Black muslim stabs 4 women and kills 3 of them at a Knoxville TN truck stop


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.
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The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:

Horrible! I do want to extend my thanks, and appreciation for the good judgment and training of the Knox County Sheriff's Department. The Officer or Officers involve are a credit to law enforcement of Tennessee.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:

We know EXACTLY why the mainstream media wouldn't cover this story. It just doesn't fit their agenda, and would make a black Muslim look bad. Can you imagine if it had been a WHITE man that shot and killed three black women? Or ANY women, for that matter? It would've been ALL OVER the lamestream media. This hideous bias is sickening, but at least we, the ones who know what's going on, can always see this blatant bias. Thanks for the post.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

Nice post, thanks. It's hard to believe that some of the liberal lunatics that post on here will ALWAYS take the side of blacks and Muslims who are stone cold murderers. I just can't fathom the stupidity of this kind of thinking.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives to indict entire races and religions based on the actions of a few.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives to indict entire races and religions based on the actions of a few.

There you go. You think its worse that I bring up that he was a black muslim than the black muslim killing 3 women. Your words, not mine.

Thanks for proving my point.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

Nice post, thanks. It's hard to believe that some of the liberal lunatics that post on here will ALWAYS take the side of blacks and Muslims who are stone cold murderers. I just can't fathom the stupidity of this kind of thinking.

Didn't do any such thing.

I am curious...if you're going to indict the race or the religion this time around. I'm sure you'll save some time and do both. It is your way;
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives to indict entire races and religions based on the actions of a few.

There you go. You think its worse that I bring up that he was black muslim than the black muslim killing 3 women.

Thanks for proving my point.

Wow..can you quote me saying that? Nope.

I guess you were just too busy celebrating he killed those people.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives to indict entire races and religions based on the actions of a few.

There you go. You think its worse that I bring up that he was black muslim than the black muslim killing 3 women.

Thanks for proving my point.

Wow..can you quote me saying that? Nope.

I guess you were just too busy celebrating he killed those people.

I did, moron.

Here you go. You clearly saying that you think its worse, your words: CONDEMN IT MORE that I brought up his race and religion than he killed 3 people. In your reply to me saying that you couldn't condemn his actions you said and I quote:

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives to indict entire races and religions based on the actions of a few.

Don't play with me son, I'll knock your dumb ass out of the ball park every single fucking time.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives to indict entire races and religions based on the actions of a few.

There you go. You think its worse that I bring up that he was black muslim than the black muslim killing 3 women.

Thanks for proving my point.

Wow..can you quote me saying that? Nope.

I guess you were just too busy celebrating he killed those people.

I did, moron.

Here you go.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives

As a societal matter, it is the greater tragedy; how a whole group of people condemns a whole race and religion because a very small proportion of them commit crimes.

Should we condemn all white male protestants for McVeigh, Nichols, Kazynsky, Dylan Root, Dylan Kleibold, Dylan Avery, David Duke, Eric Rudolph etc...?

If not, why not?
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

Where did you find the name of the murder? and I'll ask you like I would IM2 why does race matter to you? 3 women are dead because of scum
I think its sad how people search the internet to find a black murder that was apparently not covered by the local news, when murders like this dine by all races in America don't get national coverage just to have a change to run off at the mouth with their racism. The MSM has been covering the pandemic, which is of more national importance than a black muslim killing some white people.

The thing about these types of killing is that whites have been doing this to non whites for all of American history. And I am not going to say anything about the murderer because this is a race bait thread that doesn't deserve such validation.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

Where did you find the name of the murder? and I'll ask you like I would IM2 why does race matter to you? 3 women are dead because of scum

Um, google it. It's everywhere.

Race matters to me because the MSM ignores black muslim violence and makes 5oclock news any violence by whites.

THAT'S WHY, because it matters to the MSM but ONLY if it's a white man.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives to indict entire races and religions based on the actions of a few.

There you go. You think its worse that I bring up that he was black muslim than the black muslim killing 3 women.

Thanks for proving my point.

Wow..can you quote me saying that? Nope.

I guess you were just too busy celebrating he killed those people.

I did, moron.

Here you go.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives

As a societal matter, it is the greater tragedy; how a whole group of people condemns a whole race and religion because a very small proportion of them commit crimes.

Should we condemn all white male protestants for McVeigh, Nichols, Kazynsky, Dylan Root, Dylan Kleibold, Dylan Avery, David Duke, Eric Rudolph etc...?

If not, why not?

Oh no, we are not to blame all whites for the actins of a few. We can only indict all non whites. That's the rule here at USMB.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

So are you guys going to condemn everyone with his skin color or everyone who shares his faith? Or both? Why not kill two crows with one stone?

Just couldn't condemn that black muslims actions, could ya?

The lame stream media spends every waking moment telling us how blacks aren't violent and that muslim is the religion of peace. Avoiding discussing things like this that prove that narrative to be wrong are conveniently ignored by LSM.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives to indict entire races and religions based on the actions of a few.

There you go. You think its worse that I bring up that he was black muslim than the black muslim killing 3 women.

Thanks for proving my point.

Wow..can you quote me saying that? Nope.

I guess you were just too busy celebrating he killed those people.

I did, moron.

Here you go.

I condemn it strongly.

I condemn more, however, the reflexive nature of the conservatives

As a societal matter, it is the greater tragedy; how a whole group of people condemns a whole race and religion because a very small proportion of them commit crimes.

Should we condemn all white male protestants for McVeigh, Nichols, Kazynsky, Dylan Root, Dylan Kleibold, Dylan Avery, David Duke, Eric Rudolph etc...?

If not, why not?

Oh no, we are not to blame all whites for the actins of a few. We can only indict all non whites. That's the rule here at USMB.

No the rule is ignore every day black violence and talk about one white dude shooting up a church for 10 fucking years.
The 3 women killed were white, perp was black, MSM silent, not covered on a single news broadcast. If they did mention it on their website they failed to identify the killer as a black muslim, or even a black man at all:

I'll show you what the lame stream media won't: This black muslims face:


Why do I think he's a black muslim? Well he's on a youtube muslim video. Did the MSM mention this? Nah! But I will!

Come to find out authorities found "graphic disturbing writings" inside his truck when they searched it. That's modus operendi of a raghead.

Where did you find the name of the murder? and I'll ask you like I would IM2 why does race matter to you? 3 women are dead because of scum

Race matters to me because we get wrongly murdered by cops, lose jobs, don't get jobs, don't get promoted, can't get interviewed, earn less money, have less wealth, end up sicker, die younger from sicknesses, have chronic health problems like high blood pressure, live with PTSD, can't live where we might want, are assumed always to be less qualified and intelligent, and have to read shit like what's posted in this thread because of our race. You aren't colorblind so don't pretend you are.

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