BLACK man violently attacks WHITES--HATE crime


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one
..if they can STAB/attack whites/kill cops, we can have self defense groups
..whitey evil--blacks angels--WRONG
ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one
The Ku Klux Klan is a Confederate American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter.

Best you can do is be wary of your surroundings. And if someone is brutally attacked, do what you can to intervene and carry something on you to defend yourself.
ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one

Holy crap! You mean if you cut police, without killing the criminals, they keep being criminals?

This is like if you just take their guns away, everyone will play nice.

No. Kill the criminals first, then you can cut the police.

Just eliminating police, doesn't magically cause criminals to become care bears.
I just saw the horrifying video of the incident described in the OP.

That is why many people decline to use public transportation in big cities.

My deepest sympathies to the two elderly gentlemen.

The authorities do not care one bit about the victims, only about the perps.

Come January with the inauguration of the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., the perps will become even more brazen.

(P.S. I just simply cannot understand why more people do not vote for law and order. I guess it will have to wait until more people are victims of violent crime.)
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This illustrates just how stupid BLM and Democrats in general are. Defund police? Pure idiocy. If you're too much of a loser to compete in the freeist country in the world, don't blame the country. Improve yourself. A good start would include getting a job and getting off the street. You street hangers are not only a pain in cops asses but you're a pain in everyone's ass.
Let me summarize. From your point of view. Scary black guy attacked people. (I did not say white people because in your mind any other color does not count as a person.) Scary black guy caught by Police, but not instantly executed for being black. Proves that the system is racist. If the system was not racist the Scary Black Guy would be executed immediately. Scary Black Guy charged with several crimes, and locked in psychiatric hospital for evaluation.

Does that about summarize the situation from your point of view accurately?
This illustrates just how stupid BLM and Democrats in general are. Defund police? Pure idiocy. If you're too much of a loser to compete in the freeist country in the world, don't blame the country. Improve yourself. A good start would include getting a job and getting off the street. You street hangers are not only a pain in cops asses but you're a pain in everyone's ass.
But they can't improve themselves, that's what the Democrats have corruptly convinced them of, and the dumb Republicans sat back knowing this as they protected their private communities, private schools, and their monied interest while this stuff crept faster and faster towards their streets, and has formed right outside of their doors now. How stupid can they be ?? By the looks of things going on today, they were real stupid.

I vote for the republican president's because I know that they are the lesser of two evils, but I can't help but think about how all of this mess has come to be these days. It didn't happen because the Demoncrats had over whelming power for decades and decades, but it was because the Republicans ignored the problems just as long as their worlds were left alone as the rest of the world burned down around them. It has been a failed strategy, and now it's at the door step waiting to get in.

The truth hurts, but the truth usually does hurt. I am a conservative Christian who works hard, makes my own way, and believes in accountability. I didn't go to college or grow up as upper middle class etc, but I got enough sense to know right from wrong thank God.

Voting Democrat is not the way to go, and fixing the republican party is definitely a must. There is work to be done, because the Republicans have let this thing get way out of hand for a majority of us who vote republican, and I believe selfish greed was a huge factor involved.

Trump is trying to fix this thing, but he can't do it alone. No one is against the Democrat party, but it has to do some serious house cleaning of it's own before people can trust them again, and by the looks of things, they won't be fixed easily. They are way down the rabbit hole.
ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one
The Ku Klux Klan is a Confederate American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter.

Best you can do is be wary of your surroundings. And if someone is brutally attacked, do what you can to intervene and carry something on you to defend yourself.
The BLM is a American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter...yes..
...but now since it's more or less you can't even defend yourself with weapons--like the St Louis couple---whites will have to join white groups/etc
Let me summarize. From your point of view. Scary black guy attacked people. (I did not say white people because in your mind any other color does not count as a person.) Scary black guy caught by Police, but not instantly executed for being black. Proves that the system is racist. If the system was not racist the Scary Black Guy would be executed immediately. Scary Black Guy charged with several crimes, and locked in psychiatric hospital for evaluation.

Does that about summarize the situation from your point of view accurately?
--cops defend self from CRIMINAL- = blacks/you go apeshit
--blacks MURDER whites and blacks[ CHILDREN ] = blacks/you don't care =proves YOU-blacks are racist and nonsensical
ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one
The Ku Klux Klan is a Confederate American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter.

Best you can do is be wary of your surroundings. And if someone is brutally attacked, do what you can to intervene and carry something on you to defend yourself.
The BLM is a American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter...yes..
...but now since it's more or less you can't even defend yourself with weapons--like the St Louis couple---whites will have to join white groups/etc
Hopefully that won't have to happen, but it might if the bullcrap keeps going in the wrong direction.
ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one
The Ku Klux Klan is a Confederate American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter.

Best you can do is be wary of your surroundings. And if someone is brutally attacked, do what you can to intervene and carry something on you to defend yourself.
The BLM is a American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter...yes..
...but now since it's more or less you can't even defend yourself with weapons--like the St Louis couple---whites will have to join white groups/etc
Hopefully that won't have to happen, but it might if the bullcrap keeps going in the wrong direction.
..the blacks, latinos and Asians all have their groups to promote their race--now it's ''whitey is evil'''''.........yes--we need and should have many white groups---for SD and politics
AND_-the ATTACK on whites by the MSM continues---no mention of RACE!!!!!!
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.
Let me summarize. From your point of view. Scary black guy attacked people. (I did not say white people because in your mind any other color does not count as a person.) Scary black guy caught by Police, but not instantly executed for being black. Proves that the system is racist. If the system was not racist the Scary Black Guy would be executed immediately. Scary Black Guy charged with several crimes, and locked in psychiatric hospital for evaluation.

