Book Reveals What I've Been Telling People For Years....That Barack Obama Was A Foul Mouthed Jerk Much Worse Than Trump


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
So finally I have something in print that proves what I discovered years ago about Barack Hussein Obama.....and it's coming from Obama's own words. Maybe he feels that the media generated hatred is so massive against Trump that he can now say the horrible things he's prevented anyone from repeating in public. But listening to what he had to say about Trump reveals a truth about Obama himself......and it doesn't reflect well on the presidency, and illustrates the motivations behind the Russian Collusion hoax.

“I didn’t think we’d have this racist, sexist pig,”
“That corrupt motherf–ker!”

Oh Barry, thou doth protest too much. The rich and the powerful have been exposed thru the #MeToo movement. There has been a massive backlash against the perpetrators of this farce. Just ask Harvey Weinstein and Prince Andrew to name a couple. Wouldn't it be poetic justice when eventually a female or male journalist works up the courage to expose Obama for what he really is?

Democrats have such a strong hold on the media that it's taken over a decade for the truth about this racist and former POTUS to come out. Even a video showing him on a campaign flight, before he became president, showing off his erection to female journalists wasn't enough to convince his supporters of what kind of a sexist pig he was. Barry is finally letting everyone know what's on his mind:

May 22, 2021​

So, Barry, Trump Is a 'Sexist Pig'?​

In his forthcoming book, Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, Edward-Isaac Dovere reveals a few choice words that former president Barack Obama had for his successor, Donald Trump. As reported in the Guardian, these include “madman”, a “racist, sexist pig,” “that f---ing lunatic,” and a “corrupt motherf---er.”​

In his own most recent memoir, Promised Land, Obama’s fixation on Trump is manifest. In fact, it borders on obsession. In reviewing that memoir for my own forthcoming book, Barack Obama’s Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I could not help but notice, however, just how situational is Obama’s objection to the sexual mores of others.​
There is, of course, his and Michelle’s coziness with Hollywood pervert and major Democratic donor, Harvey Weinstein. In fact, their daughter Malia interned with Weinstein. Tweeted cultural critic Frank Rich after the Weinstein saga became too big to ignore, “Biggest mystery of @nytimes Weinstein story: How exemplary parents like Obamas let their daughter work there. The stories were out there.”​
Said Obama long after he should have spoken out, "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."​

“Any man,” that is, except those who are politically useful, and none was more useful to Obama than the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. About Kennedy, Obama cannot gush enough. The Kennedy Obama came to know, he tells us in A Promised Land, was “the closest thing Washington had to a living legend.”​
In his early support of Obama’s 2008 campaign, Kennedy was “was absolutely electric, summoning all the old Camelot magic, batting down the argument of inexperience once used against his brother and now directed toward me.”

For the record, Ted’s war hero brother, John, had served in Congress twelve years before launching his presidential campaign. Community organizer Obama had served two, and the toughest thing he ever fought were the waves at Waikiki.

Having risen from his deathbed to ensure the passage of ObamaCare, Ted Kennedy strikes Obama as worthy of canonization. The road to sainthood, however, must first pass across the bridge at Chappaquiddick. In the #MeToo era, not even progressives get to detour around it.


Correction....this isn't Barry's book.
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So finally I have something in print that proves what I discovered years ago about Barack Hussein Obama.....and it's coming from Obama's own words in a book he is credited to have written. Maybe he feels that the media generated hatred is so massive against Trump that he can now say the horrible things he's prevented anyone from repeating in public. But listening to what he had to say about Trump reveals a truth about Obama himself......and it doesn't reflect well on the presidency, and illustrates the motivations behind the Russian Collusion hoax.

“I didn’t think we’d have this racist, sexist pig,”
“That corrupt motherf–ker!”

Oh Barry, thou doth protest too much. The rich and the powerful have been exposed thru the #MeToo movement. There has been a massive backlash against the perpetrators of this farce. Just ask Harvey Weinstein and Prince Andrew to name a couple. Wouldn't it be poetic justice when eventually a female or male journalist works up the courage to expose Obama for what he really is?

