Brace Yourselves for the Perfect Storm


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
What happens to you after getting the jab?
Only morons can believe they will be fine.

Everyone was “unvaccinated” in the summer of 2020. And the hospitalisations and deaths came down.
Most people are “vaccinated” in the summer of 2021. And the hospitalisations and deaths have been going up.

So it can’t be “unvaccination” that’s driving them up now, can it?
Because it wasn’t “vaccination” that brought deaths down in 2020 then, was it?
So it must be something else, mustn’t it?

We are, I think, in a lull before a perfect storm headed our way, and here are 10 things I think extremely likely to happen between now and the end of the year, though of course it would be nice to be wrong on all of them:

  1. Mass testing at the start of the school year using the fraudulent PCR test
  2. Leading to another wave of so-called “cases”, especially among children
  3. Cue yet another round of fear and hysteria
  4. Leading to the apparent necessity of children being “vaccinated”
  5. And meaning the Coronavirus Act can be extended in late September
  6. Also leading to a strict Lockdown in October
  7. Vax Passports introduced, beginning with nightclubs and large venues
  8. Food shortages caused by deliberate breaking of supply chains, blamed on Covid (what else?)
  9. Antibody-Dependent Enhancement likely to cause many deaths this winter
  10. Civil unrest in major cities


Here’s the thing about the Vax, it does give anti-bodies to protect from getting the virus and if you do get it, it lessens the symptoms. That is until the anti-bodies wear off, then the body is left more susceptible to viruses including WuFlu.

In the long term it will destroy your immune system. This is what one of the creators of mRNA has been saying.

So as time goes on, we’ll see more and more vaccinated getting ill and filling up hospitals. Unvaccinated that get WuFlu will get over it like 99.8% of them always have, then they will have natural immunity without all the baggage of the vaccines.
So, you are suggesting that the surge in deaths is a direct result of the vaccination......and not the virus itself?

I've been expecting this.

The "Agenda" has always been depopulation. Bill Gates is one of the leading vaccination advocates and if you go back a few years and listen to his previous videos he talked about over population quite a bit.

So these fools who ran for the vaccine ran right into the spider web and now that they are beginning to die off (as planned) they are being fear mongered into getting MORE vaccinations.

wow....that does sound like the perfect storm.
Here’s the thing about the Vax, it does give anti-bodies to protect from getting the virus and if you do get it, it lessens the symptoms. That is until the anti-bodies wear off, then the body is left more susceptible to viruses including WuFlu.

In the long term it will destroy your immune system. This is what one of the creators of mRNA has been saying.

So as time goes on, we’ll see more and more vaccinated getting ill and filling up hospitals. Unvaccinated that get WuFlu will get over it like 99.8% of them always have, then they will have natural immunity without all the baggage of the vaccines.

I don't envy politicians, 'cops', grocery owners, securities, presstitutes, snitches and all those who supported scamdemic after jabbed folks will know the truth.
Going to die vaccinated idiots will do things with them even ISIS would be more human and merciful in comparison to.
So, you are suggesting that the surge in deaths is a direct result of the vaccination......and not the virus itself?

I've been expecting this.

The "Agenda" has always been depopulation. Bill Gates is one of the leading vaccination advocates and if you go back a few years and listen to his previous videos he talked about over population quite a bit.

So these fools who ran for the vaccine ran right into the spider web and now that they are beginning to die off (as planned) they are being fear mongered into getting MORE vaccinations.

wow....that does sound like the perfect storm.

The entirely world is run by satanists like Rothschild, Gates, Schwab and another criminals.
Corrupted politicians like Putin, Biden, Merkel, Macron and Co are toilet paper for them.
They gonna indeed kill the majority of humanity, unfortunately anyone who got the jab dies.
The entirely world is run by satanists like Rothschild, Gates, Schwab and another criminals.
Corrupted politicians like Putin, Biden, Merkel, Macron and Co are toilet paper for them.
They gonna indeed kill the majority of humanity, unfortunately anyone who got the jab dies.

