British farmers lost their guns, now have to resort to Medieval walls to protect themselves...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.... the British foolishly gave up their guns, and now, when they are the victims of organized gangs of thieves, all they have left is building moats and walls and hope the thugs leave them alone...

Farmers using medieval methods to combat rural crime

Farmers are resorting to medieval methods to combat rural crime which has risen to its highest level in four years, an increase being blamed on organised criminal gangs and policing cuts.

Offences against farmers and other rural businesses cost an estimated £44.5m last year, an increase of 13.4% from 2016, according to insurer NFU (National Farmers Union) Mutual.

The biggest increase was in in Wales, up 41%, followed by the Midlands, up 32%, and the south-east, up 30%. Only Scotland and north-east England showed falls compared with 2016.


“Ten years ago it was largely unstructured, stealing from the next village, trying to sell it at a car boot sale. Now we are seeing organised criminals who have links to drugs and the county lines issues, money laundering, even in some cases, human trafficking.”

In an attempt to frustrate the criminals, farmers are incorporating medieval measures into their security, according to the 19th Rural Crime report. It says farmers are putting up earth banks and dry ditches to block criminals who use 4 x 4 vehicles to get on to farm land.

In Kent, one farmer has spent 18 months surrounding his 4,500 acres with ditches and barriers to deter criminals from hare coursing and fly-tipping.

Others are using animals including geese, llamas and dogs as a low-tech alarm system, much as landowners did hundreds of years ago.
I'm not exactly sure what you think a gun would do in this instance. A gun isn't going to protect 4500 acres.
Nowhere does it say the criminals are standing up to the farmers, where a gun could make a difference. I doubt the farmers ever even see the crime happen. They wake up in the morning and stuff is missing. The problem as i understand it, is the farms can be so vast that it's impossible for one man to protect it all.
Yep.... the British foolishly gave up their guns, and now, when they are the victims of organized gangs of thieves, all they have left is building moats and walls and hope the thugs leave them alone...

Farmers using medieval methods to combat rural crime

Farmers are resorting to medieval methods to combat rural crime which has risen to its highest level in four years, an increase being blamed on organised criminal gangs and policing cuts.

Offences against farmers and other rural businesses cost an estimated £44.5m last year, an increase of 13.4% from 2016, according to insurer NFU (National Farmers Union) Mutual.

The biggest increase was in in Wales, up 41%, followed by the Midlands, up 32%, and the south-east, up 30%. Only Scotland and north-east England showed falls compared with 2016.


“Ten years ago it was largely unstructured, stealing from the next village, trying to sell it at a car boot sale. Now we are seeing organised criminals who have links to drugs and the county lines issues, money laundering, even in some cases, human trafficking.”

In an attempt to frustrate the criminals, farmers are incorporating medieval measures into their security, according to the 19th Rural Crime report. It says farmers are putting up earth banks and dry ditches to block criminals who use 4 x 4 vehicles to get on to farm land.

In Kent, one farmer has spent 18 months surrounding his 4,500 acres with ditches and barriers to deter criminals from hare coursing and fly-tipping.

Others are using animals including geese, llamas and dogs as a low-tech alarm system, much as landowners did hundreds of years ago.
News to me. My neighbour is a farmer and he has a shotgun. He uses it to scare birds. Check your prompt cards they have false info.
Oh, my giddy aunt! This has got to be the most stupid OP so far about gun control/lack of it. As Fugazi and Tommy Tainant have already pointed out most farmers in the UK own shotguns, there are 1.3 million licenced shotguns in the UK, that’s one shotgun for every 64 people!!! Enough guns per head to satisfy the wet dreams of any NRA wingnut. There are also 535,000 licenced firearms in private hands in the UK as of 2017. Both stats come from the Office of National Statistics, by the way, so are accurate.

The OP should get it through his/her thick skull that the UK has never had a “gun culture” so we don’t automatically think “I need a GUN”, every time a crime happens.

You want to stop most burglars? Fit good locks on doors and windows and use them, much cheaper than a handgun and ammunition.

You want to protect your farm from organised gangs using vans or 4x4s trying to steal your livestock and/or equipment? Put secure padlocks and strong gates where they can access your fields or fit CCTV.

If you live in areas of open rolling farmland without fences or hedges, rent a JCB and dig deep ditches and mounds to make it difficult, if not impossible, for vans or 4x4s to access your land, you can’t be everywhere at once to confront thieves with your shotgun, so don’t bother, just lock up your most valuable equipment when you aren’t using it, simple.

You don’t want to get mugged or raped? Fine, steer clear of dodgy areas after dark; on nights out, go home in a group, either on a bus or take a reputable taxi.

That’s the fundamental difference between British and American attitude towards guns and crime.

2aguy, thank you for your “concern” but we don’t need guns to “protect ourselves”, nor do we need to be constantly used as “examples” for your propaganda agenda.

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