Boots on the ground in Libya


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Here we go again. Another democrat sponsored expanded mission and no outcry on the left. American Troops on the ground helping the muslem brotherhood defuse IED's in Tripoli while the rest of the Mid-east is in termoil thanks to NATO supported muslem revolutions.
Here we go again. Another democrat sponsored expanded mission and no outcry on the left. American Troops on the ground helping the muslem brotherhood defuse IED's in Tripoli while the rest of the Mid-east is in termoil thanks to NATO supported muslem revolutions.

Hope, change, 6 wars, downgraded credit.
Here we go again. Another democrat sponsored expanded mission and no outcry on the left. American Troops on the ground helping the muslem brotherhood defuse IED's in Tripoli while the rest of the Mid-east is in termoil thanks to NATO supported muslem revolutions.

You got a better idea? You don't understand why we are there? "Muslem" explains why you don't have a clue.:cuckoo:
It is more important for Qaddafi to leave than it was for Sadamm to leave. In 1987 he was caught red-handed ordering terror attacks that killed American servicemen in Germany; he also supported the IRA. Gaddafi killed more Americans than Saddam did.
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Here we go again. Another democrat sponsored expanded mission and no outcry on the left. American Troops on the ground helping the muslem brotherhood defuse IED's in Tripoli while the rest of the Mid-east is in termoil thanks to NATO supported muslem revolutions.

You got a better idea? You don't understand why we are there? "Muslem" explains why you don't have a clue.:cuckoo:
Why are we there?

We just helped hand over an entire country to the fuckin' Jihadi's. A country that is rich in oil reserves, and both conventional and chemical weapons to continue their fatwa against the west.

Christ, there was no attempt made to put boots on the ground to secure those weapons from the get go. In fact, they don't even know where they are.......IDIOTS!

Bad fuckin' move by all western nations who participated in that fiasco.

And you can damn sure bet, seeing as though it's now known that there is Al qaeda in the upper echelon of the rebels, that they will no doubt get their hands on those weapons, and could very well lead to there use here in the states and abroad.

Way to go Obama!.....A billion US dollars to help fund and arm the Jihadi's!
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I know this is a silly question... but does anyone actually have a link to a credible source for anything they've said regarding 'boots on the ground' in Libya?

Just asking.
I would not term this as "boots on the ground." We have Marines on the Chinese mainland too and the Marines and Chinese Marines have conducted an exercise on the Chinese Mainland this year.

The term boots on the ground for me means that combat forces are in place and ready for combat or as a tripwire against aggression.

This mission could have been done by hiring non-military forces but that would cost money and I thought the Repubs were against spending unnecessary monies.
I know this is a silly question... but does anyone actually have a link to a credible source for anything they've said regarding 'boots on the ground' in Libya?

Just asking.

A former ambassador was just on and described it as clearing the US embassy and surrounding property of explosives and providing security for our diplomats. I think this is completely acceptable and needed to be done regardless of our involvement in the war.

We need to be smart about picking our battles with the administration and this one isnt wise.
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Here we go again. Another democrat sponsored expanded mission and no outcry on the left. American Troops on the ground helping the muslem brotherhood defuse IED's in Tripoli while the rest of the Mid-east is in termoil thanks to NATO supported muslem revolutions.

Do tell. How many combat divisions are on the ground right now?
I know this is a silly question... but does anyone actually have a link to a credible source for anything they've said regarding 'boots on the ground' in Libya?

Just asking.

A former ambassador was just on and described it as clearing the US embassy and surrounding property of explosives and providing security for our diplomats. I think this is completely acceptable and needed to be done regardless of our involvement in the war.

We need to be smart about picking our battles with the administration and this one isnt wise.

I do not disagree. I just wanted some kind of verification as to how many, specific duties, etc... rather than a bunch of us just saying 'this or that'.
I know this is a silly question... but does anyone actually have a link to a credible source for anything they've said regarding 'boots on the ground' in Libya?

Just asking.