There's absolutely something very wrong going on. A stench of evil permeates the whole covid thing.
When I went back and saw how much Bil Gates talked about his personal concerns for over population (You Tube is trying to remove those videos now),
it doesn't take a genius to see how much of an advocate for the vaccine he is today and put 2 and 2 together.

But is it just the USA and the West ?
Are western nations the only places full of enough idiots to fall for it all?
Will China and Russia avoid killing off their populations leaving America a vastly weakened nation?

On the other hand, if mostly gullible liberals got the shot, that might leave America far STRONGER than before.
So, you are suggesting that the surge in deaths is a direct result of the vaccination......and not the virus itself?

I've been expecting this.

The "Agenda" has always been depopulation. Bill Gates is one of the leading vaccination advocates and if you go back a few years and listen to his previous videos he talked about over population quite a bit.

So these fools who ran for the vaccine ran right into the spider web and now that they are beginning to die off (as planned) they are being fear mongered into getting MORE vaccinations.

wow....that does sound like the perfect storm.
Who really knows except those people who designed the thing? Given what the uniform global governmental response has been/is, this will not end well.
A lot of people are gonna start dying.
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They are already starting the hype about children dying from COVID if everyone does get JABBED. We know a high number of children crossing the border had COVID, yet I don't recall any stories of kids dying or needing to be put on ventilators. And these were kids living in packed cages. Yet liberals want people to be hysterical over kids going back to school unless they get JABBED and wear masks.
They are already starting the hype about children dying from COVID if everyone does get JABBED. We know a high number of children crossing the border had COVID, yet I don't recall any stories of kids dying or needing to be put on ventilators. And these were kids living in packed cages. Yet liberals want people to be hysterical over kids going back to school unless they get JABBED and wear masks.


They whip up all this hysteria and demand Americans get the VAX and then have ZERO concern over millions potentially with covid coming across the border unchecked.

Again, you have to be a special kind of stupid not to see through it all.
People who renounce facts and science and believe in silly conspiracy theories some retarded random morons on the internet are spreading, are utter disgusting retardos from the middle ages who should better be put in insane asylums because they're incapable of making informed decisions and are a threat for themselves and others. Like other metally retarded people.
There's absolutely something very wrong going on. A stench of evil permeates the whole covid thing.
When I went back and saw how much Bil Gates talked about his personal concerns for over population (You Tube is trying to remove those videos now),
it doesn't take a genius to see how much of an advocate for the vaccine he is today and put 2 and 2 together.

But is it just the USA and the West ?
Are western nations the only places full of enough idiots to fall for it all?
Will China and Russia avoid killing off their populations leaving America a vastly weakened nation?

On the other hand, if mostly gullible liberals got the shot, that might leave America far STRONGER than before.

The satanic plan is to eliminate humanity, at first the white race.
Look the 'vaccination' percentage in white and non-white countries
People who renounce facts and science and believe in silly conspiracy theories some retarded random morons on the internet are spreading, are utter disgusting retardos from the middle ages who should better be put in insane asylums because they're incapable of making informed decisions and are a threat for themselves and others. Like other metally retarded people.

The fact is all inoculated are dying in droves and Jewish presstitutes and satanic politicians lie to us non-stop 24/7
At first in the most 'vaccinated' countries
They are already starting the hype about children dying from COVID if everyone does get JABBED. We know a high number of children crossing the border had COVID, yet I don't recall any stories of kids dying or needing to be put on ventilators. And these were kids living in packed cages. Yet liberals want people to be hysterical over kids going back to school unless they get JABBED and wear masks.

Where is the difference between Covid, Cold and Flu?
The mortality rate is almost the same, the fake PCR 'test' shows all have Covid
The most vaxxx3d in the FUSA



We need to incinerate the vaxxed

Christian Perronne: Exactly the reverse! Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants. In transmission, it’s been proven now in several countries that vaccinated people should be put in quarantine and isolated from society. Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others. That’s been proven in Israel now, where I’m in contact with many physicians. They’re having big problems in Israel now: severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the UK also, you had a larger vaccination programme and there are problems [there] also.

