Breaking. Oakland has ALSO filed a lawsuit against corrupt!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)
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Okay, so let’s assume Oakland wins the lawsuit, or st least an injunction to keep the Raiders from leaving... what’s to keep the team from simply disbanding and reforming in 2 or 3 years in Las Vegas?
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Oakland will lose

They were unwilling to support a team. The Raiders are free to seek greener pastures
The St Louis Case i will point out was Different than Oaklands.Oaklands case is much different. But the one thing that IS common that I LOVE is that on bot cases,the NFL faught viciously and hard to try and prevent st louis and Oakland to file the lawsuit and tried to get them dismissed but they failed miserably and fell slat on their faces.:abgg2q.jpg: for ONCE it it awesome to see the corrupt NFL cartel FINALLY not getting their way for a change.:banana:

Here is how Oaklands case against the NFL is different than St Louis's is. St Louis was just suing for damages because the Rams were not truthful in their statements that they wanted to stay and work something out when the facts are Stan Kroneke bought the Rams with his eyes set on LA from day one never having any intention of wanting to stay. st louis did not fight to keep the name in st louis because they knew they would lose because of the fact the CITY violated the terms of the lease agreement with the Rams while the Rams did everything that was asked of them in the original agreement.

Oakland on the other hand,Mark Davis constantly lied to oakland saying he wanted to stay and never meeting with oakland officials to try and get something done.He took the time to buy land in LA but NEVER bought any land in OAKLAND and kept meeting with other offiicals from other cities behind Oaklands back never telling them which is one violation. just listen to these two videos and you will hear the many lies of mark davis how he stabbed the oakland fans in the back and is a snake and a disgraceful human being.

Oaklands case against the NFL is not only MUCH stronger than st louiss was,but is even stronger than the one cleveland had against art modell and the NFL when he tried to take the Browns name to Baltimore and failed flat on his face same as Davis will.:2up::abgg2q.jpg:

December 11 at 7:07 PM ·
Here ya go!!! All 49 pages of the City of Oakland's complaint that was filed to began the lawsuit against The Oakland Raiders/NFL.


here are the COUNTLESS number of lies of Mark Davis and of the countlesss number of NFL relocation rules Davis violated.:2up:

MARK My Words

The Lies & Deception of Mark Davis, Marc Badain & The Raiders

MARK My Words - Part II

Mark Davis Blame Game, Lies & Lack Of Leadership In Negotiating In Good Faith, While Sabotaging A Stadium Deal In Oakland.

i kept saying over and over again the last year just because the NFL owners approved the move for the raiders to go to vegas,doesnt mean its a done deal. Davis will be in vegas with another team but it wont be the raiders. Look for it to be something like the Las Vegas Outlaws or something liek that.:2up:

Its even all over the front pages of sports illustrated.

December 13 at 7:25 AM ·
Oakland Sues NFL, Claims it Violated Own Rules in Approving Raiders' Move to Vegas

The NFL has shown a willingness to settle when faced with the prospect of pretrial discovery. This was readily apparent in the league’s decision to settle more than 99% of the legal claims brought by retired NFL players and families over concussions and long-term neurological harm. Even though the NFL may have powerful legal defenses, including labor preemption (i.e., the players agreed to arbitrate claims before suing and their failure to arbitrate means the cases should be dismissed) and uncertain causation (players suffered head trauma playing football long before their first NFL practice), the league negotiated a 65-year, approximately $1 billion settlement. It stands to reason that part of their motivation was to avoid turning over sensitive documents related to how the NFL valued player health. That same motivation could return with Oakland’s litigation.…/oakland-raiders-nfl-lawsuit-move-las-v…

damn right they violated their own NFL relocation rules.:2up:

Editorial: Oakland’s anti-trust lawsuit a potential NFL game-changer

Fans across the country should welcome city litigation challenging Raider’s, pro football’s monopolistic practices

amen to that.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Here,see for yourself how Oaklans lawsuit is fir sure different than st louis's is,how they are indeed sueing for the Raider brand name to stay in Oakland,they got an airtight case,there is no way in hell they cant win.:2up:

