Biden’s Infrastructure Bill: Tear Down Highways


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Comment at the bottom.

At least 11 cities across the country, including Austin, Texas, Baltimore, Maryland and Detroit, Michigan, are seeking federal funding from the bill to remove highways, however. Democrats argue the highways in question “had a damaging effect on urban minority communities,” according to The Wall Street Journal.
Many of the highways were built under former President Dwight Eisenhower. Activists claim that they cut through African-American communities, and caused divisions still present today. Biden’s plan seeks to allocate $20 billion for a fund to “reconnect” these communities by removing the downtown highways.
So exactly how does removing roads reconnect a community? There's a good reason for highways through cities; they allow easy access to the center of those cities for vital services like deliveries of pretty much everything. They provide access to the suburbs, and perhaps most important they keep a huge amount of traffic off of city streets.

Are they eyesores? Sure; sometimes. Have some of these highways damaged once vibrant neighborhoods? Possibly. But reducing logistical efficiency and creating a huge number of new problems is not the answer to inner city blight.
Well, another attack on Joe Biden and another source of faux news; just an editorial by a conservative Internet Tabloid. There are no contracts written in anyone of these cities, nor any blue prints posted. It is one more piece of crap promulgated by the usual suspect.
Sure. Highways are what has made large swathes of Detroit a toxic zombie city.
Nothing else. :rolleyes:

"Biden’s plan seeks to allocate $20 billion for a fund to “reconnect” these communities by removing the downtown highways." Don't bother looking. Nothing to see.
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Patriots are standing on the sidelines, shuffling their feet....groaning and moaning but doing nothing.

Meanwhile, sworn enemies of the People of the USA are actively dismantling it and installing their version of Fascism.

Like your chains ?

Patriots are standing on the sidelines, shuffling their feet....groaning and moaning but doing nothing.

Meanwhile, sworn enemies of the People of the USA are actively dismantling it and installing their version of Fascism.

Like your chains ?

View attachment 504367

Stop trying to foment violence. That's what fascist dems are good at.
Patriots are standing on the sidelines, shuffling their feet....groaning and moaning but doing nothing.

Meanwhile, sworn enemies of the People of the USA are actively dismantling it and installing their version of Fascism.

Like your chains ?

View attachment 504367

Stop trying to foment violence. That's what fascist dems are good at.

Tell that to the Founding Fathers. You consider them ultra violent don't you?

There comes a time when silence and passive lament just isn't a winning strategy.
Again, why don't you ask the Founding Fathers.
You are also obviously annoyed by that pesky violent 2nd amendment it seems
Your attitude is why America is doomed and why Venezuela fell. They just kept waiting for a miracle.

Let's say you are right......let's hear YOUR plan to save America.........?????

Oh, you have's called cry but do nothing. Yeah, that's been working splendid so far right buddy?
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Comment at the bottom.

At least 11 cities across the country, including Austin, Texas, Baltimore, Maryland and Detroit, Michigan, are seeking federal funding from the bill to remove highways, however. Democrats argue the highways in question “had a damaging effect on urban minority communities,” according to The Wall Street Journal.
Many of the highways were built under former President Dwight Eisenhower. Activists claim that they cut through African-American communities, and caused divisions still present today. Biden’s plan seeks to allocate $20 billion for a fund to “reconnect” these communities by removing the downtown highways.
So exactly how does removing roads reconnect a community? There's a good reason for highways through cities; they allow easy access to the center of those cities for vital services like deliveries of pretty much everything. They provide access to the suburbs, and perhaps most important they keep a huge amount of traffic off of city streets.

Are they eyesores? Sure; sometimes. Have some of these highways damaged once vibrant neighborhoods? Possibly. But reducing logistical efficiency and creating a huge number of new problems is not the answer to inner city blight.
I think Biden's handlers are communists trying to bring down this country from the inside.
Here is just a partial List of things of what the Crazy Democrat Cultist claim are racist:
highways are racist
math is racist
cheese is racist
ID cards are racist
Christmas is racist
the National Anthem is racist
the Electoral College is racist
dress codes are racist
......maybe the people who can find racism where is does not exist are the Racist
Comment at the bottom.

At least 11 cities across the country, including Austin, Texas, Baltimore, Maryland and Detroit, Michigan, are seeking federal funding from the bill to remove highways, however. Democrats argue the highways in question “had a damaging effect on urban minority communities,” according to The Wall Street Journal.
Many of the highways were built under former President Dwight Eisenhower. Activists claim that they cut through African-American communities, and caused divisions still present today. Biden’s plan seeks to allocate $20 billion for a fund to “reconnect” these communities by removing the downtown highways.
So exactly how does removing roads reconnect a community? There's a good reason for highways through cities; they allow easy access to the center of those cities for vital services like deliveries of pretty much everything. They provide access to the suburbs, and perhaps most important they keep a huge amount of traffic off of city streets.

