Bush tax cut continue to be a failure


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Bush tax cut did not save or create jobs here and did not stop businesses from taking their business overseas creating jobs in Mexico, China, India, etc.
Obama extended the tax cuts and still did not create any jobs or stop jobs from leaving the country. More tax cuts will not give businesses incentives to stay and bring their businesses back. They will take the tax cut and continue to take their businesses overseas because they are greedy.
Obama’s stimulus was not a failure because it did not jump start the economy. It was a win because it saved jobs and created jobs that other wise we would be an a depression instead of a recession and the unemployment rate would be 20% instead of 9.1%. GOP believe if you say something lone and loud enough it will be true.

“If we learn from our mistakes, why do we keep making the same ones over and over?”
I take it you were ignoring the near full employment Bush had once the tax cuts went into effect until when the Democrats took over the Legislative branch aren't you?

Extending the tax cuts wasnt designed to create jobs. It was designed to keep us from losing more jobs by burdening people with more taxes.

Why people seem to think we should labor 1/3 of our time for the government is beyond me. Dont you want to keep what earn? Yeah we need some taxation. But why should we be laboring beyond 1/10th of our time for the government? And according to Ben Franklin even that is oppressive.

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