Bush Has Not Gone To Denver Yet

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
Denver Blizzard

Weather "happens"...

Up here in the " Mile-Hi City", we just recovered from a Historic event - some even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions." It arrived in the form of a blizzard containing up to 44" inches of snow, winds to 90 MPH and greater... broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of communities, and cut power to ten's of thousands.


George Bush did not come.

FEMA did nothing.

No one howled for the government.

No one blamed the government.

No one even uttered an expletive on TV.

Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.

Our Mayor did not blame Mr. Bush or anyone else.

Our Governor did not blame Mr. Bush or anyone else, either.

CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC did not visit - or report on this category 5 snowstorm.

Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards.

No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.

No one looted.

Nobody - And I mean Nobody ...demanded the government do something.

Nobody expected the government to do anything, either.

No Larry King, no Shepard Smith, no Oprah, no Chris Mathews and no Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.

No Sean Penn, no Barbara Striesand... without fanfare... simply no Hollywood types to be found.

Nope, we just melted the snow for water.

Sent out caravans of SUV's to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars.

ALL Truck drivers hauled people out of snow banks and didn't ask for a penny.

Local restaurants prepaired food for police and fire departments to deliver to snowbound families, elderly, and anyone else in need.

Families took in stranded people, typically, total strangers.

We fired up wood stoves, broke out kerosene, propane, or Coleman lanterns.

Fire wood was distributed to those that needed it.

We put on extra layers of clothes because up here, it is "Work or Die".

We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out of a mess... created by a government sponsored welfare program that trades votes for 'sittin at home' checks.

Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never fallen this early in the season, we know it can happen; and how to deal with it ourselves.

In my travels, I've noticed that once above 48 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems evaporate. It does seem that way, at least to me.

There may be a message inside this message... "The world does Not owe you a living!" Any part of this you don't understand?

No, it is now called Chocolate Town

The article does show the liberal mindset however

:clap2: indeed it is. I say level the 9th ward and make it farm land. No more worries of ever having to deal with it again. But hey this town has been in denial for hundreds of years so why should any of us ever expect anything anything different. Don't get me wrong about pride in where ya came from and the lack of responsibility of fixing or making a stand against the problem at hand!!!!That is area is below sea level. That is a laws of nature thing and you either build up or move out. They have the time to fix it now instead of rebuilding a broken problem.
After billions of dollars, libs still say it is not enough. the state and local government had millions to reopen the Superdome, but if people are still without homes, well, it is Buish's fault

Or per Barney Frank..................

Barney Frank:“It’s not ethnic cleansing in the sense that they’re killing people or [driving] people out,…”
January 5, 2007 2:04 PM
Posted By:peejz
Filed in: National News, Eye on the Left
No Barney Frank didn’t accuse the Bush administration of outright genocide, but he most definitely inferred it:

“And, what I believe is, at this point you’re not talking about [inaudible], but what you’re talking about is, I think, a [inaudible], what you’re talking about is when you simply, in a calculated way, refuse to do anything for well over a year … [inaudible] … and [stuttering] I, I, the policy I think here is ethnic cleansing by inaction.

“It’s not ethnic cleansing in the sense that they’re killing people or [driving] people out, but what we need to recognize here is that, they’re in this happy position for them, where the federal government does nothing, as they become richer and richer, because well not only black people needed housing assistance, but they were [predominantly poor, who did it], to simply not do anything to alleviate this housing crisis which … was being exacerbated by Katrina … [inaudible] they, they, they let the hurricane do the ethnic cleansing, because then they’re, all they’re doing is not resisting it, that’s why I call ethnic cleansing by inaction, and I know that there are people who were very happy that, as a result, … [inaudible] … [so that] Louisiana would become a more widely Republican [city] … [inaudible] … because if you lose 100,000 black voters … then you have to take a state that was prodominately Republican and made it [inaudible].”

