Boycotting Sam's Club & Walmart

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Once again Walmart and Sam's Club are caught red handed. Boycotting Walmart and Sam's Club is the message American's should be sending to make these companies realize that if you support terrorists? We don't support you!

FFA Home Page

Sami Al-Arian, the convicted Palestinian Islamic Jihad facilitator who started the mosque that received a $2,500 donation from Sam’s Club, was deported.
Click here to send your email to communicate concerns to Sam's Club and Wal-Mart officials.

Sami Al-Arian, founder and former chairman of the mosque to which Sam’s Club #6403 donated $2,500, was deported to Turkey on February 4, 2015 after serving 57 months for aiding associates of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and refusing to testify about similar jihadist activities.
Florida Family Association reported in an email alert and online article on September 24, 2014 that Sam’s Club donated $2,500 to the Islamic Community of Tampa, the mosque founded and chaired by Sami Al-Arian. The online article encouraged people to send emails to Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart officials.
Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart officials received thousands of emails. However, there was no response from Sam’s Club and the Sam’s Club store in Brandon Florida kept the photo of their generous donation to the Islamic Community of Tampa prominently posted on the wall for everyone to see at check out.
Perhaps Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart officials presumed the controversy would go away. However, Sami Al-Arian’s deportation adds to the concern and controversy about Sam’s Club’s open, generous donation to a mosque founded by a man who the United States deported because of his support for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and refusal to testify regarding other jihadist activities.
Some of the history regarding this issue is posted at the bottom of this article.
Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send that voices concern to Sam’s Club officials and parent company Wal-Mart officials regarding Sam’s Club financial support for the Islamic Community of Tampa and for not responding to concern voiced by thousands of Americans.
To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.
Click here to send your email to communicate concerns to Sam's Club and Wal-Mart officials.
For contact information please click here.
Your support
of these email campaigns is making a difference.
Hiding in plain sight - listen to this story!

A Florida Family Association supporter happened to look up at the wall behind the checkout line at the Sam’s Club located at 2021 Brandon Boulevard in Brandon, Florida. He saw a large photograph of a check made out from Sam’s Club in the amount of $2,500 payable to the Islamic Community of Tampa located in the top left prominent position on the wall. Florida Family Association snapped a cellphone photograph. Photographs indicated that no other non-profit organization received more than $500.

Did Sam’s Club and parent company Wal-Mart know the following when it gave this store’s largest non-profit donation to the Islamic Community of Tampa?

  • The Islamic Community of Tampa is also known as the Al-Qassam mosque. The Military Wing of the Palestinian Hamas is calledthe Al-Qassam Brigade. reports “The mosque, according to Sami Al-Arian, was named after Izzedin al-Qassam. Al-Qassam, a Syrian killed fighting the British mandate in 1935, ‘is the main source of inspiration for the Islamic Jihad movement’ Palestinian scholar Ziad Abu Amr wrote in his book, Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza. ‘The Islamic Jihad's supporters have elevated him almost to a saintly status.’"
  • The Hamas rockets fired at Israel are named Qassam rockets.
  • Sami Al-Arian was indicted in February 2003 on 17 counts under the Patriot Act for allegedly being the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). In 2006, Al-Arian pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to make or receive contributions of funds, goods or services for the benefit of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and was sentenced to 57 months in prison.
  • Sami Al-Arian refused to testify before a Federal Grand Jury regarding other Jihad activities. U.S. District Judge James Moodyruled that Al-Arian must testify. A Virginia District Court held that Sami Al-Arian had no legal basis to refuse to testify. The court held him in civil contempt, and imprisoned him on November 16, 2006. Sami Al-Arian was released from prison on June 27, 2014 after the United States Department of Justice dropped charges.
  • Sami Al-Arian served as the Chairman of the Islamic Community of Tampa.
  • The Islamic Community of Tampa has been a member of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and derived their tax exempt status from ISNA. Sami Al-Arian’s letter written on Islamic Community of Tampa – Masjid al-Qassam stationery stated “We are an affiliated member of the Islamic Society of North America(ISNA) and derive our tax exempt status under 501 C 3 of the IRS code through them.” Click here for report regarding concerns about ISNA.
  • The Islamic Community of Tampa hosted a propaganda event for the Council on America Islamic Relations (CAIR Florida) in February 2012. Click here for a report regarding concerns about CAIR.
  • More information regarding Sami Al-Arian and the Islamic Community of Tampa mosque can be read at FamilySecurityMatters.organd at

  • see this link ------------------->FFA Home Page to read more.....
And not a word about the billions being slipped to what ordinary people would call terrorists. Billions of your tax dollars.

