British health department drops bombshell: VACCINATED 3 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO DIE FROM DELTA VARIANT !!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Guys, don't say you wasn't warned.

A report released on June 25, 2021 by the UK government agency Public Health England confirms that people who have received a COVID-19 "vaccine" are more than three times more likely to die from delta variant than unvaccinated people.
Of a total of 117 deaths recorded within 28 days of infection, 44 were unvaccinated, while 70 had received at least one dose of vaccine. (Plus 3 unknowns) Most tellingly, those who had already received two doses of vaccine were by far the most likely to die from delta variant.

Guys, don't say you wasn't warned.

A report released on June 25, 2021 by the UK government agency Public Health England confirms that people who have received a COVID-19 "vaccine" are more than three times more likely to die from delta variant than unvaccinated people.
Of a total of 117 deaths recorded within 28 days of infection, 44 were unvaccinated, while 70 had received at least one dose of vaccine. (Plus 3 unknowns) Most tellingly, those who had already received two doses of vaccine were by far the most likely to die from delta variant.

Well, Baron, I'm no expert, but how can the vaccines effects be known much less be efficacious for the Delta variant when the delta variant didn't even exist at the time the vaccines were designed?
As soon as they saw the deletions in the Delta variant, they should have sat up and taken notice, because as far as is known, Delta (B.1.617.2) is the only known COVID-19 variant to contain deletions. Delta deletions were known as early as Dec 2020.
As a layperson, in reviewing the charts and considering the ongoing medical debate about the best “timing” of the second dose, the findings of this study makes it more clear. Top scientific sites for the record, excluding WHO and CDC Chamaeleon-type, politically-saturated guidelines, I understand now why they were questioning the second dose. Medical influencers- good and bad- will be weighing in with their opinions and likely will be split about that second dose altogether. It will be hard for many of these experts to publicly admit being wrong, so they’ll probably maintain the “need” for a second dose for a short while…they’ll just push it out to a month to strive for less risk.

I’d like to add that even though I am absolutely against the continuation of doing something - mass distribution of drug combo prior to completion of experimental phase- that has been potentially more harmful than enhanced precautions of sanitary measures - particularly scans for fevers -that’s an excellent way to keep contagious sickos out of the public places and I’m fine with that, I am 100 rooting for the COVID-19 vacs negative outcomes to be as minimal as possible as my husband had Pfizer’s double jab- three weeks apart which is better than two. I am very hopeful for the best possible outcome for everyone who accepted experimental phase conditional element.

This is more evidence to always read up as much as possible and never let anyone tell you they know more than you when you do the necessary leg work, seriously, no matter what field of expertise.
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Guys, don't say you wasn't warned.

A report released on June 25, 2021 by the UK government agency Public Health England confirms that people who have received a COVID-19 "vaccine" are more than three times more likely to die from delta variant than unvaccinated people.
Of a total of 117 deaths recorded within 28 days of infection, 44 were unvaccinated, while 70 had received at least one dose of vaccine. (Plus 3 unknowns) Most tellingly, those who had already received two doses of vaccine were by far the most likely to die from delta variant.

Well, Baron, I'm no expert, but how can the vaccines effects be known much less be efficacious for the Delta variant when the delta variant didn't even exist at the time the vaccines were designed?
They read the design booklet ?
We’ll double check to see that Delta is unique. The deletions seem to be yielding a clue.
No badger is incorrect. From the CDC variants page:

B.1.525. 69del 70del 144del

B.1.526.1 144del

UK. B.1.1.7 69del 70del 144del

South Africa. B.1.351. 241del 242del 243del

Someone who analyzes the statistics would look for these deletions in each patient, correlating their age and any underlying conditions as well as their CYP2D6 score.
OP’s report states ‘K417N’ but this is incorrect biology of COVID-19. The CDC has sanitized its initial publication for the P.1 Brazil-Japan variant which stated ‘K417N/T,’ changing it to K417N. The threonine matters, because it links to the fentanyl in George Floyd’s brain, which fentanyl in turn links precisely to the origins of fentanyl from a division of Johnson & Johnson, Janssen Phramaceutica.
Guys, don't say you wasn't warned.

A report released on June 25, 2021 by the UK government agency Public Health England confirms that people who have received a COVID-19 "vaccine" are more than three times more likely to die from delta variant than unvaccinated people.
Of a total of 117 deaths recorded within 28 days of infection, 44 were unvaccinated, while 70 had received at least one dose of vaccine. (Plus 3 unknowns) Most tellingly, those who had already received two doses of vaccine were by far the most likely to die from delta variant.

You say 3 times more likely and another anti-vaxer says 6 times..can't get on the same page for this one??
So if she had not gotten vaccinated she would not have had a heart attack??
She had never had heart issues what so ever so I doubt she would have that early in her life. Her mother lived to be a spry 99 year old.
They read the design booklet ?
I wonder how they'll lay blame on Trumpers if we see mass deaths in the fall and winter, mostly with those who've already been vaccinated? I pray that doesn't happen but IF IT DOES, the media/Dems and their supporters are going to be facing some industrial-strength dissonance, to say the least.
I wonder how they'll lay blame on Trumpers if we see mass deaths in the fall and winter, mostly with those who've already been vaccinated? I pray that doesn't happen but IF IT DOES, the media/Dems and their supporters are going to be facing some industrial-strength dissonance, to say the least.
Well Trump's cult, which refuses to get vaccinated, is the main source of the spread of the Delta Variant so I's lay the blame there, not on the media/Dems. And mass deaths would be among Trump's un-vaccinated cult so no downside there.
She had never had heart issues what so ever so I doubt she would have that early in her life. Her mother lived to be a spry 99 year old.

I've had 2 in my extended family with severe reactions as well. One was also a heart attack caused by a clot in her carotid artery. A few weeks later she had a stroke. 40's, and healthy prior. She's alive, for now, but pretty messed up.

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