To me, that is the most appalling part of this! It all gets down to the vote. Not the human being. If this had been a predominately Republican district, would he even be talking about this? We don’t know for sure. What we do know for sure is that Barney Frank is fully aware of the fact that the feds can not go and rebuild private property!
This whole thing has and will be one huge excuse for years to come. You have a city that is lazy and wants hand outs. Yet in the name of arrogance the mayor can't or will not stand up to his own people and say enough already! Look at the FEMA deal, what a complete joke. Yes there are some folks who are in a world of S H I T. But not everyone is and I can say I'd stay as long as I could until I was required to move. But that is being cheap on my part. What I'm saying is this. Instead of immigrants doing the work: Do the old Roosevelt way put the people to work and they will get room and food and a check: They don't want to do it then they will not be granted any help what so ever: You'd either see the city to continue to sink in shame or it would rise into the air as the nations poster child against free hand outs and a city that was built on sweat from it's own citizens. But hey it is way easier to point fingers and hold hands out for free stuff than do something about it. I think this whole deal was a complete slap in our nations face and we look like jackasses everyone of us. I won't say it won’t happen to me or my community because I'm on the water and I know it could. But our states that border water should really invest in other methods for the future. I mean right now the prices of meat are going to go up. And when did Colorado become a main beef producing state? So it all rolls down hill and that is a fact.
Hurricane Katrina; Has America Forgotten?
This week marked the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which means it’s time for white Americans to look into the mirror and ask themselves what they have done to make life easier for the millions of impoverished Blacks they allowed to drown in New Orleans. The answer is, to put it bluntly, diddly squat. Despite all the promises to rebuild the Chocolate City and restore it to its original chocolatey goodness, houses ripped from their foundations still rest in the middle of the streets, with large crowds of local politicians standing around wondering what Bush is going to do about it. Parts of the Gulf of Mexico are still completely underwater. The thousands who fled Louisiana haven't been offered enough cash incentives to come back, and the grinning skeletons of entire Black families who remained behind carpet the rooftops to this day, patiently waiting for rescue teams that will never come.

We can never completely repay African-Americans for what we did to them in New Orleans, nor can we ever wash the blood of slavery off our hands. But there are meaningless little gestures we can make to show the Black community that we at least care enough to pretend like we give damn about their suffering. Naming a street in your community after Dr. Martin Luther King, for instance. Giving Halle Berry an Oscar. And most importantly, understanding that African Americans are essentially helpless children who need constant nurturing to survive.

About ten years ago, I noticed a homeless African-American man panhandling on the street corner outside my apartment building. Realizing that as a white man I was somehow responsible for his sorry state of affairs, I felt obligated to make amends. So I gave the poor man a crisp ten dollar bill, and he thanked me profusely.

The next day, I passed the same guy begging for change again. I gave him another ten bucks as I walked by. “Blesh you shir,” he slurred. “Gah Blesh you!” I shook my head and reminded him that the money was his by rights. In an anglo-centric system of White Privilege built through the exploitation of African slaves, every dollar a white person earns is essentially stolen from a black person - or from any other minority (except for those damn Asians who are practically house Negroes because they work hard and don't complain).

On third day, the poor guy was still out there on the corner but he didn’t even bother to thank me when I gave him another ten dollars. He just nodded as if he had expected it. Nevertheless, I gave him ten dollars every single day for the next two or three weeks. By the end of the month, rent was due and I was a little short on cash, so I had to skip my reparations payments for a while. Then one afternoon as I was knitting macrame bong sweaters for Hempfest '96, there came a loud pounding on my door.

“YO, WHERE’S MY MONEY, BITCH?” A familiar voice shouted from the hall. “I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! OPEN UP!"

"I'm broke!" I cried. "I don't have any money to give you!"


As a progressive American sensitive to the plight of the oppressed hyphenated peoples, and aware that as a White American I am to totally blame for it, how could I possibly argue with him? I quickly slipped my credit card under the door, and listened as his footsteps dwindled away down the hall.

That was the last I heard from him until a couple weeks ago, when he knocked on my door as I was knitting bong sweaters for Hempfest '06. I looked through the peephole and saw a transformed man. Clean cut, shaven, and wearing a nice suit, he was almost completely indistinguishable from the downtrodden street bum I had met ten years before.

“I want to shake your hand,” he said when I opened the door and greeted him. “Before I met you, I was a broken man, and convinced that I was totally to blame for my condition. But your stup...err, generosity opened my eyes. Thanks to you, I was able to rise up out of the gutter and begin a rewarding and lucrative career transforming white guilt into cold hard cash. Now I'm running for Congress in the State of Maryland, and I'm counting on your support.”

“Of course, Mr. Mfume!" I agreed, beaming with pride. "I'll be more than happy to help in any way I can! I'll campaign, I'll pass out flyers, whatever you want!"

