Bush's Tragic Legacy


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
A hard truth, most will refuse to accept:

America was trapped in Iraq for years, where a victory was a long time coming and was never a real one. It is currently trapped in Afghanistan, where victory no longer even seems possible. And it is trapped in an embrace with his its ally Pakistan, which it does not trust and yet cannot release.

These are costly defeats for America and the rest of the world. According to a conservative estimate of Brown University, there have been almost 140,000 civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq. The massive retaliation cost more than $3 trillion (€2.2 trillion) -- dollars that would have been better used in America's schools or in the wallets of US citizens.

For a short time after the attacks, the country seemed united. Americans embraced each other. Even the cold city of New York suddenly seemed warm. But instead of cultivating public spirit, President Bush sought to find a pretext -- any pretext -- to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. This is his most tragic legacy, the fact that America can no longer even mourn its victims properly -- because Americans have long been not just victims, but also perpetrators.

But the decade of terror did in fact traumatize Americans and turn them into victims -- even those who only experienced the attacks on television.

Bush's Tragic Legacy: How 9/11 Triggered America's Decline - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Well, Daveman, I am American as you are. Bush really just fucked up, no kidding. No WMD's, no terrorists, either. I hate liberals, too, But enough is enough. Man up. Bush wasn't factual on Iraq. Or much else.
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55 years later we're still fighting the Liberals "War on Poverty"

How's that going?

What's that costing us?
55 years later we're still fighting the Liberals "War on Poverty"

How's that going?

What's that costing us?

obvious deflection is obvious

Deflection from what? Afghanistan was the "good war" remember? Bush did not escalate it, he mostly used local forces with few foreign troops. Obama escalated it and now all those troops are actually HURTING the war effort. The afghans don't like foreigners.

There is zero evidence Bush lied about anything. We have had 3 Congressional Investigations on that and all 3 INCLUDING the Democratic lead one found Bush did not lie.

This is nothing more than a huge attempt at deflecting for Obama the failure. Bush has not been President for 3 YEARS. Obama is President, he OWNS Afghanistan, it is HIS war now. Iraq is over. We won. Funny how all the liberals are applauding democracy in the Arab world EXCEPT in Iraq. Iraq lead the way.
55 years later we're still fighting the Liberals "War on Poverty"

How's that going?

What's that costing us?

obvious deflection is obvious

Deflection from what? Afghanistan was the "good war" remember? Bush did not escalate it, he mostly used local forces with few foreign troops. Obama escalated it and now all those troops are actually HURTING the war effort. The afghans don't like foreigners.

There is zero evidence Bush lied about anything. We have had 3 Congressional Investigations on that and all 3 INCLUDING the Democratic lead one found Bush did not lie.

This is nothing more than a huge attempt at deflecting for Obama the failure. Bush has not been President for 3 YEARS. Obama is President, he OWNS Afghanistan, it is HIS war now. Iraq is over. We won. Funny how all the liberals are applauding democracy in the Arab world EXCEPT in Iraq. Iraq lead the way.

hey, fuckwit. the war on poverty has ZERO to do with all the crap you just spewed.

zero as in none, zip, nada. that's why it's called a deflection.

try reading the fucking words before you respond.

Democrats authorized the president's inolvement in Iraq and then they pretended they were bystanders or members of the jihad. The conduct of the democrat party during a Military conflict in Iraq should have resulted in indictments for treason. The democrat senate majority leader told Americans and the Military and the rest of the world that "the war was lost in Iraq" just before the troop surge was started. Democrats supported a $12,000 full page ad in the NY Times calling the commander of US Troops "betray-us" and snickered as Cindy Sheehan's nut case anti-war demonstrators were hanging the president in effegy. We have the same type of problems in Afghanistan today . Where is Sheehan?
This is one of the most laughably retarded threads I have ever read. Thx for the entertainment value.
A hard truth, most will refuse to accept:

America was trapped in Iraq for years, where a victory was a long time coming and was never a real one. It is currently trapped in Afghanistan, where victory no longer even seems possible. And it is trapped in an embrace with his its ally Pakistan, which it does not trust and yet cannot release.

These are costly defeats for America and the rest of the world. According to a conservative estimate of Brown University, there have been almost 140,000 civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq. The massive retaliation cost more than $3 trillion (€2.2 trillion) -- dollars that would have been better used in America's schools or in the wallets of US citizens.

For a short time after the attacks, the country seemed united. Americans embraced each other. Even the cold city of New York suddenly seemed warm. But instead of cultivating public spirit, President Bush sought to find a pretext -- any pretext -- to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. This is his most tragic legacy, the fact that America can no longer even mourn its victims properly -- because Americans have long been not just victims, but also perpetrators.

But the decade of terror did in fact traumatize Americans and turn them into victims -- even those who only experienced the attacks on television.

Bush's Tragic Legacy: How 9/11 Triggered America's Decline - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Stupid premise by Der Speigel, Clayton. I guess it would make sense if other nations throughout the world including most of Europe weren't going through the same or much worse economic times then we are. And the idea that America has been "traumatized" by 911 is laughable. We sucked it up, tightened up security and went on. Anyone who's been to New York City would tell you that it will take a lot more than Osama Bin Laden to traumatize that city.
obvious deflection is obvious

Deflection from what? Afghanistan was the "good war" remember? Bush did not escalate it, he mostly used local forces with few foreign troops. Obama escalated it and now all those troops are actually HURTING the war effort. The afghans don't like foreigners.

There is zero evidence Bush lied about anything. We have had 3 Congressional Investigations on that and all 3 INCLUDING the Democratic lead one found Bush did not lie.

