"Burn Your Masks!" Massive Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage Worldwide


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Why corrupted politicians and police animals continue genocide against humanity called Covid-1984 scamdemic? Because they know the point of no return had been already passed and after peoples become free they will send all Corona criminals to the Nuernebrg 2.0. It's difficult to believe they become minor penalties because Covid-1984 scam took already lives of more as 100m Covid measures victims worldwide. Any police gangster, any lying presstitiute, any grocery owner, any security, any snitch and of course any politician will know the rage of peoples who become free again

Thousands, and possibly tens-of-thousands of protesters across Europe marched on Saturday against continued government lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions based on questionable science - which have resulted in mass unemployment, destroyed small businesses, stoked widespread depression and mental illness, and cost taxpayers trillions to keep the whole ship from sinking.

Protesters in London, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Japan, Vienna and elsewhere came out for the Worldwide Rally for Freedom.

I thought Americas was supposed to be te home of the brave and the land of the free? It sure doesn't look like it. European countries are protesting and Americans are just following orders no matter how stupid and how unscientific
I thought Americas was supposed to be te home of the brave and the land of the free? It sure doesn't look like it. European countries are protesting and Americans are just following orders no matter how stupid and how unscientific

Because many Americans deliberately dumbed down by corrupted politicians and presstitutes
Amazing, Americans should be taking the lead in the fight against masks
have you seen this video? please email it to all your friends.thanks.

Everyone shall know Covid-1984 is the mass genocide against humanity, a small bunch of criminals like Biden, Putin, Merkel, Macron, Schwab, Gates & Co are wanna kill more as 99,99% humans by the deadly 'vaccine'
have you seen this video? please email it to all your friends.thanks.

Everyone shall know Covid-1984 is the mass genocide against humanity, a small bunch of criminals like Biden, Putin, Merkel, Macron, Schwab, Gates & Co are wanna kill more as 99,99% humans by the deadly 'vaccine'

i am going to assume sense you gave me a thumbs up that you HAVE seen the video?
I just love the willingness of the right to step right up and prove to the world how stupid they are. Last I heard drinking lestoil would cure it anyway. What a group of baffons

When leftist morons want to die they can do it, no problem, the world has enough idiots.
But frigging lefts enforce anyone to wear schizophrenic mask, lockdowns, 6ft distancing rules, the killer jab etc.
Put all this scam in your leftist as... an let us alone without your imbecile advises, cretins!
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I thought Americas was supposed to be te home of the brave and the land of the free? It sure doesn't look like it. European countries are protesting and Americans are just following orders no matter how stupid and how unscientific

Because many Americans deliberately dumbed down by corrupted politicians and presstitutes
Amazing, Americans should be taking the lead in the fight against masks

Mask are necessary you breath your feces (CO ), destroy your brain and becomes submissive slave.
It's the ONLY REASON for this idiocy
have you seen this video? please email it to all your friends.thanks.

Everyone shall know Covid-1984 is the mass genocide against humanity, a small bunch of criminals like Biden, Putin, Merkel, Macron, Schwab, Gates & Co are wanna kill more as 99,99% humans by the deadly 'vaccine'

i am going to assume sense you gave me a thumbs up that you HAVE seen the video?

Of course I saw these videos and was angry about hostile police actions
have you seen this video? please email it to all your friends.thanks.

Everyone shall know Covid-1984 is the mass genocide against humanity, a small bunch of criminals like Biden, Putin, Merkel, Macron, Schwab, Gates & Co are wanna kill more as 99,99% humans by the deadly 'vaccine'

i am going to assume sense you gave me a thumbs up that you HAVE seen the video?

Of course I saw these videos and was angry about hostile police actions

I hope you emailed thst video to all your friends on your email list?I am the most skeptical person in the world there will ever be change and we can end this world wide corruption but that video inspired me and gave me hope and not to give up,if it did thst fir me,the most pessimistic person in the world,it will no doubt inspire others to not give up hope either no doubt.that’s why it is important to spread and share it with everyone you know.
I thought Americas was supposed to be te home of the brave and the land of the free? It sure doesn't look like it. European countries are protesting and Americans are just following orders no matter how stupid and how unscientific

Because many Americans deliberately dumbed down by corrupted politicians and presstitutes
The Nazi's did the same thing with their Nazi flag and Bible and cross. Doesn't change does it? the least Christian flag waving haters actually think they are patriots , there are no patriots in the right wing all of them are Democrats. The right needs to be squashed like a bug. They are this country's biggest threat and enemy. All patriots hate them as they should, they sold out our country and should be treated as less then dogs.
Better safe than sorry on the masks. Common sense. Can't take guidance from a political party that still sucks trump's dick even after he tried to over throw this country on January 6th.
What a stupid ass troll,the only one that overthrew a country is lying Biden asshole.
My name is ding bat I'm a Trumpy follower, I'm stupid as are all my friends - we say the stupidest things and we are proud of it. It is good that these right wing haters let everyone know how stupid they are. We don't have to guess with this group, just read what they say.

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