Brownshirts take 6 hostages in political rampage


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It's not a headline out of nazi Germany in 1938. A couple of days after union leader Jimmy Hoffa stood next to the grinning president of the United States and told the president "we are your army and we are ready to march and take those sons of bitches out" the union made good on Hoffa's promise. A Seattle union took 6 hostages in an assault and looting rampage. Not much coverage in the liberal media. Is Hoffa's army demonstrating it's ability to paralyze commerce? Don't forget Barry's opinion of the US Chamber of Commerce as a "sinister tool of the republican party".
It's not a headline out of nazi Germany in 1938. A couple of days after union leader Jimmy Hoffa stood next to the grinning president of the United States and told the president "we are your army and we are ready to march and take those sons of bitches out" the union made good on Hoffa's promise. A Seattle union took 6 hostages in an assault and looting rampage. Not much coverage in the liberal media. Is Hoffa's army demonstrating it's ability to paralyze commerce? Don't forget Barry's opinion of the US Chamber of Commerce as a "sinister tool of the republican party".

Heard this on the news yesterday...500 of them stormed the facility. As of yesterday, no arrests had been made.
Ever Notice how Liberals always try and say Conservatives and Right wingers are Violent. Yet Tea Party Rallies are anything but.

However when ever Unions get up set. They use Violence, and Fear, and intimidation to get what they want.

When ever Leftist idiots in Europe don't get their way they put masks on and burn shit in the streets.

Unions literally represent less than 20% of All Workers. Yet they can shut this country down with their Mob rule, Intimidation BS.

And they call the Tea Party Terrorists.

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You sons of bitches wait to teachers start to act out like this with your kids involved and as leverage.
Holy shit, you righties are afraid of everything. No wonder you want a strong military. Better look under your bed...
Not only that, liberals double down and applaud acts like this from these thugs.....
You sons of bitches wait to teachers start to act out like this with your kids involved and as leverage.

Heh, you pussies are so scared of the tea party you have to fabricate stories about their "violent rhetoric".......

We have memories... whereas, you...




Violent Teabagger Thugs!

You faggots are scared of words on signs and dare call anyone else a pussy? ...

That's why i come here, for a good laugh, thanks ... :thup:

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