Are they eyesores? Sure; sometimes. Have some of these highways damaged once vibrant neighborhoods? Possibly. But reducing logistical efficiency and creating a huge number of new problems is not the answer to inner city blight.
I think Biden's handlers are communists trying to bring down this country from the inside.

I think outside forces are at play.
But also we have a massive population of incredibly gullible, uneducated, indoctrinated youths and grown ups who hate America
and have no knowledge of history except the propaganda they've been taught.

Then we have the corporate greed. Ultra wealthy who own politicians and feel they are the chosen ones and the world is theirs for the taking.
So much working against America at this point.
Patriots are standing on the sidelines, shuffling their feet....groaning and moaning but doing nothing.

Meanwhile, sworn enemies of the People of the USA are actively dismantling it and installing their version of Fascism.

Like your chains ?

View attachment 504367

Stop trying to foment violence. That's what fascist dems are good at.

Tell that to the Founding Fathers. You consider them ultra violent don't you?

There comes a time when silence and passive lament just isn't a winning strategy.
Again, why don't you ask the Founding Fathers.
You are also obviously annoyed by that pesky violent 2nd amendment it seems
Your attitude is why America is doomed and why Venezuela fell. They just kept waiting for a miracle.

Let's say you are right......let's hear YOUR plan to save America.........?????

Oh, you have's called cry but do nothing. Yeah, that's been working splendid so far right buddy?
Everyone messes up. It depends on how many times we mess up. For most things there is forgiveness if anyone regrets what they have done. So a system that promotes teenage girls to have children and/or abortions is a dead end or a very expensive albatross. The rioters in the cities ....what percentage are from single mothers.
Perhaps some highway sections could be lowered down into tunnels?
These highways were built over 50 years ago, so I doubt there would be much good in trying to fix them now?
Perhaps some highway sections could be lowered down into tunnels?
These highways were built over 50 years ago, so I doubt there would be much good in trying to fix them now?
They have to offer alternative routes before they undolf the ghettos, don´t they?
Patriots are standing on the sidelines, shuffling their feet....groaning and moaning but doing nothing.

Meanwhile, sworn enemies of the People of the USA are actively dismantling it and installing their version of Fascism.

Like your chains ?

View attachment 504367

Stop trying to foment violence. That's what fascist dems are good at.

Tell that to the Founding Fathers. You consider them ultra violent don't you?

There comes a time when silence and passive lament just isn't a winning strategy.
Again, why don't you ask the Founding Fathers.
You are also obviously annoyed by that pesky violent 2nd amendment it seems
Your attitude is why America is doomed and why Venezuela fell. They just kept waiting for a miracle.

Let's say you are right......let's hear YOUR plan to save America.........?????

Oh, you have's called cry but do nothing. Yeah, that's been working splendid so far right buddy?

So long as legal proceedings are ongoing there is no need for violence. The second the fascists try and ban guns, that will be the trigger, and you WILL see violence on scale that hasn't been seen since the Civil War.

I dread that. All sane people dread that. The fact that we have a chance to prevent that from happening is critical.

Idiots, like you, trying to tip us over that ledge are doing so for YOUR purposes.. not this country.
Comment at the bottom.

At least 11 cities across the country, including Austin, Texas, Baltimore, Maryland and Detroit, Michigan, are seeking federal funding from the bill to remove highways, however. Democrats argue the highways in question “had a damaging effect on urban minority communities,” according to The Wall Street Journal.
Many of the highways were built under former President Dwight Eisenhower. Activists claim that they cut through African-American communities, and caused divisions still present today. Biden’s plan seeks to allocate $20 billion for a fund to “reconnect” these communities by removing the downtown highways.
So exactly how does removing roads reconnect a community? There's a good reason for highways through cities; they allow easy access to the center of those cities for vital services like deliveries of pretty much everything. They provide access to the suburbs, and perhaps most important they keep a huge amount of traffic off of city streets.

Are they eyesores? Sure; sometimes. Have some of these highways damaged once vibrant neighborhoods? Possibly. But reducing logistical efficiency and creating a huge number of new problems is not the answer to inner city blight.
They also provide a vital service by being ingress paths for the Mexican drug cartels to deliver drugs to the Blacks.

The Democrats should think about that before tearing down any highway. The Blacks will be furious.
How is the Colt Malt Liquor and Kool cigarettes delivery trucks going to get to the customers?
Well, another attack on Joe Biden and another source of faux news; just an editorial by a conservative Internet Tabloid. There are no contracts written in anyone of these cities, nor any blue prints posted. It is one more piece of crap promulgated by the usual suspect.
Wall street journal is a conservative internet tabloid?

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