Does that about summarize the situation from your point of view accurately?
--cops defend self from CRIMINAL- = blacks/you go apeshit
--blacks MURDER whites and blacks[ CHILDREN ] = blacks/you don't care =proves YOU-blacks are racist and nonsensical

You are almost right. Cops murder someone and appear to be getting away with it people should get upset. Bad man commits crime and ends up in jail why should we get upset? He is being held to account for his actions.

That is what really bothers you. That we the civilized folks are willing to let the system work. We are willing to let the courts judge the actions of the accused. We get upset. And you should too. When the system is denied to those who commit barbaric and criminal acts and are never held to account.

As an example. Let’s say the cop plants drugs. The person who had the drugs planted on him is charged with possession with intent to distribute. But when it is revealed that the cop planted the drugs. He is never charged with distribution. He had the drugs. He passed them to another. He by definition distributed them.

When the cop does this. There are others present who write their report that Officer Smith found the drugs. They sign the report under penalty of perjury. They are never charged with perjury are they? Why not? They voluntarily signed the report attesting that it was true and correct under penalty of perjury.

No Justice. No peace. But if there was justice would there be peace? If the cop was arrested for his crimes in hours or days instead of months or years or as usually is the case never. Would there be outrage?

If we held the cops half as accountable as we hold the public it would still be outrageous. It would be an improvement to where we are now.
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.

Well you see Harmonica is in the habit of projecting. He assumes that Blacks hate him as much if not more than he hates them. Once you realize that simple truth, then it all makes sense. His daily email list of black on white crimes. He wastes no time in rushing here to post them as proof that Blacks are bad and thus need to be handled with extreme prejudice.
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.

Well you see Harmonica is in the habit of projecting. He assumes that Blacks hate him as much if not more than he hates them. Once you realize that simple truth, then it all makes sense. His daily email list of black on white crimes. He wastes no time in rushing here to post them as proof that Blacks are bad and thus need to be handled with extreme prejudice.
hahhahahhaha--nothing but babble, you are saying blacks do NOT commit murder/crime/etc at higher rates????!!
..also, I am RESPONDING to the injustice against whites by the MSM/blacks/you----you constantly attack whites--promoting that whites are the ONLY evil race--when the facts are blacks MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa/etc
..maybe you are ok with injustice, but we are not
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.
Any interracial or sectarian act of violent or even petty crime should be given the charge of hate crime, if only to deter violent crime in general.
ANOTHER black hate crime--NYC I said--time to join groups like the KKK for SELF DEFENSE --it's open season on whites--they FORCE people to join the KKK.....
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--that's not even counting incidents like this one
The Ku Klux Klan is a Confederate American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter.

Best you can do is be wary of your surroundings. And if someone is brutally attacked, do what you can to intervene and carry something on you to defend yourself.
The BLM is a American "belligerent" terrorist and racist organization, the "white" Columbian version of #blacklivesmatter...yes..
...but now since it's more or less you can't even defend yourself with weapons--like the St Louis couple---whites will have to join white groups/etc
Hopefully that won't have to happen, but it might if the bullcrap keeps going in the wrong direction.
..the blacks, latinos and Asians all have their groups to promote their race--now it's ''whitey is evil'''''.........yes--we need and should have many white groups---for SD and politics
We have certain reputable groups, there are ethnic European groups and clubs. I, Myself was a member of a Deustch-Amerikaner club when I lived in Pennsylvania. If you want to form a European Caucus promoting the interests and honoring the culture of people of European heritage in the United States, I could see that as easily being acceptable if non-violent or threatening.
There was absolutely nothing in the article that indicates that either race or politics had to do with this attack, so I doubt that this incident should or would be classified as a "hate crime." Large cities have some crazy people. There have been unprovoked attacks across the country, including one subway attack in Seattle that cost two people their lives. According to the article, the suspect has been taken for psychological testing, which is what should be done.

I had an incident Friday morning, when I was taking my recycling to the drop-off point, and was putting glass jars and bottles into the glass container that had eight holes around it to do just that. A short white guy with a brush cut going gray, fairly well dressed, drove up, put something into the container for cardboard and then came over and stood within two feet of me. He didn't say anything, and NO MASK! He just stared at me. Turns out that he was too lazy to go to another drop hole, even though there were seven more available. There was nobody else around, and he was acting so weirdly that I just backed off. He never said a word, not even an "excuse me" and he clearly did not have the good manners to stand back and wait for me to finish. You never know who's next to you and what they are going to do. Not everything has to do with race.

Well you see Harmonica is in the habit of projecting. He assumes that Blacks hate him as much if not more than he hates them. Once you realize that simple truth, then it all makes sense. His daily email list of black on white crimes. He wastes no time in rushing here to post them as proof that Blacks are bad and thus need to be handled with extreme prejudice.
hahhahahhaha--nothing but babble, you are saying blacks do NOT commit murder/crime/etc at higher rates????!!
..also, I am RESPONDING to the injustice against whites by the MSM/blacks/you----you constantly attack whites--promoting that whites are the ONLY evil race--when the facts are blacks MURDER whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa/etc
..maybe you are ok with injustice, but we are not

Injustice? Was the offender not arrested? Is he not facing penalties for his actions? That is the definition of injustice. When someone does not face penalties for their actions. That is injustice. Now, if the offender had stabbed two people, and despite knowing who he is, not been arrested, that would be injustice. You need to learn the meanings of words. It's English. We tend to communicate in this particular language.

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