Border Patrol Agents Furious With Biden’s Promise To Make Them ‘Pay’: ‘He Just Started A War’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Border Patrol Agents Furious With Biden’s Promise To Make Them ‘Pay’: ‘He Just Started A War’

24 Sep 2021 ~~ By Tim Pearce
Border Patrol agents are reportedly furious with President Joe Biden’s comments on a debunked claim that some agents were whipping migrants at the border.
Biden on Friday addressed claims that Border Patrol agents on horseback were “whipping” and “running … over” migrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally. Though no evidence has been given to support the claims, Biden pledged that the agents allegedly responsible “will pay.”
“To see people treated like they did? Horses running them over? People being strapped? It’s outrageous,” Biden said. “I promise you those people will pay. There will be consequences.”
“It’s dangerous, it’s wrong. It sends the wrong message around the world, it sends the wrong message at home. It’s simply not who we are,” he added.
Biden’s claims sparked angry reactions among Border Patrol agents who have been stretched thin attempting to curb a surge of illegal immigration into the U.S. that began shortly after Biden won the presidency last year. Agents speaking to Fox News panned Biden’s comments.
“Would you go to work and do your best knowing that if you do your boss is going to ‘make you pay?’” one agent said. “I’m dumbfounded and don’t know what to say.”
“Is the president threatening to throw us in prison?” he asked.
Another agent said, “I see the administration wants to fry our agents. He just started a war with Border Patrol.”
Brandon Judd, who represents thousands of Border Patrol agents as president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), ripped Biden on Thursday. Judd accused the president of turning on his own law enforcement officers.
“I’ve been patrolling the borders since Clinton was the president and I can tell you personally, that the policies that have been in place were by far the best under President Trump and President Biden completely and totally dismantled all of those policies,” Judd said in an interview on Fox News. “And when you look at our Border Patrol agents, when they are sent down there to that job, and by the way, Mayorkas was down on the border, and he saw the horses, he knew the horses were out there, and now he’s making, doing a 180.”
“But when our agents are out there trying to patrol the border, do their job to the best of their ability, then they’re vilified by the president,” he continued. “You know, we feel like why even go out there and do it? Why put on that uniform? Why care about the American public? That’s why we do it; we put on that uniform because we care about the American public; we want to go out there and we want to protect them. And Joe Biden is trying to break that down.”
“If President Biden wasn’t the president right now, I would arrest him for aiding and abetting,” Judd later said.

See Also:

Any leader that has the capability to lead never jumps to conclusions but gets all the confirmed facts from reliable sources before making public comments on any situation. We have the President, VP, Cabinet members, congress including the media jumping to conclusions at the expense of border patrol agents doing excellent jobs. There is more than enough evidence to have the Joey Xi, Kamaltoe Harris, Baghdad Bob Mayorkas and some Democrat Congressional members removed from office permanently.
Bai Dung & Company have started a war all right. The Border Patrol (Federal) is turning against him, the Military (Federal) is turning against him and those on the Medical side (Federal) are turning against him. It seems the Joey Xi Bai Dung Admin and his fellow henchmen have created a war between necessary Federal employee’s and unnecessary Federal employee’s. It’s a joy to watch!
Here is a factoid that Bai Dung et al have refused to tell America. The majority of the Border Patrol agents at the Mexican border are of Hispanic/Latino origin. Yet this will not stop the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies from advancing their White Supremacy lie.
Bidumb said FU to the border patrol!!!! he said ''' they will pay'' --without an investigation/etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fkn dictator!! .....he said FU to the police, also !!!!!!!!!
....Bidumb is saying FU to America and everything American....
..but he LOVES and honors criminals and criminality -----he needs to be taken out
As the most fascistic part of the US government the border patrol naturally attracts sadists and racists. If their feelings are hurt I care about as much as they care about the people they gleefully put through the wringer.
As the most fascistic part of the US government the border patrol naturally attracts sadists and racists. If their feelings are hurt I care about as much as they care about the people they gleefully put through the wringer.
If those people didn't come here they would not be put through any wringer. Abbot should give blanket deputy authority to every lawful citizen in Texas and ask for help at the border. That camp could have been cleared out in two hours.
As the most fascistic part of the US government the border patrol naturally attracts sadists and racists. If their feelings are hurt I care about as much as they care about the people they gleefully put through the wringer.
I hope you will just love it when they bring in the dogs.
Bidumb said FU to the border patrol!!!! he said ''' they will pay'' --without an investigation/etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fkn dictator!! .....he said FU to the police, also !!!!!!!!!
....Bidumb is saying FU to America and everything American....
..but he LOVES and honors criminals and criminality -----he needs to be taken out

Bai Dung once again lying to America. Will he now send a drone to bomb a Border Patrol Station in retaliation and kill innocent Americans and illegal "immigrants" like he did in Afghanistan...?
Any leader that has the capability to lead never jumps to conclusions but gets all the confirmed facts from reliable sources before making public comments

Reminds me of the time Obumma attacked the police accusing them of things they never did. No doubt Joe is hoping a lot of Border Agents will just quit over this making his job easier and saving him from trying to fire the border patrol so he can leave the border totally wide open.

