Brennan Interviewed for Eight Hours by Durham: Not a Target Per Brennan Spox


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Brennan Interviewed for Eight Hours by Durham: Not a Target Per Brennan Spox

21 Aug 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Former Obama director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan was interviewed for eight hours Friday by U.S. Attorney John Durham at CIA headquarters, according to a statement by Brennan’s spokesman Nick Shapiro. Shapiro says Brennan was told he is not a subject or target of Durham’s probe into abuses by the federal government in the Russia collusion hoax investigation of the Trump campaign and President Trump.

Earlier today Brennan was interviewed by US Attorney John Durham on issues related to Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.​
Brennan was informed by Mr. Durham that he is not a subject or a target of a criminal investigation and that he is only a witness to events that are under review. The interview was conducted at CIA headquarters and lasted eight hours.​
Brennan welcomed the opportunity to answer Mr. Durham’s questions related to a wide range of intelligence-related activities undertaken by CIA before the November 2016 presidential election as well as the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) published in early Jan 2017.​
Brennan provided details on the efforts made by the Intelligence Community to understand and disrupt the actions taken by Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.​
Brennan expressed appreciation for the professional manner in which Mr. Durham and his team conducted the interview. Brennan questioned why the analytic tradecraft and the findings of the ICA are being scrutinized by the Department of Justice, especially since they have been validated by the Mueller Report as well as the bipartisan Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Review.​
Brennan also told Durham that the repeated efforts of Donald Trump & William Barr to politicize Mr. Durham’s work have been appalling & have tarnished the independence & integrity of the Department of Justice, making it difficult for DoJ professionals to carry out their job.​
It is Brennan’s fervent hope that the results of the Durham review will be apolitical and not influenced by personal or partisan agendas.​

A slightly edited version of the statement was sent to reporters:

Brennan being made to sweat for eight hours is a good example! I bet he stayed up all night wondering what comes next. His previous statements under oath will conflict with those he stated to Durham....
Brennan will become a target of investigation as soon as Durham finds out he's perjured his statements. Telling the truth "should" see them all hang.
A war has been going on for the control of America, it's Donald Trump, We The People vs The Deep State.
We aren't winning presently but that could change on Nov 3rd. Four more years might just be enough to break the log jam in DC and drain the swamp. Vote like your life depends on it. It's the last chance you'll ever get.
No way Brennan did that without a deal...............where is the catch and the get out of jail free card????????????
The biggest thing Brennan has to worry about is that he lied under oath, but whatever happens to the FBI guys may clear him on that.
[ Brennan was informed by Mr. Durham that he is not a subject or a target of a criminal investigation and that he is only a witness to events that are under review. ]
That's what the fbi told Trump as well. So!
The biggest thing Brennan has to worry about is that he lied under oath, but whatever happens to the FBI guys may clear him on that.
[ Brennan was informed by Mr. Durham that he is not a subject or a target of a criminal investigation and that he is only a witness to events that are under review. ]
That's what the fbi told Trump as well. So!
The biggest revelation so far was Sally Yates' admission
that Comey went rogue, and Brennan is probably the best witness to that. ( even though we know he was in on it ) I want to know also,why Mueller is not under huge scrutiny for starting the 2 year witch hunt . From Obama on down this was abuse of power beyond the pale.
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The biggest thing Brennan has to worry about is that he lied under oath, but whatever happens to the FBI guys may clear him on that.
[ Brennan was informed by Mr. Durham that he is not a subject or a target of a criminal investigation and that he is only a witness to events that are under review. ]
That's what the fbi told Trump as well. So!
The biggest revelation so far was Sally Yates' admission
that Comey went rogue, and Brennan is probably the best witness to that. ( even though we know he was in on it ) I want to know also,why Mueller is not under huge scrutiny for starting the 2 year witch hunt . From Obama on down this was abuse of power beyond the pale.

Not just beyond the pale.
This was abuse of historic proportion.

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