Democrats have such a strong hold on the media that it's taken over a decade for the truth about this racist and former POTUS to come out. Even a video showing him on a campaign flight, before he became president, showing off his erection to female journalists wasn't enough to convince his supporters of what kind of a sexist pig he was. Maybe his own book might get the ball rolling. Barry is finally letting everyone know what's on his mind:

May 22, 2021​

So, Barry, Trump Is a 'Sexist Pig'?​

In his forthcoming book, Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, Edward-Isaac Dovere reveals a few choice words that former president Barack Obama had for his successor, Donald Trump. As reported in the Guardian, these include “madman”, a “racist, sexist pig,” “that f---ing lunatic,” and a “corrupt motherf---er.”​

In his own most recent memoir, Promised Land, Obama’s fixation on Trump is manifest. In fact, it borders on obsession. In reviewing that memoir for my own forthcoming book, Barack Obama’s Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I could not help but notice, however, just how situational is Obama’s objection to the sexual mores of others.​
There is, of course, his and Michelle’s coziness with Hollywood pervert and major Democratic donor, Harvey Weinstein. In fact, their daughter Malia interned with Weinstein. Tweeted cultural critic Frank Rich after the Weinstein saga became too big to ignore, “Biggest mystery of @nytimes Weinstein story: How exemplary parents like Obamas let their daughter work there. The stories were out there.”​
Said Obama long after he should have spoken out, "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."​

“Any man,” that is, except those who are politically useful, and none was more useful to Obama than the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. About Kennedy, Obama cannot gush enough. The Kennedy Obama came to know, he tells us in A Promised Land, was “the closest thing Washington had to a living legend.”​
In his early support of Obama’s 2008 campaign, Kennedy was “was absolutely electric, summoning all the old Camelot magic, batting down the argument of inexperience once used against his brother and now directed toward me.”

For the record, Ted’s war hero brother, John, had served in Congress twelve years before launching his presidential campaign. Community organizer Obama had served two, and the toughest thing he ever fought were the waves at Waikiki.

Having risen from his deathbed to ensure the passage of ObamaCare, Ted Kennedy strikes Obama as worthy of canonization. The road to sainthood, however, must first pass across the bridge at Chappaquiddick. In the #MeToo era, not even progressives get to detour around it.


Hussain Obama is disgusting . . Anti American piece of shit.
Dovere reveals a few choice words that former president Barack Obama had for his successor, Donald Trump. As reported in the Guardian, these include “madman”, a “racist, sexist pig,” “that f---ing lunatic,” and a “corrupt motherf---er.”

Actually, that is a pretty tame way to describe Trump as a man and as a President
So finally I have something in print that proves what I discovered years ago about Barack Hussein Obama.....and it's coming from Obama's own words in a book he is credited to have written. Maybe he feels that the media generated hatred is so massive against Trump that he can now say the horrible things he's prevented anyone from repeating in public. But listening to what he had to say about Trump reveals a truth about Obama himself......and it doesn't reflect well on the presidency, and illustrates the motivations behind the Russian Collusion hoax.

“I didn’t think we’d have this racist, sexist pig,”
“That corrupt motherf–ker!”

Oh Barry, thou doth protest too much. The rich and the powerful have been exposed thru the #MeToo movement. There has been a massive backlash against the perpetrators of this farce. Just ask Harvey Weinstein and Prince Andrew to name a couple. Wouldn't it be poetic justice when eventually a female or male journalist works up the courage to expose Obama for what he really is?

Democrats have such a strong hold on the media that it's taken over a decade for the truth about this racist and former POTUS to come out. Even a video showing him on a campaign flight, before he became president, showing off his erection to female journalists wasn't enough to convince his supporters of what kind of a sexist pig he was. Maybe his own book might get the ball rolling. Barry is finally letting everyone know what's on his mind:

May 22, 2021​

So, Barry, Trump Is a 'Sexist Pig'?​

In his forthcoming book, Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, Edward-Isaac Dovere reveals a few choice words that former president Barack Obama had for his successor, Donald Trump. As reported in the Guardian, these include “madman”, a “racist, sexist pig,” “that f---ing lunatic,” and a “corrupt motherf---er.”​

In his own most recent memoir, Promised Land, Obama’s fixation on Trump is manifest. In fact, it borders on obsession. In reviewing that memoir for my own forthcoming book, Barack Obama’s Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I could not help but notice, however, just how situational is Obama’s objection to the sexual mores of others.​
There is, of course, his and Michelle’s coziness with Hollywood pervert and major Democratic donor, Harvey Weinstein. In fact, their daughter Malia interned with Weinstein. Tweeted cultural critic Frank Rich after the Weinstein saga became too big to ignore, “Biggest mystery of @nytimes Weinstein story: How exemplary parents like Obamas let their daughter work there. The stories were out there.”​
Said Obama long after he should have spoken out, "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."​

“Any man,” that is, except those who are politically useful, and none was more useful to Obama than the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. About Kennedy, Obama cannot gush enough. The Kennedy Obama came to know, he tells us in A Promised Land, was “the closest thing Washington had to a living legend.”​
In his early support of Obama’s 2008 campaign, Kennedy was “was absolutely electric, summoning all the old Camelot magic, batting down the argument of inexperience once used against his brother and now directed toward me.”