We have a dangerous madman in the White House and Joe should be impeached immediately.
The idiot was saying they were terrified....if thats the case why was one of the haitian invaders laughing while being turned around at the border?
Dems are scum of the earth.
No tear gas, no tasers, sand bag-shots.....this was as peaceful as it gets, under the circumstances.....what would Kamala do if they were 'right wing extremists' , waste them with covert drone strikes maybe ?

Border Patrol Agents Furious With Biden’s Promise To Make Them ‘Pay’: ‘He Just Started A War’

24 Sep 2021 ~~ By Tim Pearce
Border Patrol agents are reportedly furious with President Joe Biden’s comments on a debunked claim that some agents were whipping migrants at the border.
Biden on Friday addressed claims that Border Patrol agents on horseback were “whipping” and “running … over” migrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally. Though no evidence has been given to support the claims, Biden pledged that the agents allegedly responsible “will pay.”
“To see people treated like they did? Horses running them over? People being strapped? It’s outrageous,” Biden said. “I promise you those people will pay. There will be consequences.”
“It’s dangerous, it’s wrong. It sends the wrong message around the world, it sends the wrong message at home. It’s simply not who we are,” he added.
Biden’s claims sparked angry reactions among Border Patrol agents who have been stretched thin attempting to curb a surge of illegal immigration into the U.S. that began shortly after Biden won the presidency last year. Agents speaking to Fox News panned Biden’s comments.
“Would you go to work and do your best knowing that if you do your boss is going to ‘make you pay?’” one agent said. “I’m dumbfounded and don’t know what to say.”
“Is the president threatening to throw us in prison?” he asked.
Another agent said, “I see the administration wants to fry our agents. He just started a war with Border Patrol.”
Brandon Judd, who represents thousands of Border Patrol agents as president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), ripped Biden on Thursday. Judd accused the president of turning on his own law enforcement officers.
“I’ve been patrolling the borders since Clinton was the president and I can tell you personally, that the policies that have been in place were by far the best under President Trump and President Biden completely and totally dismantled all of those policies,” Judd said in an interview on Fox News. “And when you look at our Border Patrol agents, when they are sent down there to that job, and by the way, Mayorkas was down on the border, and he saw the horses, he knew the horses were out there, and now he’s making, doing a 180.”
“But when our agents are out there trying to patrol the border, do their job to the best of their ability, then they’re vilified by the president,” he continued. “You know, we feel like why even go out there and do it? Why put on that uniform? Why care about the American public? That’s why we do it; we put on that uniform because we care about the American public; we want to go out there and we want to protect them. And Joe Biden is trying to break that down.”
“If President Biden wasn’t the president right now, I would arrest him for aiding and abetting,” Judd later said.

See Also:

Any leader that has the capability to lead never jumps to conclusions but gets all the confirmed facts from reliable sources before making public comments on any situation. We have the President, VP, Cabinet members, congress including the media jumping to conclusions at the expense of border patrol agents doing excellent jobs. There is more than enough evidence to have the Joey Xi, Kamaltoe Harris, Baghdad Bob Mayorkas and some Democrat Congressional members removed from office permanently.
Bai Dung & Company have started a war all right. The Border Patrol (Federal) is turning against him, the Military (Federal) is turning against him and those on the Medical side (Federal) are turning against him. It seems the Joey Xi Bai Dung Admin and his fellow henchmen have created a war between necessary Federal employee’s and unnecessary Federal employee’s. It’s a joy to watch!
Here is a factoid that Bai Dung et al have refused to tell America. The majority of the Border Patrol agents at the Mexican border are of Hispanic/Latino origin. Yet this will not stop the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies from advancing their White Supremacy lie.
EVERYTHING about the Left is a LIE.
As the most fascistic part of the US government the border patrol naturally attracts sadists and racists. If their feelings are hurt I care about as much as they care about the people they gleefully put through the wringer.
Bidumb is the nazi.....the border patrol were doing their very difficult job.........same with the police..they just do their job and Bidumb says FU to them.....Bidumb is the biggest jackass ever
LOL. Who'd he start a war with? The Border Patrol isn't going to do shit. They're going roll over just as they always have.
No they won’t. There’s already massive blowback on Xiden, Harris and the rest of the liars. Keep lying and this “administration” will lose all support (not that they have any real support to begin with).
As the most fascistic part of the US government the border patrol naturally attracts sadists and racists. If their feelings are hurt I care about as much as they care about the people they gleefully put through the wringer.
Bidumb said they will pay--WITHOUT even an investigation!!!!! = NAZI FKhead...also like Idi Amin/Pol Pot/etc--he's YOUR Fuhrer
the border patrol naturally attracts sadists and racists


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