“Actually," he replied, clearing his throat, "they cancelled your credit card. I ‘ll need a new one.”

Later that evening, as I crawled onto the mountain of delinquent credit card bills and “pay or vacate notices” I've been sleeping on since I pawned my flotation tank, I congratulated myself on a job well done. In a small way, I had fulfilled my duty as the descendent of people with the same color skin as slave owners to enrich the lives of people with the same color skin as slaves 150 years in the grave.

No longer can the racist great, great, great, great grandchildren of plantation owners use the fact that they weren't even alive during the era of slavery to escape their responsibility for the plight of African-Americans. Hurricane Katrina will make sure of that. Like Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, it will forever serve as an annual booster shot of white guilt.
I personally get tired of all the boo hoos that are in the news and the black community. Check this out we are now required to call black folks African Americans? Why? If they are born here then aren’t they physically Americans? I’m Irish and I’m a ¼ Indian related to Quanah Parker. So what gives am I now to be called either American Indian or American Irish or American mutt? I mean I can clearly side with the Indians since they are the indigenousness people of the land but all races have been en-slaved in this country and to build it and the only race besides the Indians who have raised hell about so called back pay are the blacks and they haven’t been required to live on reservations either. They need to speak to the hand :eusa_hand: and get over it. Nobody cares and all anybody wants to do is live life without all this crap hanging over about their rights! I’m just glad I live in a country that somewhat excepts me for me and I can whine, when I want and worship when I want and I also up held those values by serving my country for 13 years. And for that I’m really glad to be living here because I’ve visited the other side and other places and it ain’t all that green. So those folk with chips on their shoulders couldn’t last one day in there so-called native land where they are killing and using genocide to rid the race. Something to think about when we all want to point fingers. Hate is easy to continue but acceptance takes work and if we tried it a little each day I believe it would change everyone attitudes
Remember this from NY Councilmen Charles Barron? I wonder how libs would react if a white guy said this about blacks

New York City Councilman Charles Barron said Sunday that he was using "black hyperbole" when he told a Washington, D.C. crowd gathered yesterday to demonstrate for slavery reparations that he wanted to slap white people who didn't sympathize with the cause.

"I want to go up to the closest white person and say, 'You can't understand this, it's a black thing,' and then slap him, just for my mental health," Barron announced as 2,000 to 3,000 reparations supporters looked on.

As the New York official uttered his incendiary remarks, vendors from the New Black Panther Party, which provided security for the event, hawked T-Shirts that read "Kill Whitey" and "How did we get to America? Heartless Christian Buyer, Ruthless Jewish seller," the Washington Times reported.

Asked about his explosive slap-the-nearest-white-person comment, Barron told WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg he was only joking before the interview turned contentious. The exchange went like this:

MALZBERG: How long have you wanted to slap white people?

BARRON: Well, let me say this to you. It's interesting that they would take that out of my speech. I think everybody knew there that was what we call improvision - oratorial improvision and black hyperbole. And y'all wouldn't understand that 'cause you're uptight and you're gonna take it where it was not intended. Everybody at the rally laughed. White stage hands and camera people laughed. When I came off the stage, I shook hands with whites who were there and they congratulated me on a great speech. No one has taken that serious but you.

MALZBERG: Well, I'm taking it serious because it's presented as serious in the wire story. What in the world is black....

BARRON: It's not serious. That's not serious. It's black hyperbole. Let's talk about reparations.

MALZBERG: Wait, wait, wait. If you'll be quiet for a second I'm gonna ask you the question, what in the world is black hyperbole?

BARRON: You don't know what a hyperbole is?

MALZBERG: Yeah, I do.....

BARRON: Let me break it down for you.....

MALZBERG: N-n-n-n-n-no, I do but you just....

BARRON: Let me break down the parts of speech for you.

MALZBERG: You yourself - no, no, no, hold on. Now you're on hold because now you're insulting. Put him on hold because I want to - you said, "You won't understand this because you're white and uptight and blah, blah, blah but black hyperbole." So, yes, I know what hyperbole is. My question to you was, what is - what you said I wouldn't understand because I'm white - black hyperbole.

BARRON: It's a sense of humor. And we take things - we identify humor, they're gross exaggerations. That's a hyperbole. And it's a sense of humor that we have politically that our folk will understand and some other folk will get uptight and take it very seriously.

MALZBERG: So if I made a joke before a white audience that I wanted to - just for my mental health - slap a black person, then I could always claim that, that was white hyperbole.

