Bullshit leftie concocted "polls" predicted Trump had no chance in Penn., Wis, Michigan.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
And the Clinton News networks CNN and MSNBC kept predicting a landslide election in favor of crooked Hillary. Just another indication of how corrupt the mainstream media has become. Let's also not forget the 24 / 7 bashing of Trump by these networks while totally covering up or ignoring Hillary's wrongdoings. And yet despite this, Trump drove a stake right through their chest. This is what an American hero looks like. :clap2:
This guy wasn't fooled.

Professor who predicted 30 years of presidential elections correctly called a Trump win in September

Not a lot of people predicted a Trump win before Election Day. But Allan Lichtman, author of “Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House 2016,” insisted that his historically based system for predicting elections pointed to a Trump win – and it looks like he was right (though it's important to point out, his system has correctly predicted the popular vote in each election – he picked an Al Gore win in 2000, and it looks like Hillary Clinton could win the popular vote and lose the electoral college this year). Our most recent interview, which first published 11 days before Election Day, is below.

Last month, the man who's tried to turn vote prediction into a science predicted a Trump win.

Allan J. Lichtman, distinguished professor of history at American University, said Democrats would not be able to hold on to the White House.

Professor who predicted 30 years of presidential elections correctly called a Trump win in September
Right here on this site, month after month....oh I could name names. Only one.

Summer 2015 Fake Malarkey said Trump would not run, would not win primary......on and on he went. If I had keyboard, I would show some of his crap. There were others........trust me. Should we lambaste them?
And the Clinton News networks CNN and MSNBC kept predicting a landslide election in favor of crooked Hillary. Just another indication of how corrupt the mainstream media has become. Let's also not forget the 24 / 7 bashing of Trump by these networks while totally covering up or ignoring Hillary's wrongdoings. And yet despite this, Trump drove a stake right through their chest. This is what an American hero looks like. :clap2:
HI Roudy Congratulations and I'm glad I can find something to commend you on being right about something.

I honestly did not believe Trump could beat the liberal media at their own games. I thought it could be 50/50 at most but with Clinton still winning, so unless you interpret the popular vote as Clinton's win and the electoral college vote as Trump's win, I underestimated what the voters would do.

I'm grateful we didn't have another contested state vote issue as with Florida. We could still have an Electoral College issue if voters were to decide to split or redirect votes, create a tie where nobody get 270 and throws the vote to the house.
They intentionally used skewed polling with the intent to suppress turnout because they are personally invested in the progressive agenda. It backfired in a YUGE way!!
This guy wasn't fooled.

Professor who predicted 30 years of presidential elections correctly called a Trump win in September

Not a lot of people predicted a Trump win before Election Day. But Allan Lichtman, author of “Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House 2016,” insisted that his historically based system for predicting elections pointed to a Trump win – and it looks like he was right (though it's important to point out, his system has correctly predicted the popular vote in each election – he picked an Al Gore win in 2000, and it looks like Hillary Clinton could win the popular vote and lose the electoral college this year). Our most recent interview, which first published 11 days before Election Day, is below.

Last month, the man who's tried to turn vote prediction into a science predicted a Trump win.

Allan J. Lichtman, distinguished professor of history at American University, said Democrats would not be able to hold on to the White House.

Professor who predicted 30 years of presidential elections correctly called a Trump win in September
Yup, I posted that before, and it came to fruition. There was another Ai guy out of Stoneybrook university in NY that had crunched some numbers and came up with the same prediction.
No credible source was predicting a "landslide" for Clinton. Saying that there is a 90% chance she will win is not the same as saying she will get 90% of the vote (or even 90% of the Electoral College).

The results were generally within the margin of statistical error - a couple percent.

It is remarkably similar to the Brexit phenomenon. The "experts" called for Brexit to be voted down, but only by a few points.
And the Clinton News networks CNN and MSNBC kept predicting a landslide election in favor of crooked Hillary. Just another indication of how corrupt the mainstream media has become. Let's also not forget the 24 / 7 bashing of Trump by these networks while totally covering up or ignoring Hillary's wrongdoings. And yet despite this, Trump drove a stake right through their chest. This is what an American hero looks like. :clap2:
HI Roudy Congratulations and I'm glad I can find something to commend you on being right about something.

I honestly did not believe Trump could beat the liberal media at their own games. I thought it could be 50/50 at most but with Clinton still winning, so unless you interpret the popular vote as Clinton's win and the electoral college vote as Trump's win, I underestimated what the voters would do.

I'm grateful we didn't have another contested state vote issue as with Florida. We could still have an Electoral College issue if voters were to decide to split or redirect votes, create a tie where nobody get 270 and throws the vote to the house.
Honestly I had my doubts that Trump could win as well. The biased media had gone wild with their anti Trump propaganda and thrown all pretense of objectivity out of the window. We just witnessed the defeat of the biased leftie mainstream media by social media.
No credible source was predicting a "landslide" for Clinton. Saying that there is a 90% chance she will win is not the same as saying she will get 90% of the vote (or even 90% of the Electoral College).

The results were generally within the margin of statistical error - a couple percent.

It is remarkably similar to the Brexit phenomenon. The "experts" called for Brexit to be voted down, but only by a few points.
They were predicting Clinton leads in Penn, Wis, and Michigan of up to double digits. Leftie hack paper WAPO had a poll with Hillary leading nationally by 12 points about a week before Election Day.. Liberals have no intellectual honesty.

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