For the record, Ted’s war hero brother, John, had served in Congress twelve years before launching his presidential campaign. Community organizer Obama had served two, and the toughest thing he ever fought were the waves at Waikiki.

Having risen from his deathbed to ensure the passage of ObamaCare, Ted Kennedy strikes Obama as worthy of canonization. The road to sainthood, however, must first pass across the bridge at Chappaquiddick. In the #MeToo era, not even progressives get to detour around it.


Hussain Obama is disgusting . . Anti American piece of shit.
It just seems like every despicable attack they threw at Trump was really just an attempt to inoculate Obama and Bubba.....and now Creepy Joe.
So finally I have something in print that proves what I discovered years ago about Barack Hussein Obama.....and it's coming from Obama's own words. Maybe he feels that the media generated hatred is so massive against Trump that he can now say the horrible things he's prevented anyone from repeating in public. But listening to what he had to say about Trump reveals a truth about Obama himself......and it doesn't reflect well on the presidency, and illustrates the motivations behind the Russian Collusion hoax.

“I didn’t think we’d have this racist, sexist pig,”
“That corrupt motherf–ker!”

Oh Barry, thou doth protest too much. The rich and the powerful have been exposed thru the #MeToo movement. There has been a massive backlash against the perpetrators of this farce. Just ask Harvey Weinstein and Prince Andrew to name a couple. Wouldn't it be poetic justice when eventually a female or male journalist works up the courage to expose Obama for what he really is?

Democrats have such a strong hold on the media that it's taken over a decade for the truth about this racist and former POTUS to come out. Even a video showing him on a campaign flight, before he became president, showing off his erection to female journalists wasn't enough to convince his supporters of what kind of a sexist pig he was. Barry is finally letting everyone know what's on his mind:

May 22, 2021​

So, Barry, Trump Is a 'Sexist Pig'?​

In his forthcoming book, Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, Edward-Isaac Dovere reveals a few choice words that former president Barack Obama had for his successor, Donald Trump. As reported in the Guardian, these include “madman”, a “racist, sexist pig,” “that f---ing lunatic,” and a “corrupt motherf---er.”​

In his own most recent memoir, Promised Land, Obama’s fixation on Trump is manifest. In fact, it borders on obsession. In reviewing that memoir for my own forthcoming book, Barack Obama’s Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I could not help but notice, however, just how situational is Obama’s objection to the sexual mores of others.​
There is, of course, his and Michelle’s coziness with Hollywood pervert and major Democratic donor, Harvey Weinstein. In fact, their daughter Malia interned with Weinstein. Tweeted cultural critic Frank Rich after the Weinstein saga became too big to ignore, “Biggest mystery of @nytimes Weinstein story: How exemplary parents like Obamas let their daughter work there. The stories were out there.”​
Said Obama long after he should have spoken out, "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."​

“Any man,” that is, except those who are politically useful, and none was more useful to Obama than the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. About Kennedy, Obama cannot gush enough. The Kennedy Obama came to know, he tells us in A Promised Land, was “the closest thing Washington had to a living legend.”​
In his early support of Obama’s 2008 campaign, Kennedy was “was absolutely electric, summoning all the old Camelot magic, batting down the argument of inexperience once used against his brother and now directed toward me.”

For the record, Ted’s war hero brother, John, had served in Congress twelve years before launching his presidential campaign. Community organizer Obama had served two, and the toughest thing he ever fought were the waves at Waikiki.

Having risen from his deathbed to ensure the passage of ObamaCare, Ted Kennedy strikes Obama as worthy of canonization. The road to sainthood, however, must first pass across the bridge at Chappaquiddick. In the #MeToo era, not even progressives get to detour around it.


I remember the time Ted Kennedy was working on a jobs bill back when Barack was a senator.....he had spent months on the project...when at the 11th hour Obama walks in and starts making suggestions.

Ted blew up and told him to STFU....because they had already thought of his suggestions months ago.

