Bush Below 40% for 7th consecutive month..


Active Member
May 24, 2006
The american people are speaking up. Sounds to me like most of America cant wait till Bush gets the hell out of office. Seems like most of the people who supported him are now turning against him. Can I say WE TOLD YA SO !!!!!


U.S. President George Bush's approval rating has stayed below 40 percent for a seventh consecutive month, a USA Today/Gallup Poll said.

USA Today reported Monday that two other presidents have had longer periods of low approval ratings since modern polling began -- one was Richard Nixon in the 13 months leading up to his resignation during the Watergate scandal and the other was Harry Truman during his final 26 months in office and the Korean War.

Bush's approval rating in a poll taken last Monday through Thursday was 38 percent, USA Today reported.

"It's pretty hard for a president to get ratings this low in general and then to be in the position where you basically don't budge -- that's been reserved for some of the least popular presidents during the worst times of the last 60 years," Jeffrey Jones of the Gallup Poll told USA Today.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told the newspaper that the president pays little attention to polls.

"If we're reviewing consecutive streaks, one of the most impressive is our 60-plus months of economic growth and 42 months of job creation," she said.
I'd bet my left nut..If every American had to vote by force..

Four options only..

A friendly gay man,Mrs.Clinton....Ellen DeGeneres.....I'm not sure what Republican will take the lead....So have not a clue on who wants that job.

Richard Simmons would be the next president...if this administration don't get there shit in gear....

The Con Party will have to resort to Michael Jackson endorsing them...

You Libs will be as equaly guilty on making the small man go out of business...Your loans,grants..funding that helps those more...not making the sacrafice here in our own country....that those who try to do so born & raised need.

Having the carrer politican Mrs.Clinton aint gona make my life any better...to the low class I feel I'm in..to the middle.

I feel things would be better..if the super rich said..better to be middle class...Than my poor as trying to make it to it...(smile)


Well..gona dip some celery in some peanut butter....Sip on some more beer..:)

If the American dream is gone..so is the belief to trying to succeed....

Social Security is something now...this country needs..to keep that boat from sinking....

Beer is the only thing that is gona save us...:)


I'd like to ask one question....

How many on this site would STILL vote Bush if the choice was Kerry or Bush?

Kerry with the grand plan in Iraq of "Do wut he duz, but wit 10 thousand more guyz..." Not even a "surge"? Honestly.

How many would?
I'd like to ask one question....

How many on this site would STILL vote Bush if the choice was Kerry or Bush?

Kerry with the grand plan in Iraq of "Do wut he duz, but wit 10 thousand more guyz..." Not even a "surge"? Honestly.

How many would?

Only those who consider the troops terrorists and uneducated

Only those who want to fight a "more sensitive war"

Only those who support a "Global Test" before America takes steps to protect and defend herself

I would, however, cast a vote for Kerry if he was running for President of France
Bush's approval rating is the lowest since jimmy carter. Even Nixon had a higher rating when he left office.
I'd like to ask one question....

How many on this site would STILL vote Bush if the choice was Kerry or Bush?

I never voted for Bush...but I wouldn't vote for Kerry again either. I'll write my own name in there if it's between those two. But for '08 and every election forward, I've come to the conclusion that minority governments are best for the nation. You have a little more oversight that way. A Dem or Repub majority in two branches of government is bad any way you slice you it. If the Dems are still in power at the House and Senate in 08, I'm voting Republican in the Presidential primaries no matter what. I'd be content with Giuliani in the White House if the House and Senate are split.
The only difference, bush has had an approval rating below 40 for 7 straight months. Too bad this is not an American Idol approval rating. I think more people voted for sanjiya than in the entire political poll.
The only difference, bush has had an approval rating below 40 for 7 straight months. Too bad this is not an American Idol approval rating. I think more people voted for sanjiya than in the entire political poll.

Looks to me that Congressional 30's have been a year or more!
the interesting phenomenon that occurs when polling the public about congress is that most folks think it is the OTHER guy's senators and congressmen who are lousy...they tend to like their own pretty well. When the public is polled about the president, that is not the case.
the interesting phenomenon that occurs when polling the public about congress is that most folks think it is the OTHER guy's senators and congressmen who are lousy...they tend to like their own pretty well. When the public is polled about the president, that is not the case.

So it's been since I don't know when. It's the incumbent factor.
So it's been since I don't know when. It's the incumbent factor.

exactly...and the incumbent factor applies to congress...NOT to the president. If you ask Americans how they feel about Bush, they pretty clearly do not think much of him. If you ask them what they think of THEIR congressmen and senators, they like 'em just fine.
exactly...and the incumbent factor applies to congress...NOT to the president. If you ask Americans how they feel about Bush, they pretty clearly do not think much of him. If you ask them what they think of THEIR congressmen and senators, they like 'em just fine.

Nope, for the most part breaks down along partisan lines. More id as Dems, but more Reps tend to vote. Which is why Republican presidents usually have an advantage. While there are certainly those conservatives that vote GOP blindly, there are significant numbers that will boycott, go libertarian, vote Democrat, etc. The Dems that ususally vote, tend to stick Democratic, or change affiliation altogether.

To the best of my knowledge, these generalities have held since at least mid-1960's.
Nope, for the most part breaks down along partisan lines. More id as Dems, but more Reps tend to vote. Which is why Republican presidents usually have an advantage. While there are certainly those conservatives that vote GOP blindly, there are significant numbers that will boycott, go libertarian, vote Democrat, etc. The Dems that ususally vote, tend to stick Democratic, or change affiliation altogether.

To the best of my knowledge, these generalities have held since at least mid-1960's.

my point is, that very few, if any congressmen or senators poll in the 30% range in their own district/state.... it is only when the public is asked to grade congress as a whole that the ratings slip. People tend to think more highly of their own congressional delegates, regardless of party, than they do of everyone else's congressional delegates.
my point is, that very few, if any congressmen or senators poll in the 30% range in their own district/state.... it is only when the public is asked to grade congress as a whole that the ratings slip. People tend to think more highly of their own congressional delegates, regardless of party, than they do of everyone else's congressional delegates.

and there are districts, like yours where Bush might get 2-6%. Then there are those in mine, where he's probably in high 80's-90%. Funny thing, my guess is our demographics are probably not that different.
and there are districts, like yours where Bush might get 2-6%. Then there are those in mine, where he's probably in high 80's-90%. Funny thing, my guess is our demographics are probably not that different.

I wouldn't think the disparity would be that great.
I have a question for you two, considering that study's have shown that 80% of scientists are athiest and 73% of intellectuals do not vote based on faith. Do you believe that it is harder for democrats to get elected because they get less blind votes?

For example, If you are a christian born in texas, dont you think it would be easier to get blind votes from strict conservatives and patriots in that demographic, rather than legitimate policy observing votes?

Basically, do you think it is harder for democrats to win, because they get votes from the few who know what is going on in the world, rather than the majority of evangelicals, who vote blindly, or vote in favor of the christian southerner based on thier faith or hometown? Or do you believe it is harder for them to get elected based on policy reasons and has nothing to do with blind votes? This question is assuming that at least half of americans do not vote blindly, which is optimistic to say the least.

Sorry if im getting off topic
I wouldn't think the disparity would be that great.

We are talking about 'approval ratings' for GW. I'm in York Township, DuPage County. About as close to 100% GOP as you are going to see, regarding President, but not necessarily Congress. Certainly not state offices. It's all about taxes and defense

Jumping in to answer the newbie, I disagree with your analysis. Check out education stats for DuPage County, then again we are not dominated by Evangelicals and we're not in TX. Though I have more respect for both than you.

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