blacks call whites demonic


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

these racists blacks are mad at black who tells the truth candace owens. she tells the truth, these racists monster are taking out on whites.

what candace owens said their is right.
In today’s “culture” it would be effectively impossible for Mel Brooks to make Blazing Saddles.

A group of black teens beat and stomp a bus driver who foolishly got out of his bus.

Day after day, night after night black looters and killers murder for the enjoyment of the act. A mentally disturbed white kid shot three people. That's not even an evening in one NYC park or subway station. Never mind Chicago where the deaths are double digits and it goes on every night.

We need a few white monsters to help out against the tsunami of black monsters.

A group of black teens beat and stomp a bus driver who foolishly got out of his bus.

Day after day, night after night black looters and killers murder for the enjoyment of the act. A mentally disturbed white kid shot three people. That's not even an evening in one NYC park or subway station. Never mind Chicago where the deaths are double digits and it goes on every night.

We need a few white monsters to help out against the tsunami of black monsters.

". . . Saturday’s incident is the first large group takeover in the Loop since July 4.

But the area saw a string of similar incidents from late April into the summer that police seemed unwilling or unable to control.

Sources with knowledge of the operations said things changed on July 4 when the mayor’s office gave CPD leaders the OK to make mass arrests. At least 52 juveniles and eight adults were arrested that night."

A group of black teens beat and stomp a bus driver who foolishly got out of his bus.

Day after day, night after night black looters and killers murder for the enjoyment of the act. A mentally disturbed white kid shot three people. That's not even an evening in one NYC park or subway station. Never mind Chicago where the deaths are double digits and it goes on every night.

We need a few white monsters to help out against the tsunami of black monsters.

told you
Savage, racists Blacks who obtain "PhDs" and "professorships" proves Academia today is demonic from the top down. I hate to bring in looks, but I think the fact they are all generally kinda dumb and so fucking ugly with no hope for every having White features like normal human hair, interesting eye color, a unique nose, lips that don't look like hemorrhoids, etc. contributes to their hatred of Whitey.
Send in the National Guard with orders to use lethal force against violent mobs. After enough of them are eliminated, it will be calm in the streets and if others rise up to replace them, use the same lethal force to eliminate that violent mob.

these racists blacks are mad at black who tells the truth candace owens. she tells the truth, these racists monster are taking out on whites.

what candace owens said their is right.
Don't be offended, the southern democrats used to call the black folks Jig-a-boos(spelling?). In todays world if one wants to draw attention to their self there is only three avenues to take; $ex $candal, Political $candal &/or Raci$m $candal. The problem is one has to be publicly employed in a job like a librarian, senator or a police officer to get any attention from the general public. I mean does anyone think a farmer from Waterville Washington that's running around town ranting & raving "The ******* are coming the ******* are coming!" is going to get front page in the New York Times? I mean the farmer would be lucky to get a paragraph on the back page of the biweekly Nickle Nik publication @ best. If one is not high visibility to the general public there is no way any scandal is going to pay off with dividends, & most likely would cost the one attempting to get the scandal up & circulating a monetary fine. Just the way it is.
If it weren't for whites they would be living in a shitty 3rd world country.

If they don't like whites then they should leave the fucking country and go live with other blacks somewhere else.

If I don't like a restaraunt I'm in I don't stay there or go back.
How did you think Darrell Brooks got the idea he was right to run down white grannies and a white kid?

That's crazy.. You have these extremists in every group.. like calling Christians "Islamo Nazis"...

Brooks is like that.
The lady has the right to express her opinion that Caucasians are "demonic."

And I wish to express my opinion that a sizable proportion (not the majority) of people of her ethnicity might better fit that description.

I do not only refer to the current crime wave (massive looting, violence aboard public transportation, follow-home robberies), but to what I was reminded of yesterday.

While reading a book, I was reminded that well-meaning Caucasians built housing projects back in the day for her ethnicity. They had nice little apartments and rest areas outside.

Then those housing projects became nightmares for the good residents who were openly and brazenly assaulted and robbed and killed by young gentlemen who turned those housing projects into a living H*ll.

In my humble opinion (of course, I may be wrong), there is simply no hope of reducing the percentage of badly behaved young gentlemen of that ethnicity.
It's no coincidence that the majority of black pillaging and attacks on innocents takes place where it's almost impossible for the citizens there to defend themselves or their property legally. Indeed the DAs are on the side of the lawless.

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