Ever heard of the HLF Trial? The best thing to do is boycott Walmart and Sam's club and do not buy from them again. Send them an email and let them know about it and then make sure you mass email to your friends and loved ones so they can do the same.
There is nothing to convince me there is anything behind this, Jeremiah. If, indeed they did donate, he had been behind bars for over 3 years at that point and had nothing to do with the mosque at that point.

And that is not a real check. Anyone with a grind to pick with Sam's or Walmart could have produced it. And we know there are many of those around.
I believe FFA does their research, Depotoo. Sami Al Arian should be behind bars for life. They should not have deported him. Walmart and Sam's Club are not innocent in my opinion.
There is nothing to convince me there is anything behind this, Jeremiah. If, indeed they did donate, he had been behind bars for over 3 years at that point and had nothing to do with the mosque at that point.

And that is not a real check. Anyone with a grind to pick with Sam's or Walmart could have produced it. And we know there are many of those around.

Does Walmart and Sam's club know how to read? This should have been their first clue!

Islamic Community of Tampa Inc. Al-Qassam Mosque The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Islamic Community of Tampa, Inc. (Al-Qassam Mosque)
Tampa, FL

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
This is a rare case in which the mosque's very name is a signal that it was led by radical Islamists. The mosque, according to Sami Al-Arian, was named after Izzedin al-Qassam.[1] Al-Qassam, a Syrian killed fighting the British mandate in 1935, "is the main source of inspiration for the Islamic Jihad movement," Palestinian scholar Ziad Abu Amr wrote in his book, Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza. "The Islamic Jihad's supporters have elevated him almost to a saintly status."[2]

Al Qassam similarly is an icon to Hamas, which named its military wing after him.[3]

Al-Qassam mosque was incorporated by Sami Al-Arian in 1992 under the name "The Islamic Community of Tampa, Inc."[4] Al-Arian pleaded guilty in 2006 to conspiring to make or receive contributions of funds, goods or services for the benefit of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).[5] Federal investigators say that, at the time, Al-Arian was the North American leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.[6]

An initial member of the Board of Trustees of Al-Qassam Mosque, Ramadan Abdullah Shallah, has been the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Syria since 1995.[7] In addition, Al-Arian's brother-in-law Mazen Al-Najjar was a founding board member and served as mosque imam until 2001. Al-Najjar appears on the Islamic Community of Tampa's annual reports up until 2001, when he was arrested by the INS for a visa violation.[8] Al-Najjar was deported by the U.S. in 2002 for staying in the U.S. after his student visa lapsed. In addition, he served on the PIJ's Shura Council, or governing board, and was indicted along with Al-Arian for providing material support to the PIJ. Since he was deported, Al-Najjar never stood trial on those charges.[9]
You don't think they knew this either?

Family Security Matters


There are times when an unfortunate name can come back to haunt someone even when he or she had nothing to do with the original moniker. Think of Rick Perry's ranch, or a Florida mosque named for a terrorist icon.

