Bill Gates Was Pushing Contact Tracing With Congressman 6 Months BEFORE COVID


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
His finger is in every pie linked to UN Agenda 2030 from vaccination, GMO food, and it turns out he is the Contact Tracing King. 501c3 bounty hunters Moynihan and Doyle, one who is a former DEA officer, say Gates people were in Rwanda in 2019 at a contact tracing conference splitting the pie for the upcoming $10 billion TRACE Act.

USA Today

The claim: Bill Gates helped design the TRACE Act, which would fund coronavirus testing and contact tracing efforts....

Rebuttal: The TRACE Act does not specify a preference for any form of contact tracing and does not designate a role for the federal government in collecting data on people or using it for any means. The bill does give funding priority to groups that operate in low-income and minority communities.

The strawman is that the legislation specifies a "preference for any form of contact tracing" But this is not the question. There is no denial that Gates did design the Act, and is greatly interested in contact tracing.

Gates' interest in contact tracing is from his own mouth.

Gates Notes:

I mentioned in the testing section that one of the key priorities for testing is anyone who has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. If you can get a list of these people quickly and make sure they are prioritized for a test like the PCR test (which is sensitive enough to detect a recent infection), then these people can isolate themselves before they infect other people. This is the ideal way of stopping the spread of the virus.

More on Gates and contact tracing at The Hill: "Gates: More testing and contact tracing needed to safely reopen US"

As for forcing all this upon us, I found it interesting that the UN Agenda 2030 a Bill Gates brainchild, had a page on adult vaccination that was blocked by my parental controls feature. What is so inappropriate about the UN Agenda 2030 view on adult vaccination?

If you have any doubt that Gates is a sociopath as a result of other bought-and-paid for debunks of his killer vaccines in India, go to the highly respected Economic Times of India. In "Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?” a committee of doctors and officials investigated the un-debunked facts of a vaccine a Gates program injected into thousands of Indian girls from 9 to 15, thousands of whom got very sick and some of whom died. Some killed themselves.

The committee said that in the context of deaths of girls classified as suicide, the role of the “HPV vaccine as a possible, if not probable, cause of suicidal ideation cannot be ruled out.”

The committee found that the objective behind the observation studies in India primarily was to collect and record data on the effect of the vaccines on the minor subjects.

In other words, so hellish were the effects of the vaccine that some girls may have killed themselves because of it. Worse, it was not a well-intentioned vaccine gone bad, as the committee found that "the objective behind the observation studies in India primarily was to collect and record data."

The girls, none of whose parents could read or write to understand the consent forms "signed" with a thumbprint, were guinea pigs.

I never listen to podcasts I think think they are usually too boring. But I guess I have discovered Thomas Paine, and Moynihan and Doyle. They are high-test red pills. Explain in convincing and excruciating detail the Clinton Foundation money laundering operation, and leave you wondering anew how they frick she isn't in jail, all EmailGate aside. ‎Thomas Paine Podcast: Ep. 27 -- The Investigators Who Dissected the Clinton Foundation’s Labyrinth of Global Fraud for Congress Break Their Silence in their First Interview; the Revelations are Disturbing. John Moynihan & Larry Doyle Join Paine to Break Big News on Apple Podcasts

Looks like Gates is Mr. Contact Tracing too. If Trump can take him out with any pictures which happen to be in the possession of Ghislaine Maxwell, this nightmare ends.

Anyone who thinks HR 6666 spends $10 billion on contact tracing just so people can refuse it and make it pointless is not thinking. Remember, it is on your phone OS upgrade already. Like masks. First recommended, and voluntary. Then get the sheep hollering, and it's mandatory.

All mandatory vaccination laws, contact trace laws, will be handed down through the states, just like the shutdown orders. It's all about the State Houses now, the state representatives. Don't stand there like a deer caught in the headlights. Get on a first name basis with your state reps right now, and ask "Where do you stand on mandatory adult vaccination for state driver's license requirements or other movement privileges?" FLIP THIS AROUND.

State legislature contact tool.

