Biden’s likely picks for top defense & foreign policy posts supported Clinton era wars

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Biden’s likely pick for Secretary of Defense, Michele Flournoy, and his top foreign policy advisor, Tony Blinken, have played central roles in every war waged by Democratic presidents dating back to the Clinton era

I think anyone rejoicing over the victory of Biden against Trump owes it to themselves and to our country to face up to the likely neo-conservative foreign policy implications of a Biden presidency. This long article highlights the terrible history of two of Biden’s key advisors likely to continue an aggressive Hillary Clinton like foreign policy. The threat of imperialist adventures overseas will not decline and may even increase under their leadership. Of course this article does not treat of larger issues that may have justified opposing a second term Trump presidency.

VIDEO: Top Biden advisors Flournoy and Blinken promise smarter, more secretive permanent war policy | The Grayzone
Ironically the neocon wars are the opposite of European imperialism of the old days which civilized backward regions of the Earth which unfortunately often failed because the Europeans were too kind to the inhabitants of the uncharted lands. Neocon wars are other people's wars that the USA pays for with US soldiers and US weapons often leading to savages usually called refugees encourage by neocon politicians to enter the USA for free stuff, preferential treatment, etc. So basically neocon wars cause reverse imperialism where we know have Europhobic members of the House and Senate inflicting their own low IQs, and their own racist culture on American citizens (as well as the rest of the West).
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The fact is the world is more interdependent than ever, via the world economy, and the old imperialist policies of European colonial powers can never be repeated or reversed.

The difference between the Trump and Biden foreign policy is nicely captured in this thread as:

Donald Trump sought to make America Great Again.
Joe Biden Plans to Make the American Empire Great Again.

In my opinion, the U.S. cannot afford and no longer has the social cohesion to maintain this empire, and the world cannot afford the endless wars necessary to prop up that empire, especially given the reality of a declining U.S. economy and many rising competitive states and corporations abroad. A totally new foreign policy is necessary, but neither the American public nor the American political class has yet grasped this reality. The MIC and many other vested interests stand in the way.

How Joe Biden Plans to Make The American Empire Great Again
..he/she is not picking the most qualified---just like his pick for VP--he chose her on skin color
Biden’s likely pick for Secretary of Defense, Michele Flournoy, and his top foreign policy advisor, Tony Blinken, have played central roles in every war waged by Democratic presidents dating back to the Clinton era

I think anyone rejoicing over the victory of Biden against Trump owes it to themselves and to our country to face up to the likely neo-conservative foreign policy implications of a Biden presidency. This long article highlights the terrible history of two of Biden’s key advisors likely to continue an aggressive Hillary Clinton like foreign policy. The threat of imperialist adventures overseas will not decline and may even increase under their leadership. Of course this article does not treat of larger issues that may have justified opposing a second term Trump presidency.

VIDEO: Top Biden advisors Flournoy and Blinken promise smarter, more secretive permanent war policy | The Grayzone

The Swamp is back.

The people said higher taxes, more inciting for illegals and killing more brown people was better than captain clorox.
It is what it is.
I wonder when we will EVER elect a decent, genuine and person of integrity to the white house again.. :/
If Trump had actually done something about the wars maybe things would have been different. As it is we will continue with the Bush/Obama/Trump regime.
If Trump had actually done something about the wars maybe things would have been different. As it is we will continue with the Bush/Obama/Trump regime.
If trump had actually withdrawn the troops, i probably would have voted for him. It would have made me a one issue voter.
BUT he didnt start any new wars. That really should be celebrated as it breaks decades of tradition.
If Trump had actually done something about the wars maybe things would have been different. As it is we will continue with the Bush/Obama/Trump regime.
If trump had actually withdrawn the troops, i probably would have voted for him. It would have made me a one issue voter.
BUT he didnt start any new wars. That really should be celebrated as it breaks decades of tradition.

I said early on that if he ended the wars I would vote for him. I don't understand why it's so hard to do the right thing.

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