Cain Proposes Electrified Border Fence


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Cain Proposes Electrified Border Fence
Pravda- NY Times Division ^ | 10/15/11 | Wyatt
Cain Proposes Electrified Border Fence -

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Saturday that part of his immigration policy would be to build an electrified fence on the country’s border with Mexico that could kill people trying to enter the country illegally...

Mr. Cain added that he also would consider using military troops “with real guns and real bullets” on the border to stop illegal immigration.

The remarks were among the most pointed yet by Mr. Cain about illegal immigration, and they come as he is enjoying a surge in national political polls on the back of his victory in a recent Florida straw poll..

It is not the first time that Mr. Cain has floated the idea of an electrified fence. He has told the story many times of a caller to his former radio show who chastised him for talking about building a border fence, saying that such an idea was impractical.

“It’s going to be 20 feet high. It’s going to have barbed wire on the top. It’s going to be electrified. And there’s going to be a sign on the other side saying, ‘It will kill you — Warning.’” At an earlier rally, on the campus of Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tenn., he added that the sign would be written “in English and in Spanish.”

“This nation has always been a nation with wide open doors,” Mr. Cain said at the second rally. “We want to make it easy for people to come through the front door. And we’re going to shut off the back door so you don’t have to sneak into America.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Goddamnit, Cain just earned my respect and general election vote. Yes, if he keeps this up than I may even send some money in the general. Wow!!! I hope the fence has 100,000 volts too. Put signs every few feet warning of course, but this is a really good idea. Fuck you illegals.:evil:

I don't like his 999, but this is good stuff. I like his immigration policies.
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“It’s going to be 20 feet high. It’s going to have barbed wire on the top. It’s going to be electrified. And there’s going to be a sign on the other side saying, ‘It will kill you — Warning.’” At an earlier rally, on the campus of Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tenn., he added that the sign would be written “in English and in Spanish.”

True idiocy.

Telling the hate and ignorance of those in support of such a moronic idea.
Cain just proved to me that he is intelligent enough to have a term as president of this nation. This is the kind of stuff I'd do, so I must support him.

Cain, Cain, Cain 2012,
Cain, Cain, Cain 2012,
Cain, Cain, Cain 2012,

Cain/Paul 2012!!!

YAY!!! I think I will send at least something every time he talks about his immigration polices. GO CAIN! A man that cares about his nation. God bless you! A man that won't use our justice system to go after white people, but one that will drive us together and work to fix some of the problems we face. A man that will fry the fucking drug gangs!!!


IF we got to do this together than Cain is a damn good choice!

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Cain’s inane signs should also be in Portuguese, French, and Creole, not to mention the fact many immigrants are illiterate.

Cain’s so ignorant he doesn’t even know Congress would never approve such a fiasco, and none of his DOJ staff would sign-off on this insanity, unless they’re as ignorant and incompetent as Cain.
Herman Cain/Ron Paul 2012.

As much as it pains me to agree with you that I'd like to see it, but it won't happen. I don't think they would go together... and Paul is against a fence, remember the whole keeping people in thing the media blew up over
Cain’s inane signs should also be in Portuguese, French, and Creole, not to mention the fact many immigrants are illiterate.

Cain’s so ignorant he doesn’t even know Congress would never approve such a fiasco, and none of his DOJ staff would sign-off on this insanity, unless they’re as ignorant and incompetent as Cain.

The more I learn about Cain, the more I understand how much of an idiot this guy really is. His regressive 9-9-9 tax plan is a joke, and now this. Let's just set the Army up along the border. Shoot to kill anyone who crosses. In fact, shoot them before they cross. We can call it a preemptive action.
There is a war gong on close to our borders with these drug gangs killing tens of thousands of mexicans a year...It is time to get serious anyways. I support putting troops on our borders. Go CAIN. I hope we declare all out war on the drug gangs.

You all better get used to Herman Cain because he is your NEXT PRESIDENT!
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