Bipartisan deal reached on Infrastructure Bill with Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
President Biden on Thursday announced he'd reached an infrastructure deal with a bipartisan group of Republican and Democratic senators, saying both sides gave up some things they wanted to get a rare accord in a bitterly divided Washington, D.C.
Biden acknowledged the deal would not include proposals he's made for spending to help American families, but firmly endorsed the deal on infrastructure in remarks just outside the White House with the Republican and Democratic senators looking on.
“We have a deal,” Biden told reporters.

Details are yet to be announced, but another website said it was approx $1.2 trillion. Whether that is too much for some GOPers or too little for some Far Lefties remains to be seen. In general though, any bill that nobody really likes is probably the best way to go if you want something done instead of nothing. And America probably needs some upgrades to it's physical infrastructure (roads and bridges). The other thing is whether this agreement will pass in the House.

Biden said he did intend to continue to look for a larger package on spending through a budget reconciliation measure, which would allow it to pass the Senate with just Democratic votes.

IOW, the stuff he didn't get this time will likely be crammed into the next reconciliation spending bill that only needs 51 votes to pass the Senate.

It'll be interesting to see who comes out against this bill. Dems who vote for it might face a democrat challenge in their next primary from the Far Left, but if they come out against it then they could lose support from independent voters. On the GOP side most of them need the independent vote too, and those voters want stuff done like this. So IMHO any Repub who votes against the bill could face problems in their next election too.
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Good to see Congress finally doing something.

I still think Mitch McConnell will figure out a way to fuk it up
I'm wondering just what they agreed on. Only 5% of that bill is for infrastructure. The rest is loads of pork.

I doubt 5% will repair very much infrastructure. So, one must wonder just what they reached an agreement on.

Sharing the pork??
I don't know that I've ever seen a president tell us in the morning that he supports a bipartisan bill and then in the afternoon of the same day tell us he will veto it if he doesn't get a much larger bill passed, both or nothing. It certainly tells us that his calls for unity and bipartisanship is nothing more than lip service, otherwise he would urge the bipartisan infrastructure bill to be passed through Congress and then do what they can in reconciliation. But to tie them together and say all or nothing, that's extortion. All's fair in politics if it ain't illegal, I get that. And what the dems are doing is not illegal, but don't be giving me this crap about unity and working together. When you make a deal, you don't change it later.

Plus, it tells us that Biden isn't the one making the decisions, that's Pelosi and Schumer behind the scenes pulling the strings on what Biden does. I think the GOP will tell the Dems to piss up a rope if they don't drop the demand for the 2nd, larger infrastructure bill. Which they won't do, so the Dems will go ahead and pass their reconciliation bill with all the extra bullshit pork in it, assuming Manchin, Sinema, and the other centrist dems support it, and ten try to convince thee voters to keep them in office next year. I'd like tot hink that won't happen, too many people don't like the profligate spending.

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