Bush was the front runner for the GOP nom


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
before I ever heard him speak -back in 2000.

Deja vu all over again.

I have never heard Perry speak.

Wednesday debate will be the first time.
FYI, Perry is more like Clinton than Bush. That might not matter to you, but it probably will to the conservatives in the GOP who do not want another RINO.
FYI, Perry is more like Clinton than Bush. That might not matter to you, but it probably will to the conservatives in the GOP who do not want another RINO.

whatever it takes to keep Bachmann away from the nomination.
whatever it takes to keep Bachmann away from the nomination.

Palin has a better chance than Bachman, and she has no chance at all.

Good. I do hope, though, that Bachmann doesn't win Iowa. it will screw things up.

No it won't.

Bachmann sticking around for a while will help things. She is perceived as a nut, so she can say things that need to be said, and give the other candidates a chance to seem moderate in comparison. Like her comment about the Dept. of Education today, eliminating it is not going to fly, and is probably a bad idea overall, but the others can step in and say that we should reduce the federal government's influence in local schools, reduce the budget by eliminating most of what the DOE does, and actually get some real data out of them that can help schools make informed choices about what works and what does not.

You have to think like a politician and figure out how to use everyone.
Perrys the front-runner and I have never heard him speak.

Just like in 2000 - Bush was already the annointed GOP nominee before I heard him speak
Palin has a better chance than Bachman, and she has no chance at all.

Good. I do hope, though, that Bachmann doesn't win Iowa. it will screw things up.

No it won't.

Bachmann sticking around for a while will help things. She is perceived as a nut, so she can say things that need to be said, and give the other candidates a chance to seem moderate in comparison. Like her comment about the Dept. of Education today, eliminating it is not going to fly, and is probably a bad idea overall, but the others can step in and say that we should reduce the federal government's influence in local schools, reduce the budget by eliminating most of what the DOE does, and actually get some real data out of them that can help schools make informed choices about what works and what does not.

You have to think like a politician and figure out how to use everyone.

There is no AUTHORITY for the Department of Education at the Federal level. Never has been. It is a State power. Or perhaps you could cite for me the clause giving this power to the Feds? And if you say the Commerce Clause as the Dems do you are an idiot.
Perrys the front-runner and I have never heard him speak.

Just like in 2000 - Bush was already the annointed GOP nominee before I heard him speak

Again, you keep working on the assumption that these debates are really all that important.

I have seen Perry speak, and he is a much better speaker than Dubya was. Dubya's problem was that when he spoke, he was trying to down-play his Texas accent, which meant that he often stumbled. Perry doesn't give a flip.

He's from Texas and isn't afraid to let you know it.

Perry will probably win because he's the candidate all the factions of the GOP can live with. The Establishment and Wall Street Republicans would LOVE to have Romney (R-Kolob), but the TEA Party and Christian Conservatives want nothing to do with him. The TEA Party and Chrisitians like Bachmann, but probalby figure she's unelectable. Perry is someone everyone can kind of live with, so that's probably why he'll get the nomination unless he's caught in bed with a dead hooker or something.
Hope Perry impressesthe hell out of me and other moderates in Wed debate - to get oba,a out of office.

May be the worst president of all time
Good. I do hope, though, that Bachmann doesn't win Iowa. it will screw things up.

No it won't.

Bachmann sticking around for a while will help things. She is perceived as a nut, so she can say things that need to be said, and give the other candidates a chance to seem moderate in comparison. Like her comment about the Dept. of Education today, eliminating it is not going to fly, and is probably a bad idea overall, but the others can step in and say that we should reduce the federal government's influence in local schools, reduce the budget by eliminating most of what the DOE does, and actually get some real data out of them that can help schools make informed choices about what works and what does not.

You have to think like a politician and figure out how to use everyone.

There is no AUTHORITY for the Department of Education at the Federal level. Never has been. It is a State power. Or perhaps you could cite for me the clause giving this power to the Feds? And if you say the Commerce Clause as the Dems do you are an idiot.

If the DOE sticks to collating data from various states about the real world impact of various theories as applied I believe a case can be made for it at the federal level. That was its purpose 130 years ago, that should be its purpose today.

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