This is nothing more than a huge attempt at deflecting for Obama the failure. Bush has not been President for 3 YEARS. Obama is President, he OWNS Afghanistan, it is HIS war now. Iraq is over. We won. Funny how all the liberals are applauding democracy in the Arab world EXCEPT in Iraq. Iraq lead the way.

hey, fuckwit. the war on poverty has ZERO to do with all the crap you just spewed.

zero as in none, zip, nada. that's why it's called a deflection.

try reading the fucking words before you respond.


Hey RETARD this entire thread is a deflection. Obama sucks and is dropping like a rock in the polls so the left brings out some tired old lie about Bush. Bush is NOT president. Hasn't been for 3 YEARS. The American people are not going to buy the whining and crying.

Bush failed to get Bin Laden

The federal response to Katrina sucked even worse than the city and state response

Doing a tax cut and a couple of wars at the same time was an obvious recipe for fiscal disaster

At the end of the Bush terms our nation was in much poorer shape in every way than at the beginning of his terms.

Whatever one states concerning President Obama's term thus far does not change the dismal failure of Bush's terms.

Bush failed to get Bin Laden

The federal response to Katrina sucked even worse than the city and state response

Doing a tax cut and a couple of wars at the same time was an obvious recipe for fiscal disaster

At the end of the Bush terms our nation was in much poorer shape in every way than at the beginning of his terms.

Whatever one states concerning President Obama's term thus far does not change the dismal failure of Bush's terms.

Talk about a deflection. The Local and State failure to Katrina is both unmatched and unprecedented. Who went against the FEMA, advice to evacuate and was the cause of so many ending up trapped in their attics to die?
Bush's biggest mistake was not emulating the "Great" FDR and sending all Muslims to Internment Camps.

Bush failed to get Bin Laden

The federal response to Katrina sucked even worse than the city and state response

Doing a tax cut and a couple of wars at the same time was an obvious recipe for fiscal disaster

At the end of the Bush terms our nation was in much poorer shape in every way than at the beginning of his terms.

Whatever one states concerning President Obama's term thus far does not change the dismal failure of Bush's terms.

Clinton had the best opportunity to 'get Bin Laden' after the 1993 attack. He didn't. That one decision - or, more accurately, that lack of a decision - had quite dire consequences.

Your overly simplistic summary may suit your political agenda - but it's not exactly accurate. I prefer accuracy over political convenience.
The Islamic fighter is, in many ways and aspects, very similar to the Japanese Warrior of WWII. There's a lesson to be learned from the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Marines on Iwo Jima during that conflict, when they finally departed the island, things there were very much at peace there.
Sometimes cleaning a swamp can be a daunting task.

Admiral William F "Bull" Halsey remarked to himself and those around him as he and the ships of his carrier task force sailed back into Pearl Harbor, the afternoon of December 7th, 1941, "When we are finished, the only place the Japanese language will be spoken will be in Hell!"
A hard truth, most will refuse to accept:

America was trapped in Iraq for years, where a victory was a long time coming and was never a real one. It is currently trapped in Afghanistan, where victory no longer even seems possible. And it is trapped in an embrace with his its ally Pakistan, which it does not trust and yet cannot release.

These are costly defeats for America and the rest of the world. According to a conservative estimate of Brown University, there have been almost 140,000 civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq. The massive retaliation cost more than $3 trillion (€2.2 trillion) -- dollars that would have been better used in America's schools or in the wallets of US citizens.

For a short time after the attacks, the country seemed united. Americans embraced each other. Even the cold city of New York suddenly seemed warm. But instead of cultivating public spirit, President Bush sought to find a pretext -- any pretext -- to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. This is his most tragic legacy, the fact that America can no longer even mourn its victims properly -- because Americans have long been not just victims, but also perpetrators.

But the decade of terror did in fact traumatize Americans and turn them into victims -- even those who only experienced the attacks on television.

Bush's Tragic Legacy: How 9/11 Triggered America's Decline - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Wow, a thousand words on the “republican” George Bush, no one loves us ( have they checked the polls under obama lately?), he made bill gates un cool ( the Euro. Trade commission has been bashing the snot out of Microsoft since Win 95- and has been bashing Intel for years) and the country is divided because well, 2.7 years of the Dream President and 6 years of dem congress has zip to do with that of course:rolleyes, its da Boooosh….
lets see throw in a gratuitous “lousy health statistics” ( obama care is slated to rescue us Hans wtf?) and oh yeah, we are “distrustful, fearful and defensive -- against Muslims” and yes they did, the old ; “ many people can still not accept having a black president in the White House. the president is black. ”
From folks whose previous feats include the Final Solution and shoveling people into ovens, they have some fucking balls.

Why on earth would you even post this? It too short to sppt any of its points, its bile and frankly insulting? Just a short quick trashy rant on why we suck in their eyes…whats the point?

I can see it now, der spiegel editor in chiefs office;

“Gunther, Hans here.... 911 iz cuming up, vat to do? ….Ecy Gunther, vite !!!schnell! Euro Libby agitprop, creem in za pants hate amerika, boosh iz dummkopf, one tousand vords rasch!…
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Bush stepped up and kicked alqueda and taliban ass in Iraq and Afghanistan instead of New Jersey. Clinton called the first attack on the WTC a "foolish act by foolish people" instead of what it was which was a jihad attack on the US. They offered him Bin Ladin on a silver platter and he turned it down while his big dumb A.G. prevented the CIA from sharing information with the FBI. Bill was diddling Monica while the 9-11 terrorists were in flight school in the US. Democrats authorized boots on the ground in Iraq and then pretended they were bystanders or part of the jihad. The senate majority leader should be in jail for treason when he tried to influence the morale of the Troops by telling them the war was lost. Bush did an amazing job despite being stabbed in the back by the democrat party every time he turned around.

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