A former ambassador was just on and described it as clearing the US embassy and surrounding property of explosives and providing security for our diplomats. I think this is completely acceptable and needed to be done regardless of our involvement in the war.

We need to be smart about picking our battles with the administration and this one isnt wise.

I do not disagree. I just wanted some kind of verification as to how many, specific duties, etc... rather than a bunch of us just saying 'this or that'.

Published September 12, 2011

U.S. Boots On The Ground In Libya, Pentagon Confirms | Fox News
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" American Troops on the ground helping the muslem brotherhood defuse IED's in Tripoli "

Americans troops are often sent to places where their expertise in defusing IED's and land-mines can be of great help.

The humanitarian efforts of our fine troops are usually supported by both liberals and conservatives
A former ambassador was just on and described it as clearing the US embassy and surrounding property of explosives and providing security for our diplomats. I think this is completely acceptable and needed to be done regardless of our involvement in the war.

We need to be smart about picking our battles with the administration and this one isnt wise.

I do not disagree. I just wanted some kind of verification as to how many, specific duties, etc... rather than a bunch of us just saying 'this or that'.

Published September 12, 2011

U.S. Boots On The Ground In Libya, Pentagon Confirms | Fox News

Yup... total f 8... count em folks... 4 pairs of boots...
U.S. Boots on the Ground in Libya - Fox News Video - Fox News

Kirby also made clear these troops are in no way part of a military operation on the ground. They are armed, however, if for some reason they need to protect themselves.
I'm good with this.
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Here we go again. Another democrat sponsored expanded mission and no outcry on the left. American Troops on the ground helping the muslem brotherhood defuse IED's in Tripoli while the rest of the Mid-east is in termoil thanks to NATO supported muslem revolutions.

Not that I'm denying it, because I believe they had boots on the ground long before now, but do you have a link?
Here we go again. Another democrat sponsored expanded mission and no outcry on the left. American Troops on the ground helping the muslem brotherhood defuse IED's in Tripoli while the rest of the Mid-east is in termoil thanks to NATO supported muslem revolutions.
Being a military wife for 20 years . I am pretty certain those boots have been on the ground all a long. They do not announce to us because it can endanger our elite forces.I also feel we should not have went in the first place without congress voting on it but that is how Obama rolls I guess , like a dictator! :eusa_whistle:
Here we go again. Another democrat sponsored expanded mission and no outcry on the left. American Troops on the ground helping the muslem brotherhood defuse IED's in Tripoli while the rest of the Mid-east is in termoil thanks to NATO supported muslem revolutions.

You got a better idea? You don't understand why we are there? "Muslem" explains why you don't have a clue.:cuckoo:
It is more important for Qaddafi to leave than it was for Sadamm to leave. In 1987 he was caught red-handed ordering terror attacks that killed American servicemen in Germany; he also supported the IRA. Gaddafi killed more Americans than Saddam did.

Yes his ordered attacks on America in 80s, but since then Gaddiff kept the Libya stable, he abandoned this WMD quest, he was fighting Islamic Extremist like Al Qaeda (which we will find out that is who that rebels are) and he was NO threat to America or our Allies!
Earlier stories today give another reason we have Marines sitting off shore...

Libya rebel leader arrives in Tripoli, rebel infighting increases

Tripoli - Infighting amidst rebel factions in Libya is on the increase. Experts say the arrival of the head of the Libyan National Transitional Council, in Tripoli, may help ease tensions but some refuse to welcome any from the former Gaddafi regime.

His stay is only planned as temporary and he is expected to return to Benghazi until Libya is fully liberated. His arrival was delayed due to security concerns which could well prove warranted as infighting amongst the various rebel factions is evident already.

Former members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group may prefer the leadership of the new military commander of Tripoli, Abdel Hakim Belhadj, whose professed aim is to turn Libya into an Islamic state. He commanded the February 17th Martyrs Brigade which is suspected of being involved in the murder of General Younes, according to an article in Digital Journal.

Maybe we didn't vet "the rebels" as well as we should have.. But what do you expect? competence?

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