BARRON: No. Because that's not how white people joke around. You're just trying to make a hypothetical to turn this into something it's not.

MALZBERG: Oh, so black people....

BARRON: Let's talk about reparations.

MALZBERG: I will. Black people joke around by talking about....

BARRON: Let's talk about reparations....

MALZBERG: Wait a minute. Don't tell....

BARRON: You could put me on hold again if you'd like.

MALZBERG: So you're just going to.....

BARRON: 'Cause I'm not entertaining no more of you wasting my time on black hyperbole you just don't get.

MALZBERG: Alright. Good-bye, city councilman. Thank you very much. I'm not going to be treated rudely and badgered on my show. (End of Excerpt)

Remember this from NY Councilmen Charles Barron? I wonder how libs would react if a white guy said this about blacks

New York City Councilman Charles Barron said Sunday that he was using "black hyperbole" when he told a Washington, D.C. crowd gathered yesterday to demonstrate for slavery reparations that he wanted to slap white people who didn't sympathize with the cause.

"I want to go up to the closest white person and say, 'You can't understand this, it's a black thing,' and then slap him, just for my mental health," Barron announced as 2,000 to 3,000 reparations supporters looked on.

As the New York official uttered his incendiary remarks, vendors from the New Black Panther Party, which provided security for the event, hawked T-Shirts that read "Kill Whitey" and "How did we get to America? Heartless Christian Buyer, Ruthless Jewish seller," the Washington Times reported.

Asked about his explosive slap-the-nearest-white-person comment, Barron told WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg he was only joking before the interview turned contentious. The exchange went like this:

MALZBERG: How long have you wanted to slap white people?

BARRON: Well, let me say this to you. It's interesting that they would take that out of my speech. I think everybody knew there that was what we call improvision - oratorial improvision and black hyperbole. And y'all wouldn't understand that 'cause you're uptight and you're gonna take it where it was not intended. Everybody at the rally laughed. White stage hands and camera people laughed. When I came off the stage, I shook hands with whites who were there and they congratulated me on a great speech. No one has taken that serious but you.

MALZBERG: Well, I'm taking it serious because it's presented as serious in the wire story. What in the world is black....

BARRON: It's not serious. That's not serious. It's black hyperbole. Let's talk about reparations.

MALZBERG: Wait, wait, wait. If you'll be quiet for a second I'm gonna ask you the question, what in the world is black hyperbole?

BARRON: You don't know what a hyperbole is?

MALZBERG: Yeah, I do.....

BARRON: Let me break it down for you.....

MALZBERG: N-n-n-n-n-no, I do but you just....

BARRON: Let me break down the parts of speech for you.

MALZBERG: You yourself - no, no, no, hold on. Now you're on hold because now you're insulting. Put him on hold because I want to - you said, "You won't understand this because you're white and uptight and blah, blah, blah but black hyperbole." So, yes, I know what hyperbole is. My question to you was, what is - what you said I wouldn't understand because I'm white - black hyperbole.

BARRON: It's a sense of humor. And we take things - we identify humor, they're gross exaggerations. That's a hyperbole. And it's a sense of humor that we have politically that our folk will understand and some other folk will get uptight and take it very seriously.

MALZBERG: So if I made a joke before a white audience that I wanted to - just for my mental health - slap a black person, then I could always claim that, that was white hyperbole.

BARRON: No. Because that's not how white people joke around. You're just trying to make a hypothetical to turn this into something it's not.

MALZBERG: Oh, so black people....

BARRON: Let's talk about reparations.

MALZBERG: I will. Black people joke around by talking about....

BARRON: Let's talk about reparations....

MALZBERG: Wait a minute. Don't tell....

BARRON: You could put me on hold again if you'd like.

MALZBERG: So you're just going to.....

BARRON: 'Cause I'm not entertaining no more of you wasting my time on black hyperbole you just don't get.

MALZBERG: Alright. Good-bye, city councilman. Thank you very much. I'm not going to be treated rudely and badgered on my show. (End of Excerpt)


I enjoy many of your articles, but could you cut it down to a paragraph or so? The readers can follow the link.
I, for one, would rather just push on.

This kind of stuff only inflames.

This city councilman is an idiot, and a racist.

Nuf said.:eusa_hand:

Not a racist? Oh, he is black. Only whites can be racist per Dems and the liberal media

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