British Govt furious over China’s virus lies, ‘reckoning’ expected post-pandemic


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
China understnds all this yet the Chinese Communist Party is going to do the opposite of what most think they should do........aka apoligize and try and work with the West.

I think they are going to get very aggressive and p;rovoke some kind of military confrontation as I have said.

A hint this is coming can be seen by what their proxy N. Korea is doing....constantly launching why would they be doing that except as some kind of veiled threat...that China has put them up to.
China understnds all this yet the Chinese Communist Party is going to do the opposite of what most think they should do........aka apoligize and try and work with the West.

I think they are going to get very aggressive and p;rovoke some kind of military confrontation as I have said.

A hint this is coming can be seen by what their proxy N. Korea is doing....constantly launching why would they be doing that except as some kind of veiled threat...that China has put them up to.

If true, how was that worse than Trump's lies?
China understnds all this yet the Chinese Communist Party is going to do the opposite of what most think they should do........aka apoligize and try and work with the West.

I think they are going to get very aggressive and p;rovoke some kind of military confrontation as I have said.

A hint this is coming can be seen by what their proxy N. Korea is doing....constantly launching why would they be doing that except as some kind of veiled threat...that China has put them up to.

We will see how furious they are based on actions. Not some leaked insider report.

Can the world imagine if both the Queen and the next in line to the throne succumbed to this virus? How would that look if the British just did a somber funeral without any anger of consequences for the Communists who hid this from the world?
What difference does it make if they had 3200, or 320,000 deaths? It wouldn't have swayed our repsonse either way. Everyone going on about China as if we trusted them? Fuckouta here. Everyone knew. Besides, this virus is not that big of a deal.
China understnds all this yet the Chinese Communist Party is going to do the opposite of what most think they should do........aka apoligize and try and work with the West.

I think they are going to get very aggressive and p;rovoke some kind of military confrontation as I have said.

A hint this is coming can be seen by what their proxy N. Korea is doing....constantly launching why would they be doing that except as some kind of veiled threat...that China has put them up to.

We will see how furious they are based on actions. Not some leaked insider report.

Can the world imagine if both the Queen and the next in line to the throne succumbed to this virus? How would that look if the British just did a somber funeral without any anger of consequences for the Communists who hid this from the world?
They will do fuck all. They will continue to trade and money will continue to exchange hands as before. Money talks, and slack jawed virtue signaling sits the hell down and shuts up.
China understnds all this yet the Chinese Communist Party is going to do the opposite of what most think they should do........aka apoligize and try and work with the West.

I think they are going to get very aggressive and p;rovoke some kind of military confrontation as I have said.

A hint this is coming can be seen by what their proxy N. Korea is doing....constantly launching why would they be doing that except as some kind of veiled threat...that China has put them up to.

You should be mad at the US Potus, he lied for 2.5 months.

Did everyone believe Bush Jr when he said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
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China understnds all this yet the Chinese Communist Party is going to do the opposite of what most think they should do........aka apoligize and try and work with the West.

I think they are going to get very aggressive and p;rovoke some kind of military confrontation as I have said.

A hint this is coming can be seen by what their proxy N. Korea is doing....constantly launching why would they be doing that except as some kind of veiled threat...that China has put them up to.

We will see how furious they are based on actions. Not some leaked insider report.

Can the world imagine if both the Queen and the next in line to the throne succumbed to this virus? How would that look if the British just did a somber funeral without any anger of consequences for the Communists who hid this from the world?
They will do fuck all. They will continue to trade and money will continue to exchange hands as before. Money talks, and slack jawed virtue signaling sits the hell down and shuts up.

That won't fly with citizens unfortunately, especially with those who have lost family. They have infected the PM, the Queen and the next-in-line, on top of thousands of U.K citizens infected or dead. The weakest Western leaders will try to appease but they will take a political hit for doing so.

Yes, I'm a big hawk against China, I see where this is headed. We have NBA athletes making excuses for them and being told by China "you don't have free speech in your own country when we are concerned" and they get in line. Wtf?

You see companies happily allowing the Chinese, almost begging them to steal their intellectual property as long as they are bestowed market access.

As threats to the West go, China is in a league of their own. Maybe a worse threat than Germany posed in the 1930s as they have a much greater economy, in a globalized world and they have passive and active support by the very people who are representing the citizens that the communists are destroying.

China lied, they kept it secret in a secretive nation. Nobody knew this virus was transferrable between humans because the Communists lied, with support of the WHO to tell the world it didn't. So THAT is where this began and it put all leaders behind the 8 ball. Every leader on earth followed that guidance when making decisions, if they had been told the truth it would have decreased the 95% of the spreading.
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What difference does it make if they had 3200, or 320,000 deaths? It wouldn't have swayed our repsonse either way. Everyone going on about China as if we trusted them? Fuckouta here. Everyone knew. Besides, this virus is not that big of a deal.

It is about more than just the numbers of deaths they reported or in reality did not report.

Aka........the english are extremely angry with China for unleashing the coronavirus hell on Earth whether they did it intentionally or by accident.

Your analytical skills are sorely lacking chump.
I'm hoping the West forms a solid line of resistance when it comes to dealing with the Chinese who have
exploited the greed and mercenary lack of ethics of the West for decades now.

To the degree we simply found it easier to put up with their slave made cheap knock off crap and do business with them then show a moral backbone, that's our fault. But something as big as this should be a slap in the face and a wake up call.

However the Chinese have many allies in the media and on the left so we will see.
I'm hoping the West forms a solid line of resistance when it comes to dealing with the Chinese who have
exploited the greed and mercenary lack of ethics of the West for decades now.

To the degree we simply found it easier to put up with their slave made cheap knock off crap and do business with them then show a moral backbone, that's our fault. But something as big as this should be a slap in the face and a wake up call.

However the Chinese have many allies in the media and on the left so we will see.
So supplying US companies with the goods they requested is exploitation?

US companies said "Fuck our US employees, lets buy from China because it is cheaper". And you said ":OMG Lower Prices!!! yes yes yes"
So supplying US companies with the goods they requested is exploitation?

US companies said "Fuck our US employees, lets buy from China because it is cheaper". And you said ":OMG Lower Prices!!! yes yes yes"
I didn't say a thing, dumb ass! I don't set prices. I don't cut deals for multinational businesses.
Find something meaningful to do with your wretched fucked up life.

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