BLM invades the wealthiest Oregon area


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ

Zero cops
They harass every person and customer they see and demand allegiance !!
This is downtown lake Oswego which is South of Portland and the most luxury area in the metro
I have been on that area over 100 times
Imagine you’re waking in their nice downtown of LO and you have 50 thugs demanding allegiance?
Wtf ??
Surly I don’t carry a gun and I am not going to argue with that many folks nor am I going to demand allegiance!!
George Orwell USA is coming to life !!!
2 legs bad and 4 legs good then it’s 4 legs good but 2 legs better
I guess I would flee the area to my car but I ain’t demanding any allegiance.!!!

You do know I only fled Oregon just in Jan of 2017?? I was there for a whopping 11 yrs
If Biden wins !! These Orcs are going to invade most of the nation but they will find out that the “ white conservative males won’t go quietly into the night “ they will show them the second amendment
We will see a small civil war soon
You work 12 hrs a day and you get harassed by these “ waste of DNA”
Matter of time before they start getting shot

Zero cops
They harass every person and customer they see and demand allegiance !!
This is downtown lake Oswego which is South of Portland and the most luxury area in the metro
I have been on that area over 100 times
Sounds like the last hurrahs of fall to me. Rainy season getting ready to start there and cold, snow season starting across most of the upper half of the country soon. Let see their dedication to protest in Minnesota in the coming months. If they try it, Covid will surely diminish their ranks. I'm sure it couldn't happen to some nicer nut balls.
One poster mentioned Idaho.

I wish the people there the best of luck.

Hopefully, the troublemakers will not disturb the people there, too.

I just read (on Drudge, I think) that more Americans are moving to one of Idaho's neighboring states. (I will not name it, lest I jinx that state!)

What a crying shame!

Idaho and the states next to it used to be a paradise of beauty & peace & people who shared common cultural values. It was so far from the urban chaos of other states. Yes, this nation is fast a-changing, Sadly, not necessarily for the better in many respects.

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