You see....Obama wasn't a hard worker.....and he never wanted to work....he just wanted to take credit for other people's hard work. Biden is the same way. The media let's them get away with it.
Dovere reveals a few choice words that former president Barack Obama had for his successor, Donald Trump. As reported in the Guardian, these include “madman”, a “racist, sexist pig,” “that f---ing lunatic,” and a “corrupt motherf---er.”

Actually, that is a pretty tame way to describe Trump as a man and as a President

I consider record low unemployment, record low black unemployment, record low minority unemployment, record low female unemployment to be pretty damn good. And all of that despite endless bullshit investigations and two impeachments. Of course you would see it as a "loss of votes" so that's not what the left wants. Because we all know employed people are taxpaying people. And taxpaying people don't like to give their money to liberal bullshit causes so keeping them unemployed and dependent on gov't handouts ensure you get your vote.

Trump can be a jackass at times and can be very uncouth. But he wasn't voted into office to be an ambassador. After the 8 year oreo disaster we needed a real president to get people back to work. And Trump did just that. Thank you DJT.
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Dovere reveals a few choice words that former president Barack Obama had for his successor, Donald Trump. As reported in the Guardian, these include “madman”, a “racist, sexist pig,” “that f---ing lunatic,” and a “corrupt motherf---er.”

Actually, that is a pretty tame way to describe Trump as a man and as a President

I consider record low unemployment, record low black unemployment, record low minority unemployment, record low female unemployment to be pretty damn good. And all of that despite endless bullshit investigations and two impeachments. Of course you would see it as a "loss of votes" so that's not what the left wants. Because we all know employed people are taxpaying people. And taxpaying people don't like to give their money to liberal bullshit causes so keeping them unemployed and dependent on gov't handouts ensure you get your vote.

Trump can be a jackass at times and can be very uncouth. But he wasn't voted into office to be an ambassador. After the 8 year oreo disaster we needed a real president to get people back to work. And Trump did just that. Thank you DJT.
Oh yeah, Trump got elected any everyone decided it was time to go back to work, unlike the previous eight years that NO ONE worked.
That's a bit petty- not to say obummer isn't/wasn't- he was referred to as a man child after all- however, Bush jr referred to the constitution as, "it's just a god damn piece of paper"- that ain't petty FYI-
So finally I have something in print that proves what I discovered years ago about Barack Hussein Obama.....and it's coming from Obama's own words. Maybe he feels that the media generated hatred is so massive against Trump that he can now say the horrible things he's prevented anyone from repeating in public. But listening to what he had to say about Trump reveals a truth about Obama himself......and it doesn't reflect well on the presidency, and illustrates the motivations behind the Russian Collusion hoax.

“I didn’t think we’d have this racist, sexist pig,”
“That corrupt motherf–ker!”

Oh Barry, thou doth protest too much. The rich and the powerful have been exposed thru the #MeToo movement. There has been a massive backlash against the perpetrators of this farce. Just ask Harvey Weinstein and Prince Andrew to name a couple. Wouldn't it be poetic justice when eventually a female or male journalist works up the courage to expose Obama for what he really is?

Democrats have such a strong hold on the media that it's taken over a decade for the truth about this racist and former POTUS to come out. Even a video showing him on a campaign flight, before he became president, showing off his erection to female journalists wasn't enough to convince his supporters of what kind of a sexist pig he was. Barry is finally letting everyone know what's on his mind:

May 22, 2021​

So, Barry, Trump Is a 'Sexist Pig'?​

In his forthcoming book, Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, Edward-Isaac Dovere reveals a few choice words that former president Barack Obama had for his successor, Donald Trump. As reported in the Guardian, these include “madman”, a “racist, sexist pig,” “that f---ing lunatic,” and a “corrupt motherf---er.”​

In his own most recent memoir, Promised Land, Obama’s fixation on Trump is manifest. In fact, it borders on obsession. In reviewing that memoir for my own forthcoming book, Barack Obama’s Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I could not help but notice, however, just how situational is Obama’s objection to the sexual mores of others.​
There is, of course, his and Michelle’s coziness with Hollywood pervert and major Democratic donor, Harvey Weinstein. In fact, their daughter Malia interned with Weinstein. Tweeted cultural critic Frank Rich after the Weinstein saga became too big to ignore, “Biggest mystery of @nytimes Weinstein story: How exemplary parents like Obamas let their daughter work there. The stories were out there.”​
Said Obama long after he should have spoken out, "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."​

“Any man,” that is, except those who are politically useful, and none was more useful to Obama than the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. About Kennedy, Obama cannot gush enough. The Kennedy Obama came to know, he tells us in A Promised Land, was “the closest thing Washington had to a living legend.”​
In his early support of Obama’s 2008 campaign, Kennedy was “was absolutely electric, summoning all the old Camelot magic, batting down the argument of inexperience once used against his brother and now directed toward me.”

