black garlic?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
have you tried you know how to make it?

i am trying to figure out how to make it....i do not have a gas oven.....nor a rice warmer or cooker....i hesitate to leave a crock pot plugged in for 40 days and nights
korean....suppose to be textured like roasted garlic but with a sweeter richer taste...did i mentin i got a ton of garlic...bartering at the market?
i got how to do it...but what with.....what is gonna cook that slow..that long ..and be safe?

let me look at alton brown
Here you go:

How to make it

Make sure the rice cooker can be set to a warm setting.
Place the entire garlic bulb inside a rice cooker and allow the garlic ferment for 10 days. Try not to disturb the garlic during the fermentation.
After 10 days, Black garlic is placed on wire racks to cool and dry over the course of one week. Again. Make sure the location should be dry & cool, no direct sunlight.
Enjoy the wonderful and tasty treat of home brew black garlic!

Aged Black Garlic Recipe

You could package this up and sell it at your roadside stand. Here is the Bay Area, 4 ounces are around $6.
You need to keep it at between 130-150 for at least 10 days - preferably 40 days.

You could probably produce that little bit of heat with an incandescent light an easy bake oven.

Maybe make the "oven" out of a cardboard box and aluminum foil.

I think a crock pot would be safer.

I had an experience where I carefully read the directions to the easy bake oven..plugged it in...and the lightbulb blew up. I replaced the lightbulb (after checking the direction) and...exact same thing happened. Again.
You need to keep it at between 130-150 for at least 10 days - preferably 40 days.

You could probably produce that little bit of heat with an incandescent light an easy bake oven.

Maybe make the "oven" out of a cardboard box and aluminum foil.

I think a crock pot would be safer.

I had an experience where I carefully read the directions to the easy bake oven..plugged it in...and the lightbulb blew up. I replaced the lightbulb (after checking the direction) and...exact same thing happened. Again.

It will be a sad day when the 'easy bake oven' is replaced by a chinese florescent bulb cardboard box. The brownies will be gooey for ever.
compared to the gourmet treats they are when baked in the traditional Easy Bake!
the whole point is to see if i can produce it and sell it....i have access to huge amounts of garlic...okay i am gonna set the crock pot up and do it......i dont have a rice cooker...
someone said a crock pot has to have liquid but yall are saying it can be here goes....
I'll bet people will buy it. Figure out a way to ship it, you can sell even more.
the crock pot is too hot.....i have to keep the lid off to keep it below 150......hubby says a rice warmer is what they have on chinese buffets....damn that was a help lol....but he says he can make a box with alight bulb blah blah blah....he could do a lot of stuff if he had time....

but its in there...wrapped tightly in foil....doing whatever it does to turn black we hope...
the crock pot is too hot.....i have to keep the lid off to keep it below 150......hubby says a rice warmer is what they have on chinese buffets....damn that was a help lol....but he says he can make a box with alight bulb blah blah blah....he could do a lot of stuff if he had time....

but its in there...wrapped tightly in foil....doing whatever it does to turn black we hope...

Good luck! I hope you let us know how it turns out.

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