Black Lives Matter?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Is meaningless. Of course, we assume that every human being values life.......Uh....Maybe except for pro abortionists.....But by and large MOST people value life no matter what skin color. I wonder how long the American people are going to swallow this Marxist swill. BLM is an insulting supposition that only one skin color matters.
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ALL lives matter.


End of supposed 'political statement'.
Is meaningless. Of course, we assume that every human being values life.......Uh....Maybe except for pro abortionists.....But by and large MOST people value life no matter what skin color. I wonder how long the American people are going to swallow this Marxist swill. BLM is an insulting supposition that only one skin color matters.
Where is your organization that states anything different than BLM?
ALL lives matter.


End of supposed 'political statement'.
You would think

watabout children.jpeg
When it comes to the criminal justice system it is clear that black lives do not matter.
BLM is a FRONT for DEMOCRAT ELECTION FUNDS, period. The groups founder is a 58 year old female TERRORIST, and if you donate to them, it goes to ACT BLUE, which is a DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGN FUNDING organization. So the demtrash have a vested interest in KEEPING BLACKS THINKING they're being unfairly treated when they're NOT. The democraps LOVE blacks all riled up, the more the better, because that drags in little BRAIN WASHED WHITE SJW that think they're doing good, and they all give their money to BLM, which is ACT BLUE, who gives the money to DEMOCRATS for ELECTION CAMPAIGNS.

So the whole thing is a FARCE, a FRONT, a SHUCK 'N JIVE game, a BAIT 'N SWITCH, but even though all this has been REPORTED, the blacks and little SJW idiots are just too INDOCTRINATED for it to penetrate their BRAIN WASHING.

Do democrats give a flyin' fuck about blacks, pfft... you gotta be shittin' me... they WANT them oppressed and pissed off, it's good for business to keep them in power.

Blacks have been voting straight democrat for DECADES, and WHAT has it got them? NOTHING! Actually LESS than nothing. We even elected a black president, TWICE, and that faggot kenyan cuck just made race relations WORSE.
BLM is a FRONT for DEMOCRAT ELECTION FUNDS, period. The groups founder is a 58 year old female TERRORIST, and if you donate to them, it goes to ACT BLUE, which is a DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGN FUNDING organization. So the demtrash have a vested interest in KEEPING BLACKS THINKING they're being unfairly treated when they're NOT. The democraps LOVE blacks all riled up, the more the better, because that drags in little BRAIN WASHED WHITE SJW that think they're doing good, and they all give their money to BLM, which is ACT BLUE, who gives the money to DEMOCRATS for ELECTION CAMPAIGNS.

So the whole thing is a FARCE, a FRONT, a SHUCK 'N JIVE game, a BAIT 'N SWITCH, but even though all this has been REPORTED, the blacks and little SJW idiots are just too INDOCTRINATED for it to penetrate their BRAIN WASHING.

Do democrats give a flyin' fuck about blacks, pfft... you gotta be shittin' me... they WANT them oppressed and pissed off, it's good for business to keep them in power.

Blacks have been voting straight democrat for DECADES, and WHAT has it got them? NOTHING! Actually LESS than nothing. We even elected a black president, TWICE, and that faggot kenyan cuck just made race relations WORSE.
Please refer to post #10.
You don’t get to decide what BLM is about.
Thank you.
BLM is a FRONT for DEMOCRAT ELECTION FUNDS, period. The groups founder is a 58 year old female TERRORIST, and if you donate to them, it goes to ACT BLUE, which is a DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGN FUNDING organization. So the demtrash have a vested interest in KEEPING BLACKS THINKING they're being unfairly treated when they're NOT. The democraps LOVE blacks all riled up, the more the better, because that drags in little BRAIN WASHED WHITE SJW that think they're doing good, and they all give their money to BLM, which is ACT BLUE, who gives the money to DEMOCRATS for ELECTION CAMPAIGNS.

So the whole thing is a FARCE, a FRONT, a SHUCK 'N JIVE game, a BAIT 'N SWITCH, but even though all this has been REPORTED, the blacks and little SJW idiots are just too INDOCTRINATED for it to penetrate their BRAIN WASHING.

