Both the Left and Right Have a Biden Problem


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Both the Left and Right Have a Biden Problem

Both the Left and Right Have a Biden Problem - American Thinker
17 Dec 2020 ~~ By William L. Gensert

Joe Biden will never be my president, period. This election was stolen for him even if he is the only one who does not know it. He is a despicable man who has been one of the most divisive politicians of the last half century. He is a kleptocratic pederast and rapist (forced digital penetration is rape -- ask Tara Reade). In a more just world, he would receive nothing but scorn.
Americans know this election was stolen. And just in case we did not realize how little respect they have for us, Democrats boasted continuously of their millenarian machinations as they absconded with the election for all to see.
Yet, the Democrats never accounted for Joe being a most dangerous of morons: the moron who does not know he is a moron. Their intention was to let him be president for a while, not thinking he would actually believe he was in control.
The left is now faced with Joe Biden, President Select, an addlepated buffoon standing on home plate in an adult diaper absolutely convinced Americans believe he hit a home run.
Biden thinks he is supposed to be in charge, when in reality he should change his name to Xiden to acknowledge the real boss. Believing it is his prerogative, he is checking off the identity politics boxes with retreads from the Clinton and Obama administrations, when the left thought they would get appointees who were more radical.
What’s a criminal political party to do? They were hoping that after his inauguration, they could infect him with COVID and blame his demise on Trump’s mishandling of the pandemic.
If the blame does not stick, they can say Trump was right and Biden was too old, cognizant of the fact that in 2024 Trump will be the age Illegitimate Joe is now. Either way, the plan is to ruin his chances in 2024. It is why they are shutting the nation down again. They need the virus to be ascendent for their plot to work.
The best-case scenario for the nation and the world would be Joe running for reelection against Trump in 2024. But we will probably have to make do with Harris as their candidate -- hopefully running as Joe’s VP seeking the presidency. When she ran against Biden in the primaries, she fought for and received 1% support. Enough said.

China Joe is not necessarily the problem, even though he's proven to be corrupt. It's those behind Biden that are the problem and they are there to stay.
If Joey Xi's history is of any value, he will be one of the shortest and most lack luster presidents ever elected.
Elections have been rendered pointless. Nothing short of torches, pitchforks and gun powder will remove the Progressive Marxist/DSA Leftists from power.
If Joey Xi takes office on 1/20/21 and the fraudulent election is confirmed voting will have become as a physical exercise only. The vote will be fixed from now on and voting will become a trivial matter except maybe for local sheriff, county commissioner and dog catcher.
Cameltoe Ho will replace China Joe any time after inauguration.
Indeed, China will have won over America, with their corruption of a President named Biden and Congress persons
Unfortunately, I don't believe that President Donald Trump will attempt a 2024 presidential run.
Anymore fake news from a fake news site?

Doc does seem drawn to fake news stuff alright,I will be weary of his stuff because he cant face reality that even you can that Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever unable to deal with reality that I checkmated him taking him to school on that,that he ran the most corrupt administration ever.
Anymore fake news from a fake news site?
:yes_text12: the fact he cannot accept this reality on his hero warcriminal traiter he is Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

proving he is not objective or interested in the truth being exposed,makes me indeed believe he is gullible to fake news as you say. lol you got to weary of the stuff he says he posts the fact he is not open minded i have
Anymore fake news from a fake news site?
Perhaps you can explain how Biden has crippling dementia AND managed to conspire master plan to cheat the election?

it’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.
Anymore fake news from a fake news site?
Perhaps you can explain how Biden has crippling dementia AND managed to conspire master plan to cheat the election?

it’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.

Apparently he's saying that Rump is SO bad, even a demented "moron" could whup his ass by seven million votes.

Good thing for Rump they didn't run a stronger candidate huh.
Apparently he's saying that Rump is SO bad, even a demented "moron" could whup his ass by seven million votes.
>>> the words “insane” and “insane person” shall include every idiot, insane person, and person non compos mentis;
>>> the words “person” and “whoever” include corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock companies, as well as individuals;<<<
U.S. Code what you get from government of the Democrats by the Democrats for the Democrats.
The forensic exam of Antrim cty MI was posted here ,,,,,,,,facts and details galore......lib response was fake even if I posted the appropriate article your response would be the same
The forensic exam of Antrim cty MI was posted here ,,,,,,,,facts and details galore......lib response was fake even if I posted the appropriate article your response would be the same

I dunno about that but I do appreciate the juxtaposition of the word "galore" with the name "Antrim".

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