Boy, I think Biden has really failed us on COVID


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Reason Trump was replaced (cough!) is because blood on his hands as he failed us COVID. Surely you remember that, we heard all about it everyday, and still do. He really and truly failed us as the parrot tweets, your feelings.

Then Biden comes in after a year of experience, because at least we can say Trump etc. had never experienced this before.

So case counts are what they were one year ago, weird how that works. Odd how they removed mask mandates when cases were greater than one year earlier. So leftists, in your own words the guy you replaced Trump with is twice the failure. What does that feel like as an "informed" voter?
Reason Trump was replaced (cough!) is because blood on his hands as he failed us COVID. Surely you remember that, we heard all about it everyday, and still do. He really and truly failed us as the parrot tweets, your feelings.

Then Biden comes in after a year of experience, because at least we can say Trump etc. had never experienced this before.

So case counts are what they were one year ago, weird how that works. Odd how they removed mask mandates when cases were greater than one year earlier. So leftists, in your own words the guy you replaced Trump with is twice the failure. What does that feel like as an "informed" voter?
Its all you republicans that refused the vaccine.
Its all you republicans that refused the vaccine.


And it's bullshit because we didn't have a vaccine at this time last year. Now it's widely available, people (on both sides of the aisle) are getting it, and the number of cases hasn't really gone down much.

As much as Trump got blamed for the initial spread of the virus, so will Biden be rightly blamed for its longevity...
Anybody who wants a vaccine can get one. Trump didn't even have a real plan to help states distribute the vaccine.

Now, if you don't get one and end up real sick with permanent health issues or worse. Oh well, you get to own that. Bye.

You just said Trump didn't have a plan for STATES to distribute a vaccine. Here's a does of reality to trigger your nerves.

A. When was the "vaccine built"?
B. Ever take a govt. class? See, we live in a Republic, Presidents don't run States.

It's true that Biden has failed in every aspect of his Presidency and it's true that he has embarrassed us on the world stage. But the good thing about Biden is that he doesn't even have a clue about how clueless he is. He's too old and senile to lead a productive life. He sure as hell isn't nearly capable of being President. He wasn't even capable of being President in the prime of his life. How the hell did we become so hard up?
Reason Trump was replaced (cough!) is because blood on his hands as he failed us COVID. Surely you remember that, we heard all about it everyday, and still do. He really and truly failed us as the parrot tweets, your feelings.

Then Biden comes in after a year of experience, because at least we can say Trump etc. had never experienced this before.

So case counts are what they were one year ago, weird how that works. Odd how they removed mask mandates when cases were greater than one year earlier. So leftists, in your own words the guy you replaced Trump with is twice the failure. What does that feel like as an "informed" voter?
It's Biden fault a bunch of dumb ass wingers refuse to get vaccinated and wear masks when appropriate to battle this latest variant of the virus?

And it's bullshit because we didn't have a vaccine at this time last year. Now it's widely available, people (on both sides of the aisle) are getting it, and the number of cases hasn't really gone down much.

As much as Trump got blamed for the initial spread of the virus, so will Biden be rightly blamed for its longevity...
The number of cases hasn't gone down much? it's gone down drastically and only going back up because numbnuts like you.

Trump shit on mask wearing, held super spreader events that inspired other morons to go out in public and harass Trader Joes and Costco employees because you fucks don't understand how viruses spread or the rights of businesses to kick you out for being a gaggle of douchebags.
Reason Trump was replaced (cough!) is because blood on his hands as he failed us COVID. Surely you remember that, we heard all about it everyday, and still do. He really and truly failed us as the parrot tweets, your feelings.

Then Biden comes in after a year of experience, because at least we can say Trump etc. had never experienced this before.

So case counts are what they were one year ago, weird how that works. Odd how they removed mask mandates when cases were greater than one year earlier. So leftists, in your own words the guy you replaced Trump with is twice the failure. What does that feel like as an "informed" voter?
Remember when Trump punished rich people in blue states through his tax bill? Well Biden's response to covid has been great for Democrats who have gotten the vaccine. It's 50% of Republicans who have not gotten the vaccine that are dying. Do you think Trump would care about people who vote against him dying? Of course not.

And it's bullshit because we didn't have a vaccine at this time last year. Now it's widely available, people (on both sides of the aisle) are getting it, and the number of cases hasn't really gone down much.

As much as Trump got blamed for the initial spread of the virus, so will Biden be rightly blamed for its longevity...

Number of cases hasn't gone down at all. Can't wait for winter, I wonder if the left will cry a consistent tune? Fuck no, they only parrot, and they're cowardly, every time.
The number of cases hasn't gone down much? it's gone down drastically and only going back up because numbnuts like you.

Trump shit on mask wearing, held super spreader events that inspired other morons to go out in public and harass Trader Joes and Costco employees because you fucks don't understand how viruses spread or the rights of businesses to kick you out for being a gaggle of douchebags.
It's interesting. I was able to convey my point without the use of name-calling or denigrating anyone by calling them stupid.

You've not been blessed with such ability, I see, and prefer to make your arguments much as an insolent, bed wetting child would do.


Now go fuck yourself...
Anybody who wants a vaccine can get one. Trump didn't even have a real plan to help states distribute the vaccine.

Now, if you don't get one and end up real sick with permanent health issues or worse. Oh well, you get to own that. Bye.
You realize the same guy Trump put in charge of distributing the vaccine (Gen Perna) is still in charge of distributing the vaccine right?
many medical workers have refused it too....are they all republicans?...

Yep, everyone with an independent mind is Republican now.

We're talking about a people (leftists) who have blamed others for everything throughout their entire lives. The result of poor environments and parenting. These are the same types who are leaving California in droves because they themselves destroyed it, and now they're taking other States with them.
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It's Biden fault a bunch of dumb ass wingers refuse to get vaccinated and wear masks when appropriate to battle this latest variant of the virus?
Republicans are still saying masks don't work. So I always ask them if they cover their mouths and nose when they sneeze in a room full of people. Because what's the point. Hands don't work. So why not just let the snot fly if hands don't work? Stop covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough if covering your mouth doesn't work.

They are such stupid fucks. They are dropping like flies and still they don't believe. But I am hearing a lot of them come around and say things like, "name one prominent Republican who's an anti vaxer". So the 180 slow shift has begun. Suddenly they aren't anti science. Now they can give Trump credit for the vaccine, that they say they won't take because it was rushed to market. But if it works, give Trump credit. I'm getting dizzy.
Reason Trump was replaced (cough!) is because blood on his hands as he failed us COVID. Surely you remember that, we heard all about it everyday, and still do. He really and truly failed us as the parrot tweets, your feelings.

Then Biden comes in after a year of experience, because at least we can say Trump etc. had never experienced this before.

So case counts are what they were one year ago, weird how that works. Odd how they removed mask mandates when cases were greater than one year earlier. So leftists, in your own words the guy you replaced Trump with is twice the failure. What does that feel like as an "informed" voter?
Thats a fun spin but full of poo poo as usual. Biden has done a fine job with Covid and we aren't seeing a daily circus of lies and controversy and politicization of the pandemic.

We got a variant and too many stubborn Americans not wanting to take medicine that is readily available to them... Can't fix stupid
Every one failed us ,including our self's, by making it political,

That came wholly from the left. They saw it as a perfect way to attack Trump, suggesting that he allowed the virus within our borders. They're too stupid to understand that, with a worldwide pandemic, God himself could've been President and we'd have gotten the virus here...

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