Do democrats give a flyin' fuck about blacks, pfft... you gotta be shittin' me... they WANT them oppressed and pissed off, it's good for business to keep them in power.

Blacks have been voting straight democrat for DECADES, and WHAT has it got them? NOTHING! Actually LESS than nothing. We even elected a black president, TWICE, and that faggot kenyan cuck just made race relations WORSE.
Please refer to post #10.
You don’t get to decide what BLM is about.
Thank you.
Sorry, dumbass, I didn't decide jack shit. I merely stated the facts, and you don't get to decide what the facts are.

Pound sand.
BLM is a FRONT for DEMOCRAT ELECTION FUNDS, period. The groups founder is a 58 year old female TERRORIST, and if you donate to them, it goes to ACT BLUE, which is a DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGN FUNDING organization. So the demtrash have a vested interest in KEEPING BLACKS THINKING they're being unfairly treated when they're NOT. The democraps LOVE blacks all riled up, the more the better, because that drags in little BRAIN WASHED WHITE SJW that think they're doing good, and they all give their money to BLM, which is ACT BLUE, who gives the money to DEMOCRATS for ELECTION CAMPAIGNS.

So the whole thing is a FARCE, a FRONT, a SHUCK 'N JIVE game, a BAIT 'N SWITCH, but even though all this has been REPORTED, the blacks and little SJW idiots are just too INDOCTRINATED for it to penetrate their BRAIN WASHING.

Do democrats give a flyin' fuck about blacks, pfft... you gotta be shittin' me... they WANT them oppressed and pissed off, it's good for business to keep them in power.

Blacks have been voting straight democrat for DECADES, and WHAT has it got them? NOTHING! Actually LESS than nothing. We even elected a black president, TWICE, and that faggot kenyan cuck just made race relations WORSE.
Please refer to post #10.
You don’t get to decide what BLM is about.
Thank you.
They are not about truth, that's for sure.
BLM is a FRONT for DEMOCRAT ELECTION FUNDS, period. The groups founder is a 58 year old female TERRORIST, and if you donate to them, it goes to ACT BLUE, which is a DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGN FUNDING organization. So the demtrash have a vested interest in KEEPING BLACKS THINKING they're being unfairly treated when they're NOT. The democraps LOVE blacks all riled up, the more the better, because that drags in little BRAIN WASHED WHITE SJW that think they're doing good, and they all give their money to BLM, which is ACT BLUE, who gives the money to DEMOCRATS for ELECTION CAMPAIGNS.

So the whole thing is a FARCE, a FRONT, a SHUCK 'N JIVE game, a BAIT 'N SWITCH, but even though all this has been REPORTED, the blacks and little SJW idiots are just too INDOCTRINATED for it to penetrate their BRAIN WASHING.

Do democrats give a flyin' fuck about blacks, pfft... you gotta be shittin' me... they WANT them oppressed and pissed off, it's good for business to keep them in power.

Blacks have been voting straight democrat for DECADES, and WHAT has it got them? NOTHING! Actually LESS than nothing. We even elected a black president, TWICE, and that faggot kenyan cuck just made race relations WORSE.
Please refer to post #10.
You don’t get to decide what BLM is about.
Thank you.
Sorry, dumbass, I didn't decide jack shit. I merely stated the facts, and you don't get to decide what the facts are.

Pound sand.
Libs don't care about the truth.
they don't care.

in these twats' minds BLM stands for Only BLM, whereas it actually stands for BLM, too.
So sounds like you are saying ALL lives matter. Yet 24 year old Jessica Whitaker of Indianapolis was shot
dead for telling a BLM supporter that all lives matter.

Are you purposely lying? Or you just don't know any better?
When it comes to the criminal justice system it is clear that black lives do not matter.
The criminal justice system is just reacting to more violence coming from the black counter culture.....Not all blacks subscribe to the 'cops are bad" mantra. The criminal justice system is reacting to a Democrat created anti-American sub-culture that promotes violence and blames 'whitey.'

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