For the record, Ted’s war hero brother, John, had served in Congress twelve years before launching his presidential campaign. Community organizer Obama had served two, and the toughest thing he ever fought were the waves at Waikiki.

Having risen from his deathbed to ensure the passage of ObamaCare, Ted Kennedy strikes Obama as worthy of canonization. The road to sainthood, however, must first pass across the bridge at Chappaquiddick. In the #MeToo era, not even progressives get to detour around it.


Correction....this isn't Barry's book.
Poor whitey rightie snowflakes. :heehee:
So finally I have something in print that proves what I discovered years ago about Barack Hussein Obama.....and it's coming from Obama's own words. Maybe he feels that the media generated hatred is so massive against Trump that he can now say the horrible things he's prevented anyone from repeating in public. But listening to what he had to say about Trump reveals a truth about Obama himself......and it doesn't reflect well on the presidency, and illustrates the motivations behind the Russian Collusion hoax.

“I didn’t think we’d have this racist, sexist pig,”
“That corrupt motherf–ker!”

Oh Barry, thou doth protest too much. The rich and the powerful have been exposed thru the #MeToo movement. There has been a massive backlash against the perpetrators of this farce. Just ask Harvey Weinstein and Prince Andrew to name a couple. Wouldn't it be poetic justice when eventually a female or male journalist works up the courage to expose Obama for what he really is?

Democrats have such a strong hold on the media that it's taken over a decade for the truth about this racist and former POTUS to come out. Even a video showing him on a campaign flight, before he became president, showing off his erection to female journalists wasn't enough to convince his supporters of what kind of a sexist pig he was. Barry is finally letting everyone know what's on his mind:

May 22, 2021​

So, Barry, Trump Is a 'Sexist Pig'?​

In his forthcoming book, Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats’ Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, Edward-Isaac Dovere reveals a few choice words that former president Barack Obama had for his successor, Donald Trump. As reported in the Guardian, these include “madman”, a “racist, sexist pig,” “that f---ing lunatic,” and a “corrupt motherf---er.”​

In his own most recent memoir, Promised Land, Obama’s fixation on Trump is manifest. In fact, it borders on obsession. In reviewing that memoir for my own forthcoming book, Barack Obama’s Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I could not help but notice, however, just how situational is Obama’s objection to the sexual mores of others.​
There is, of course, his and Michelle’s coziness with Hollywood pervert and major Democratic donor, Harvey Weinstein. In fact, their daughter Malia interned with Weinstein. Tweeted cultural critic Frank Rich after the Weinstein saga became too big to ignore, “Biggest mystery of @nytimes Weinstein story: How exemplary parents like Obamas let their daughter work there. The stories were out there.”​
Said Obama long after he should have spoken out, "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."​

“Any man,” that is, except those who are politically useful, and none was more useful to Obama than the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. About Kennedy, Obama cannot gush enough. The Kennedy Obama came to know, he tells us in A Promised Land, was “the closest thing Washington had to a living legend.”​
In his early support of Obama’s 2008 campaign, Kennedy was “was absolutely electric, summoning all the old Camelot magic, batting down the argument of inexperience once used against his brother and now directed toward me.”

For the record, Ted’s war hero brother, John, had served in Congress twelve years before launching his presidential campaign. Community organizer Obama had served two, and the toughest thing he ever fought were the waves at Waikiki.

Having risen from his deathbed to ensure the passage of ObamaCare, Ted Kennedy strikes Obama as worthy of canonization. The road to sainthood, however, must first pass across the bridge at Chappaquiddick. In the #MeToo era, not even progressives get to detour around it.


I remember the time Ted Kennedy was working on a jobs bill back when Barack was a senator.....he had spent months on the project...when at the 11th hour Obama walks in and starts making suggestions.

Ted blew up and told him to STFU....because they had already thought of his suggestions months ago.

You see....Obama wasn't a hard worker.....and he never wanted to work....he just wanted to take credit for other people's hard work. Biden is the same way. The media let's them get away with it.
Ted Kennedy......................:heehee:

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