The Islamic Community of Tampa, also known as the al-Qassam mosque, hosts an ironic event Friday evening with the local Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) chapter. The open house aims to advance "understanding Islam." Speakers will discuss Muslim beliefs and try to clear up "misconceptions about Islam, and Islam's condemnation of terrorism," a promotional release said.
That's a difficult sell when the mosque exalts Izzedin al-Qassam, who remains an inspirational figure to Palestinian terrorists. Hamas named its terrorist operations branch for al-Qassam. Most rockets fired from Gaza toward Israeli homes and schools are called Qassam rockets.
"The [Palestinian] Islamic Jihad's supporters have elevated him almost to a saintly status," wrote Palestinian academic Ziad Abu Amr in his book Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza. It was al-Qassam who merged religion and violence, advocating "God's book in one hand, and the rifle in the other."
Echoing Al-Qassam, both Hamas and Islamic Jihad have charters rejecting any peaceful resolution to the conflict with Israel. Islamic Jihad calls for "The creation of a state of terror, instability and panic in the souls of Zionists and especially the groups of settlers, and force them to leave their houses." Hamas dismisses peace talks as a game beneath Palestinian dignity. "There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. The initiatives, proposals and International Conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility. The Palestinian people are too noble to have their future, their right and their destiny submitted to a vain game."
It is fairly rare for a mosque to be named for an individual. A plaque outside the mosque hails al-Qassam as the one who "declared Jihad against the British and Zionist invasion of Palestine. He was martyred on November 19, 1935 in Yabrod, Palestine. Al-Qassam has become a symbol of heroism, resistance, occupation, and invasion of steadfast Palestine."
The mosque's name changed in 1989 when it was run by Sami Al-Arian, a University of South Florida computer scientist who secretly served on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad's shura council, or governing board. Al-Arian sheltered other board members, including Secretary General Ramadan Shallah. Shallah took over the Islamic Jihad in 1995, just six months after leaving Tampa.
A year earlier, when evidence shows Al-Arian was fighting to keep the Islamic Jihad alive in the face of a financial crisis, Al-Arian wrote to immigration officials on Al-Qassam Mosque letterhead seeking a work visa for Shallah to be the mosque's imam. read more on link above...
Any red blooded American that loves America and Israel - be it Christian, Jew or Gentile - should have their head examined for spending their money at Sam's Club or Walmart after learning about this!
There still is not enough evidence to support it even happening, Jeremiah. And, Sam's and Walmart do give to local organizations. And the local pr/marketing and/or manager is going to make those decisions, not corporate. If indeed they did, it could be an employee asked for the donation to their mosque, and they said yes, on that employee's recommendation.
I think you are jumping the gun here. If unhappy about what possibly happened, contact that stores manager and ask for an explanation, don't just boycott them at the drop of a perceived wrong, which may not even be the case.
There is nothing to convince me there is anything behind this, Jeremiah. If, indeed they did donate, he had been behind bars for over 3 years at that point and had nothing to do with the mosque at that point.

And that is not a real check. Anyone with a grind to pick with Sam's or Walmart could have produced it. And we know there are many of those around.

Does Walmart and Sam's club know how to read? This should have been their first clue!

Islamic Community of Tampa Inc. Al-Qassam Mosque The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Islamic Community of Tampa, Inc. (Al-Qassam Mosque)
Tampa, FL

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
This is a rare case in which the mosque's very name is a signal that it was led by radical Islamists. The mosque, according to Sami Al-Arian, was named after Izzedin al-Qassam.[1] Al-Qassam, a Syrian killed fighting the British mandate in 1935, "is the main source of inspiration for the Islamic Jihad movement," Palestinian scholar Ziad Abu Amr wrote in his book, Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza. "The Islamic Jihad's supporters have elevated him almost to a saintly status."[2]

Al Qassam similarly is an icon to Hamas, which named its military wing after him.[3]

Al-Qassam mosque was incorporated by Sami Al-Arian in 1992 under the name "The Islamic Community of Tampa, Inc."[4] Al-Arian pleaded guilty in 2006 to conspiring to make or receive contributions of funds, goods or services for the benefit of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).[5] Federal investigators say that, at the time, Al-Arian was the North American leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.[6]