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Okay, so let’s assjme Oakland wins the lawsuit, or st least an injunction to keep the Raiders from leaving... what’s to keep the team from simply disbanding and reforming in 2 or 3 years in Las Vegas?

say what? Al Davis dude is going to have to do what Art Modell did when he tried to leave and take the Browns to Baltimore. despite what a certain troll always comes on here and blatantly lies about all the time,Modell tried to move the team and take the name with him.the city of cleveland filed a lawsuit against him and the NFL and to avoid going to court,Modell and the NFL in a settlement,settled by giving cleveland the name and brand keeping it in cleveland and avoided the lawsuit with an out of court settlement. same thing will happen here.make davis and the NFL dont want to go to court this time either. they will have the settlement outside the court as well.:2up:

Modell got his wish and got to leave cleveland but cleveland got the last laugh on him cause they got to keep the name so cleveland was the winner.this lawsuit is VERY similiar to that suit,expect the exact result with the court that they will rule that Davis can move to vegas,he is just going to have to sell the team to an owner in oakland and the city will retain the name as well.

You got to remember,mark davis is the most poor broke owner in the NFL.,He doesnt have deep pockets like stan kronke or billions of dollars to fight this lawsuit.when they sue him for the money and the billions which he does not have,to avoid going to court same as modell did with cleveland,he will leave the name there to oakland as modell did with cleveland.

it really doesnt surprise me actually that the owners approved the move because its well known all the owners hate the davis family and mark davis and dont want him as an owner in the NFL.

Oakland is going to have a FIELD day against mark davis and the NFL.:abgg2q.jpg:
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hey wrongwinger cry baby,i know you are STILL butthurt today on your prediction that the Rams would never coming back to LA that you STILL do this all the time about being proven wrong on that.

ahhh you are so cute in this pic there i found of you:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok::itsok: i know you had to be talked out of jumping off the bridge and commiting suicide that day since you would kill yourself first before ever admitting to being wrong,i wonder if you will keep from jumping off the bridge THIS time when as always,yo u show why you need to change your name to WRONGwinger since being right is something you have NEVER done in your sad life before. i also notice how as ALWAYS,wrongwinger in defeat,when backed up against the wall and cant counter facts posts a smiley IN DEFEAT:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


whats REALLY funny is your asslover jarlaxie since he knows he could not refute any of the facts i posted that oakland has an airtight case against the NFL,ALSO posted a laughing smiley knowing he was backed up against the corner with nowhere to run and unable to refute pesky facts of oakland airtight case against them.comedy gold indeed. he is laughing at himself same as you always do when you both know you cant counter facts.:abgg2q.jpg:
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hey wrongwinger cry baby,i know you are STILL butthurt today on your prediction that the Rams would never coming back to LA that you STILL do this all the time about being proven wrong on that.

ahhh you are so cute in this pic there i found of you:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok::itsok: i know you had to be talked out of jumping off the bridge and commiting suicide that day since you would kill yourself first before ever admitting to being wrong,i wonder if you will keep from jumping off the bridge THIS time when as always,yo u show why you need to change your name to WRONGwinger since being right is something you have NEVER done in your sad life before.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Still can’t admit you believe the Rams left St Louis

Sucker for NFL propaganda
hey wrongwinger cry baby,i know you are STILL butthurt today on your prediction that the Rams would never coming back to LA that you STILL do this all the time about being proven wrong on that.

ahhh you are so cute in this pic there i found of you:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok::itsok: i know you had to be talked out of jumping off the bridge and commiting suicide that day since you would kill yourself first before ever admitting to being wrong,i wonder if you will keep from jumping off the bridge THIS time when as always,y u show why you need to change your name to WRONGwinger since being right is something you have NEVER done in your sad life before. i also notice how as ALWAYS,wrongwinger in defeat,when backed up against the wall and cant counter facts posts a smiley in defeat:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Glad you agree with me wrongwinger how it IS funny that picture of you there crying to the whole world your butthurt on being proven wrong on the rams not coming back to LA AND your butthurt as well that the raiders are going to stay in oakland when you cant counter the evidence and just try and laugh it off which your lover jarlaxie joined in on:itsok:

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hey wrongwinger cry baby,i know you are STILL butthurt today on your prediction that the Rams would never coming back to LA that you STILL do this all the time about being proven wrong on that.

ahhh you are so cute in this pic there i found of you:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok::itsok: i know you had to be talked out of jumping off the bridge and commiting suicide that day since you would kill yourself first before ever admitting to being wrong,i wonder if you will keep from jumping off the bridge THIS time when as always,y u show why you need to change your name to WRONGwinger since being right is something you have NEVER done in your sad life before. i also notice how as ALWAYS,wrongwinger in defeat,when backed up against the wall and cant counter facts posts a smiley in defeat:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Glad you agree with me wrongwinger how it IS funny that picture of you there crying to the whole world your butthurt on being proven wrong on the rams not coming back to LA AND your butthurt as well that the raiders are going to stay in oakland when you cant counter the evidence and just try and laugh it off which your lover jarlaxie joined in on:itsok:


Moron still believes the Rams play in LA
hey wrongwinger cry baby,i know you are STILL butthurt today on your prediction that the Rams would never coming back to LA that you STILL do this all the time about being proven wrong on that.

ahhh you are so cute in this pic there i found of you:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok::itsok: i know you had to be talked out of jumping off the bridge and commiting suicide that day since you would kill yourself first before ever admitting to being wrong,i wonder if you will keep from jumping off the bridge THIS time when as always,y u show why you need to change your name to WRONGwinger since being right is something you have NEVER done in your sad life before. i also notice how as ALWAYS,wrongwinger in defeat,when backed up against the wall and cant counter facts posts a smiley in defeat:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Glad you agree with me wrongwinger how it IS funny that picture of you there crying to the whole world your butthurt on being proven wrong on the rams not coming back to LA AND your butthurt as well that the raiders are going to stay in oakland when you cant counter the evidence and just try and laugh it off which your lover jarlaxie joined in on:itsok:



hey wrongwinger cry baby,i know you are STILL butthurt today on your prediction that the Rams would never coming back to LA that you STILL do this all the time about being proven wrong on that.

ahhh you are so cute in this pic there i found of you:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok::itsok: i know you had to be talked out of jumping off the bridge and commiting suicide that day since you would kill yourself first before ever admitting to being wrong,i wonder if you will keep from jumping off the bridge THIS time when as always,y u show why you need to change your name to WRONGwinger since being right is something you have NEVER done in your sad life before. i also notice how as ALWAYS,wrongwinger in defeat,when backed up against the wall and cant counter facts posts a smiley in defeat:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Glad you agree with me wrongwinger how it IS funny that picture of you there crying to the whole world your butthurt on being proven wrong on the rams not coming back to LA AND your butthurt as well that the raiders are going to stay in oakland when you cant counter the evidence and just try and laugh it off which your lover jarlaxie joined in on:itsok:


so very true and so very accurate that it HAS to be said again.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::haha::laughing0301:
hey wrongwinger cry baby,i know you are STILL butthurt today on your prediction that the Rams would never coming back to LA that you STILL do this all the time about being proven wrong on that.

ahhh you are so cute in this pic there i found of you:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok::itsok: i know you had to be talked out of jumping off the bridge and commiting suicide that day since you would kill yourself first before ever admitting to being wrong,i wonder if you will keep from jumping off the bridge THIS time when as always,yo u show why you need to change your name to WRONGwinger since being right is something you have NEVER done in your sad life before.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Still can’t admit you believe the Rams left St Louis

Sucker for NFL propaganda

On a scale of 1 to 10....I don't care....
this guy totally nailed it.:clap:

No Approval Needed1 week ago
The city of Oakland actually did propose a new stadium deal to the Raider's owner Mark Davis, he just rejected it, because Oakland city counsel didn't want to give him the whatever millions from the people living there to fund the stadium, The city is lookin' out for it's people in that regard.. but personally I think he did this because he wants to keep those extra millions from Nevada's no taxation versus California's highest taxation, not to mention he wants to cash in on that relocation "fee"..which is why the owners voted to allow it to happen. It's all about the $$ with the NFL yawl and it's B.S. they expect the citizens of such cities to pay for their stadium's. The NFL is a parasitic multi-billion dollar corporation which puts out a product that many people may not really care for, but those people are still suppose to fund it? that is shady. I feel they are also trying to solidify sports gambling worldwide with this move, who's to say the NFL doesn't rig it's games according to Vegas betting lines? There is more evidence to say they do than don't.
This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)