But also, the “variants” are not very dangerous. All the “variants” since last year are less and less virulent. That’s always the story in infectious diseases. In my hospital, in March-April 2020, the whole building was full of people with Covid-19: fifty patients. And the so-called “second”, “third”, “fourth waves” were just very small waves, because the hospitals are not full any more. But in the media, they said that all the hospitals were full of patients. That’s not true. Of course, the epidemic was going on, but the “variants” were less and less virulent.

You know, in August 2020, they said, “The ‘Spanish variant’ will kill all of Europe!”—but in the end, there was no real problem.

After that, they said, “The British variant!”, and after that, “The New Zealand variant!”, and “The American variant!”, and “The South African variant!”, and so on. All that is only media stuff. It’s not scientifically-based. The “Delta variant” is of very low virulence. If you look at the official rates of the disease and of death in Brazil and India, which were the two last countries in the world with an active transmission of the disease, all the curves are going down. And now, the epidemic is quite over in many countries worldwide.

Yet now, you have governments obliging their citizens to be inoculated with these so-called “vaccines”—and in the countries where they did that, once the epidemic was [already] finished, the epidemic came back, and deaths started again.

In Vietnam, for example, it was an amazing success, they had only a few dozen deaths over more than a year, [the epidemic] was finished, and then one of the ministers said, “We have to vaccinate the whole population!” It’s now nearly mandatory, and after the start of this vaccination campaign, the epidemic came back and fatal cases occurred again. That’s proof that these inoculations are not a vaccine, but may facilitate the reappearance of the disease and also of deaths.

The most vaxxx3d in the FUSA

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We need to incinerate the vaxxed

Christian Perronne: Exactly the reverse! Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants. In transmission, it’s been proven now in several countries that vaccinated people should be put in quarantine and isolated from society. Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others. That’s been proven in Israel now, where I’m in contact with many physicians. They’re having big problems in Israel now: severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the UK also, you had a larger vaccination programme and there are problems [there] also.

But also, the “variants” are not very dangerous. All the “variants” since last year are less and less virulent. That’s always the story in infectious diseases. In my hospital, in March-April 2020, the whole building was full of people with Covid-19: fifty patients. And the so-called “second”, “third”, “fourth waves” were just very small waves, because the hospitals are not full any more. But in the media, they said that all the hospitals were full of patients. That’s not true. Of course, the epidemic was going on, but the “variants” were less and less virulent.

You know, in August 2020, they said, “The ‘Spanish variant’ will kill all of Europe!”—but in the end, there was no real problem.

After that, they said, “The British variant!”, and after that, “The New Zealand variant!”, and “The American variant!”, and “The South African variant!”, and so on. All that is only media stuff. It’s not scientifically-based. The “Delta variant” is of very low virulence. If you look at the official rates of the disease and of death in Brazil and India, which were the two last countries in the world with an active transmission of the disease, all the curves are going down. And now, the epidemic is quite over in many countries worldwide.

Yet now, you have governments obliging their citizens to be inoculated with these so-called “vaccines”—and in the countries where they did that, once the epidemic was [already] finished, the epidemic came back, and deaths started again.

In Vietnam, for example, it was an amazing success, they had only a few dozen deaths over more than a year, [the epidemic] was finished, and then one of the ministers said, “We have to vaccinate the whole population!” It’s now nearly mandatory, and after the start of this vaccination campaign, the epidemic came back and fatal cases occurred again. That’s proof that these inoculations are not a vaccine, but may facilitate the reappearance of the disease and also of deaths.

All must die ( inoculated and not )
Politicians lie to us
It's the genocide against human race, peoples shall stand up, otherwise anyone will die
All must die ( inoculated and not )
Politicians lie to us
It's the genocide against human race, peoples shall stand up, otherwise anyone will die
They want a total global population of anywhere between half billion to a billion

That the goal

Wait for it

And it won't stay up for much longer

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