BOOM! 3rd Circuit Tosses Trump PA Lawsuit - "Voters, not Lawyers, Choose the President"


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
And the vote can be certified.

A federal appeals court panel forcefully rejected the Trump campaign’s effort to throw out millions of Pennsylvania ballots, declaring the campaign’s allegations of misconduct meritless and its suggested remedies as disproportionate and lacking evidence.​

“Voters, not lawyers, choose the President. Ballots, not briefs, decide elections,” Judge Stephanos Bibas — an appointee of President Donald Trump — wrote for the three-judge 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals panel. Bibas’ 21-page opinion rejected the campaign’s appeal of a district court ruling that similarly shredded the suit.​

The panel emphasized that Giuliani and the campaign never actually allege voter fraud, despite their public rhetoric. And they take issue with so few ballots that it would barely dent Joe Biden’s 81,000-vote lead in the state, even if the claims were founded. ...​
The court also rejected a request from the campaign for an injunction to block Pennsylvania’s certification of Biden’s victory, which Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar did earlier this week. Bibas wrote that many of the campaign’s claims had already been heard and rejected in state court, and simply rewording them for a federal court and branding them as “discrimination” doesn’t pass muster.​

That's 2-36 by my count for the Trump Legal Clown Car
Judges of all stripes are dismissing Trump’s trash lawsuits. The only ones buying into this lie of voter fraud are Trump’s most ardent mindless supporters.

Wait...calling these people “supporters” is a disservice to all rational political supporters of a candidate. Hardcore Trumpers are not supporters, they are cultists, because only cultists still follow a cult leader despite all evidence and facts showing that leader to be a liar and a fraud.
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Judges of all stripes are dismissing Trump’s trash lawsuits. The only ones buying into this lie of voter fraud are Trump’s most ardent mindless supporters.

Wait...calling these people “supporters” is a disservice to all rational political supporters of candidate. Hardcore Trumpers are not supporters, they are cultists, because only cultist disregard facts no matter how evident and obvious.

The election fraud has already been established. Refusal to look at the signatures despite promises to do so... because everyone knows what's there.
Last stop on the way to the SCOTUS.

We'll see.
There's some problems you should know about.

The appeal that was just struck down wasn't even about the facts of the case. It was actually appealing a denial of a motion for Giuliani to amend his complaint.

That means, at best, the most that Giuliani and Trump can hope for is that SCOTUS referees that denial and allows Giuliani to amend his complaint which puts it all the way back down at the trial judge to actually hear the case. Any decision that actually matters would have to go through the trial judge, then appeals, then SCOTUS.
Judges of all stripes are dismissing Trump’s trash lawsuits. The only ones buying into this lie of voter fraud are Trump’s most ardent mindless supporters.

Wait...calling these people “supporters” is a disservice to all rational political supporters of candidate. Hardcore Trumpers are not supporters, they are cultists, because only cultist disregard facts no matter how evident and obvious.

The election fraud has already been established. Refusal to look at the signatures despite promises to do so... because everyone knows what's there.
And yet there is no proof. You did the part where even the lawyers for Trump are not saying there is fraud. You did see that, right?
An odd comment to make considering Biden said he had 600 lawyers in place before the election and Hillary told him to "not concede under any circumstances, because I think this is going to drag out".

China is going to have their way with the West. Who has sold us out?
An odd comment to make considering Biden said he had 600 lawyers in place before the election and Hillary told him to "not concede under any circumstances, because I think this is going to drag out".

China is going to have their way with the West. Who has sold us out?
Last stop on the way to the SCOTUS.

We'll see.
There's some problems you should know about.

The appeal that was just struck down wasn't even about the facts of the case. It was actually appealing a denial of a motion for Giuliani to amend his complaint.

That means, at best, the most that Giuliani and Trump can hope for is that SCOTUS referees that denial and allows Giuliani to amend his complaint which puts it all the way back down at the trial judge to actually hear the case. Any decision that actually matters would have to go through the trial judge, then appeals, then SCOTUS.
I know how the process works.

What is your point?

This is just an attempt to run out the clock?

If all the allegations prove to be true, will you admit that Trump was re-elected or will you continue on your current ass-licking course?

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