Bill Gates Made Contact Tracing Deal With Congressman 6 Months BEFORE Coronavirus Outbreak

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped negotiate who would score a $100 Billion government-backed contact tracing contract in August 2019 — six months before the ‘pandemic’ arrived in the United States and four months before it swept through China. (Listen Above)

The shocking revelations were unveiled on the Thomas Paine Podcast and the Moore Paine Show on Patreon by the two investigators who blew the whistle on the massive Clinton Foundation tax fraud during a Congressional hearing in 2018. John Moynihan and Larry Doyle testified in Congress, detailing the fraud and schemes utilized by the Clinton’s to avoid paying up to $2.5 BILLION in federal taxes.

The investigative duo, in their first interview since that bombshell Congressional testimony, revealed to Paine that representatives from the Gates Foundation met with U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush at a sit down in Rwanda, East Africa in mid August 2019 to hash out who would score the windfall from a government contact tracing program. And just last month — nine months after the meetings with the Gates Foundation in Rwanda — Rush, a Democrat from Illinois, introduced the $100 BILLION H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.

Rush’s bill would establish a program run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for national coronavirus testing and contact tracing.

Paine has since learned Congressman Rush traveled to Rwanda with his spouse from August 12th to 19th, 2019 to take part in talks and a week-long event underwritten by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.


Girl deformed by Monsanto Roundup exposure in mother.
Contact tracing is epidemiology 101. There are a lot of people pushing it and for good reason. It works. In the face of a pandemic, it's crucial.

With dis-trust in the authorities--even if you voted for the authority--running high, I can see where people are hesitant to conform. That doesn't make it a smart move. Letting your fear drive your decision making usually isn't.
Contact tracing is epidemiology 101. There are a lot of people pushing it and for good reason. It works. In the face of a pandemic, it's crucial.

With dis-trust in the authorities--even if you voted for the authority--running high, I can see where people are hesitant to conform. That doesn't make it a smart move. Letting your fear drive your decision making usually isn't.

Bill Gates is not an epidemiologist, nor even a college graduate. Epidemiologists will tell you contact tracing might be useful at the very first handful of cases in a country, but after that it's like closing the barn door after all the horses have run out. If I am on a subway or in the city I have come across thousands of people a day. It is, however, a dictator's dream, to know everything about you and who you have been with at every moment in your life and for how long.
Contact tracing is epidemiology 101. There are a lot of people pushing it and for good reason. It works. In the face of a pandemic, it's crucial.

With dis-trust in the authorities--even if you voted for the authority--running high, I can see where people are hesitant to conform. That doesn't make it a smart move. Letting your fear drive your decision making usually isn't.

Bill Gates is not an epidemiologist, nor even a college graduate. Epidemiologists will tell you contact tracing might be useful at the very first handful of cases in a country, but after that it's like closing the barn door after all the horses have run out. If I am on a subway or in the city I have come across thousands of people a day. It is, however, a dictator's dream, to know everything about you and who you have been with at every moment in your life and for how long.

Trump supporters should be quite happy about it then.
Contact tracing is epidemiology 101. There are a lot of people pushing it and for good reason. It works. In the face of a pandemic, it's crucial.

With dis-trust in the authorities--even if you voted for the authority--running high, I can see where people are hesitant to conform. That doesn't make it a smart move. Letting your fear drive your decision making usually isn't.

Bill Gates is not an epidemiologist, nor even a college graduate. Epidemiologists will tell you contact tracing might be useful at the very first handful of cases in a country, but after that it's like closing the barn door after all the horses have run out. If I am on a subway or in the city I have come across thousands of people a day. It is, however, a dictator's dream, to know everything about you and who you have been with at every moment in your life and for how long.

Trump supporters should be quite happy about it then.

The worst dictatorships seem to come from the left.
Bill Gates Was Pushing Contact Tracing With Congressman 6 Months BEFORE COVID

ding! ding! ding!

That's because Bill gates is a Yuge supporter of the UN's Agenda21
These people knew covid19 was planned and what was coming.