An initial member of the Board of Trustees of Al-Qassam Mosque, Ramadan Abdullah Shallah, has been the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Syria since 1995.[7] In addition, Al-Arian's brother-in-law Mazen Al-Najjar was a founding board member and served as mosque imam until 2001. Al-Najjar appears on the Islamic Community of Tampa's annual reports up until 2001, when he was arrested by the INS for a visa violation.[8] Al-Najjar was deported by the U.S. in 2002 for staying in the U.S. after his student visa lapsed. In addition, he served on the PIJ's Shura Council, or governing board, and was indicted along with Al-Arian for providing material support to the PIJ. Since he was deported, Al-Najjar never stood trial on those charges.[9]
I got it firsthand from a reliabe source to my email and he is saying boycott so that is what I plan to do. Suit yourself, Depotoo. I never did trust Sam's club or Walmart. I came across a story some time back around Christmas about Walmart buying from a company known to used forced slave labor - and they didn't do a thing about it but continue to give them their business. For that Walmart goes to the front of the line - for bad business practices! And now this? What a something!

Oh and the people behind the slavery operation for fish industry that owned one of the biggest companies? Islamic names.
I can't imagine a situation where Walmart/ Sam's club would write a hand written check. Simple accounting requires they use a software program to reconcile their books. I could be wrong, but I am usually right...and Jeremiah is a false prophet/ conspiracy theorist who thinks her shadow is a black guy following her.
I am a red bloodied American that loves America and Israel and am a Christian. Unless you can prove to me it is policy of Sam's and Walmart corporate to support terrorists, then I am going to continue to shop there.
Any red blooded American that loves America and Israel - be it Christian, Jew or Gentile - should have their head examined for spending their money at Sam's Club or Walmart after learning about this!
There is nothing to convince me there is anything behind this, Jeremiah. If, indeed they did donate, he had been behind bars for over 3 years at that point and had nothing to do with the mosque at that point.

And that is not a real check. Anyone with a grind to pick with Sam's or Walmart could have produced it. And we know there are many of those around.
Actually, depotoo , a check can be written on anything or carved into something like a block of wood. I remember the case of the check being etched on a watermelon rind. The business refused to honor it, placed him on the bad credit list and was sued by the maker. He won the case in court and had his credit rating restored. He didn't sue for money, he just wanted justice.

Giant cardboard checks
March 22, 2001: 7:30 a.m. ET A check on anything other than paper is still a check - if it has the right info
By Holden Lewis




NEW YORK (Bankrate) - What if you won the lottery and you got one of those giant cardboard checks -- could you deposit it at the bank?

Yes, if the proper information were written on it.

In fact, a check doesn't necessarily have to be written on paper. There are legends, probably apocryphal, of checks written on the backs of shirts (by tax protesters) and on watermelon rinds (by goodness knows whom -- maybe madcap farmers), even on skin. If they were written in the right format, they could be cashed.

Giant cardboard check please - Mar. 22 2001
There is nothing to convince me there is anything behind this, Jeremiah. If, indeed they did donate, he had been behind bars for over 3 years at that point and had nothing to do with the mosque at that point.

And that is not a real check. Anyone with a grind to pick with Sam's or Walmart could have produced it. And we know there are many of those around.
Actually, depotoo , a check can be written on anything or carved into something like a block of wood. I remember the case of the check being etched on a watermelon rind. The business refused to honor it, placed him on the bad credit list and was sued by the maker. He won the case in court and had his credit rating restored. He didn't sue for money, he just wanted justice.

Giant cardboard checks
March 22, 2001: 7:30 a.m. ET A check on anything other than paper is still a check - if it has the right info
By Holden Lewis




NEW YORK (Bankrate) - What if you won the lottery and you got one of those giant cardboard checks -- could you deposit it at the bank?

Yes, if the proper information were written on it.

In fact, a check doesn't necessarily have to be written on paper. There are legends, probably apocryphal, of checks written on the backs of shirts (by tax protesters) and on watermelon rinds (by goodness knows whom -- maybe madcap farmers), even on skin. If they were written in the right format, they could be cashed.

Giant cardboard checks
March 22, 2001: 7:30 a.m. ET A check on anything other than paper is still a check - if it has the right info
By Holden Lewis




NEW YORK (Bankrate) - What if you won the lottery and you got one of those giant cardboard checks -- could you deposit it at the bank?

Yes, if the proper information were written on it.

