capital gains. And EVERYONE pays the same rate on that, it's just that most people don't bring in capital gains income.

And everyone pays the same marginal tax rate on their millionth dollar of income. It's just that most people don't bring in that millionth dollar.
How can ANY liberal, or ANY person who has ever once uttered the phrase "their fair share" be against Cain's 999 plan?

It's the absolute fair share. Absolute equality. Isn't "fairness" and "equality" what the left preaches and desires?

How could anything be more equal than 999?
How could anyone say that isn't the ultimate "fair share" if we're all paying the same?

Liberals, how can you dare oppose something that is ultimate equality, ultimate "fair share" ideal?

This is a dumb as shit thread.
Charging poor people more for bread and milk is ALWAYS the "fair way" for the right wing.

Isn't it the Republican Party that came up with "Feed the poor and they'll breed"?

Go ahead. Ask me to prove it. I dare you.

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