Do you really think those unimaginably rich people want YOU using up all their resources? Nope!
Contact tracing is epidemiology 101. There are a lot of people pushing it and for good reason. It works. In the face of a pandemic, it's crucial.

With dis-trust in the authorities--even if you voted for the authority--running high, I can see where people are hesitant to conform. That doesn't make it a smart move. Letting your fear drive your decision making usually isn't.

Bill Gates is not an epidemiologist, nor even a college graduate. Epidemiologists will tell you contact tracing might be useful at the very first handful of cases in a country, but after that it's like closing the barn door after all the horses have run out. If I am on a subway or in the city I have come across thousands of people a day. It is, however, a dictator's dream, to know everything about you and who you have been with at every moment in your life and for how long.

Trump supporters should be quite happy about it then.

Unlike you Agenda21 cultists who are loyal to your own demise.....and have no clue
The main differences between, say, Taiwan and South Korea’s success and the U.S. failure in dealing with Covid-19, has been our unwillingness from the beginning to do electronic contacting and tracing through phone apps that trace the user’s location in real time.

Such measures, combined with vigorous testing, is the key to beating this and almost any future epidemic. There are different kinds of such systems possible, including more or less “voluntary” ones, and many ways they can be introduced, but obviously such a system should only be authorized when a health emergency is declared.

Contact tracing by old fashioned methods has proven very inadequate dealing with fast developing viruses, and total “lockdowns” with their incredible economic side effects may be avoided when such systems are in effect. China’s very flexible system has stopped the virus completely in that crowded, still poor, densely populated country.

The success of such systems has actually given confidence to citizens that government is competent, and serves the public’s interests. Such systems are not necessarily adversarial, either. As schools begin to open next month, wouldn’t it be good for parents to know quickly if students or teachers are getting sick? Wouldn’t it be good to know if that restaurant you are thinking of eating at has any staff that caught the virus in the last few days? Remember, the Covid-19 pandemic may be very mild ... compared with the next one.
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The main differences between, say, Taiwan and South Korea’s success and the U.S. failure in dealing with Covid-19, has been our unwillingness from the beginning to do electronic contacting and tracing through phone apps that trace the user’s location in real time.

Such measures, combined with vigorous testing is the key to beating this and almost any future epidemic. There are different kinds of such systems possible, including more or less “voluntary” ones, and many ways they can be introduced, but obviously such a system should only be authorized when a health emergency is declared.

Contact tracing by old fashioned methods has proven very inadequate dealing with fast developing viruses, and total “lockdowns” with their incredible economic side effects may be avoided when such systems are in effect. China’s very flexible system has stopped the virus completely in that crowded, still poor, densely populated country.

The success of such systems has actually given confidence to citizens that government is competent, and serves the public’s interests. Such systems are not necessarily adversarial. As schools begin to open next month, wouldn’t it be good for parents to know quickly if students or teachers are getting sick? Wouldn’t it be good to at least know if that restaurant you are thinking of eating at has any staff that caught the virus in the last few days?

The notion that you (and anyone else) really believes we need this sophisticated a program for tracking individuals (and violating their Constitutional Right to Privacy) for a virus that only has a 1% mortality rate is chilling.

Nazi ish even
Contact tracing is epidemiology 101. There are a lot of people pushing it and for good reason. It works. In the face of a pandemic, it's crucial.

With dis-trust in the authorities--even if you voted for the authority--running high, I can see where people are hesitant to conform. That doesn't make it a smart move. Letting your fear drive your decision making usually isn't.

Bill Gates is not an epidemiologist, nor even a college graduate. Epidemiologists will tell you contact tracing might be useful at the very first handful of cases in a country, but after that it's like closing the barn door after all the horses have run out. If I am on a subway or in the city I have come across thousands of people a day. It is, however, a dictator's dream, to know everything about you and who you have been with at every moment in your life and for how long.

Trump supporters should be quite happy about it then.

The worst dictatorships seem to come from the left.
Does that mean the "best" dictatorships come from the right?

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