In fact, a check doesn't necessarily have to be written on paper. There are legends, probably apocryphal, of checks written on the backs of shirts (by tax protesters) and on watermelon rinds (by goodness knows whom -- maybe madcap farmers), even on skin. If they were written in the right format, they could be cashed.
There are stories of people writing checks on dirty underwear...nonetheless...Walmart isn't gonna hand write a check...period.
I got it firsthand from a reliabe source to my email and he is saying boycott so that is what I plan to do. Suit yourself, Depotoo. I never did trust Sam's club or Walmart. I came across a story some time back around Christmas about Walmart buying from a company known to used forced slave labor - and they didn't do a thing about it but continue to give them their business. For that Walmart goes to the front of the line - for bad business practices! And now this? What a something!

Oh and the people behind the slavery operation for fish industry that owned one of the biggest companies? Islamic names.
In violation of Texas law, Wal-Mart has been taking out life insurance policies on its employees without their knowledge and naming the company as beneficiary. Another prominent user of these "dead peasant" insurance policies is, you guessed it, Enron. The difference between the Enron and Wal-Mart in this matter is that Enron didn't break Texas Law as did Wal-Mart. In Texas, it is illegal for any person or company to take out a life insurance policy on any other person without telling the person first. Wal-Mart chose to ignore Texas law when it took some 350,000 dead peasant policies on employees, including Texas employees, without telling them.

Wal-Mart boycott Need more reasons - Democratic Underground
There is nothing to convince me there is anything behind this, Jeremiah. If, indeed they did donate, he had been behind bars for over 3 years at that point and had nothing to do with the mosque at that point.

And that is not a real check. Anyone with a grind to pick with Sam's or Walmart could have produced it. And we know there are many of those around.
Actually, depotoo , a check can be written on anything or carved into something like a block of wood. I remember the case of the check being etched on a watermelon rind. The business refused to honor it, placed him on the bad credit list and was sued by the maker. He won the case in court and had his credit rating restored. He didn't sue for money, he just wanted justice.

Giant cardboard checks
March 22, 2001: 7:30 a.m. ET A check on anything other than paper is still a check - if it has the right info
By Holden Lewis




NEW YORK (Bankrate) - What if you won the lottery and you got one of those giant cardboard checks -- could you deposit it at the bank?

Yes, if the proper information were written on it.

In fact, a check doesn't necessarily have to be written on paper. There are legends, probably apocryphal, of checks written on the backs of shirts (by tax protesters) and on watermelon rinds (by goodness knows whom -- maybe madcap farmers), even on skin. If they were written in the right format, they could be cashed.

Giant cardboard checks
March 22, 2001: 7:30 a.m. ET A check on anything other than paper is still a check - if it has the right info
By Holden Lewis




NEW YORK (Bankrate) - What if you won the lottery and you got one of those giant cardboard checks -- could you deposit it at the bank?

Yes, if the proper information were written on it.

In fact, a check doesn't necessarily have to be written on paper. There are legends, probably apocryphal, of checks written on the backs of shirts (by tax protesters) and on watermelon rinds (by goodness knows whom -- maybe madcap farmers), even on skin. If they were written in the right format, they could be cashed.
There are stories of people writing checks on dirty underwear...nonetheless...Walmart isn't gonna hand write a check...period.
I agree
If you read the article it states it was supposedly on the wall at a Sam's in Tampa. All it is is a donation record they post on the wall. Anyone working there could have gotten it out of the office, filled it in and put it on the wall, or even copied one and then claimed it was from Sam's. It is very suspect as they said it is the only index card showing over $500 on the wall. It is being portrayed as a check, when indeed it is not.
Why has noone contacted that store manager for an explanation, rather than assume they even did it, before verifying it? Sounds like someone with an agenda. And you can't blame an entire corporation for the decision of what one local manager may have possibly done.
I can't imagine a situation where Walmart/ Sam's club would write a hand written check. Simple accounting requires they use a software program to reconcile their books. I could be wrong, but I am usually right...and Jeremiah is a false prophet/ conspiracy theorist who thinks her shadow is a black guy following her.

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