Are you still going to be creating these threads on opening day in Las Vegas?
This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)

Politicians being bought off, especially in someplace like Oakland? What a shock.
Cleveland did this when Modell moved the Browns to Baltimore. They managed to keep the Browns name and colors for Cleveland. But that was all. Oakland may get to keep the Raiders name and colors, but there is 0 chance that they will be able to prevent the team from moving to Las Vegas.
This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)

Are you still going to be creating these threads on opening day in Las Vegas?

Yes I WILL be creating a thread laughing at all you nutcases who seriously think the Raiders are going to be in vegas yes.:rofl::lmao:

I did not say there would not be an NFL team in Vegas or mark davis wont be there,mark davis and the NFL will have a team there,it just wont be the Raiders,:itsok:

oh and its funny how you forget so soon that NOBODY here believed me as well other than maybe a couple people or so,that the Rams would be back in LA. If you recall,two years before they moved back to LA,i created a thread talking about how they would be back in LA. NOBODY here believed me,they thought I was on drugs and a nut even though the facts were so OBVIOUS a CHILD could have figured it out.:cuckoo::lmao::laughing0301::muahaha::abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

you had egg on your face back then not believing me,How many more times do you have to have egg on your more time it looks like.:itsok::laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg:

the million dollar question that NEEDS to be asked,will YOU show up to eat your crow when Mark Davis has a team in Vegas but it is not the Raiders.?:abgg2q.jpg:

My guess is no since all the people here that laughed at me and thought i had no idea what i was talking about when i told them the Rams would come back to LA,they were ALL too much of a coward to show their faces when i called them out and proved them wrong,they were ALL too arrogant to man up and ADMIT they were proven wrong which i have no doubt will be the case with you as well since you never admit when you have been proven wrong.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::lmao::laughing0301:
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This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)

Politicians being bought off, especially in someplace like Oakland? What a shock.

that was WHY Thinker101
for the last couple months or so I was beginning to think that was the case that the politicians of oakland had been bought off since they were not filing a lawsuit against them when they kept saying they would and waited for so long and since they have an even stronger case against the NFL than st louis did who recently won THEIR lawsuit. It was the only thing that made any sense.

The REASON though that it took Oakland so long to file the lawsuit I found out from talking to one of the main people behind the lawsuit is that many of the politicians at first they did not want to try and fight them because they tried once before to stop Al Davis from moving them to LA but failed so they did not want to go through all that again so it was very tough to convince them to do it because of that but they finally understood after people like me who knew the FACTS of the lawsuit,that moving an NFL team is much more difficult now that it was back then.

they got NFL relocation rules now that they did not have back then or when the Rams left LA that make it 10 times much more difficult to move a team than it was back then when the raiders left for LA and then the rams to st louis and the oliers to tennessee later on. after that,the next year,they came out with NFL rules that make it MUCH MORE difficult than it was back then and Mark Davis and the NFL violated those NFL rules.

people around here seem to have reading comprehension problems though because no matter how many times i say that,it just goes through one ear and out the other same as it did when i laid out the facts why the Rams would be back in LA.they could not get it then,they still cant NOW.:cuckoo::rolleyes: :abgg2q.jpg:

st louis was different,they just sued for money because they knew they could not get the team back since the city of st louis violated the terms of the lease agreement and the rams did everything they were supposed to according to the terms.

PLUS st louis never had a viable plan for a new stadium where oakland DID and the NFL did not even take a look at it.that is ONE of MANY facts they have in their case against the NFL.which is too complicated for the pro vegas people to understand obviously.:abgg2q.jpg:

Eh I was looking forward to Las Vegas having an NFL team!

Oh dont get me wrong Odium

Vegas WILL have an NFL team,it just WONT be the Raiders.It will be something like the Las Vegas Outlaws or Las Vegas gamblers.something like that.:D
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