Biden's fumbled Afghanistan withdrawal was a propaganda gift to China, Defense Department finds


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The new synonym for disaster is spelled B_I_D_E_N.

Two more years of this and what will be left but a gigantic mess that no one can fully fix.

President Joe Biden's fumbled withdrawal from Afghanistan was a propaganda gift to China, his Defense Department found Tuesday.

The DOD's claim came as part of its annual report to Congress on national security developments relating to China, which it released Tuesday. The report suggests that China capitalized on the withdrawal to convince world leaders that the U.S. is not a reliable ally.

"The PRC employed multiple diplomatic tools in an attempt to erode U.S. and partner influence," the report reads, including "highlighting the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan."

The new synonym for disaster is spelled B_I_D_E_N.

Gee I would have thought that Biden alone was cause enough for other countries to lose faith in the USA!

We've gone from:
See the source image


BidenDoE copy.jpg
The new synonym for disaster is spelled B_I_D_E_N.

Two more years of this and what will be left but a gigantic mess that no one can fully fix.

President Joe Biden's fumbled withdrawal from Afghanistan was a propaganda gift to China, his Defense Department found Tuesday.
The DOD's claim came as part of its annual report to Congress on national security developments relating to China, which it released Tuesday. The report suggests that China capitalized on the withdrawal to convince world leaders that the U.S. is not a reliable ally.
"The PRC employed multiple diplomatic tools in an attempt to erode U.S. and partner influence," the report reads, including "highlighting the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan."

Could tramp do any better?
Just continuing the Obama policies of alienating all of of the U.S.'s allies and accrediting our alliance agreements so nobody eve trusts us again, and driving them to accept Russian and Red Chinese domination.

Of course the right wing isolationists do all they can to help this divide, so their sniveling about it is just hypocrisy; they endorse the same results. They don't want to honor our treaties either.
The new synonym for disaster is spelled B_I_D_E_N.

Two more years of this and what will be left but a gigantic mess that no one can fully fix.

Uh, sorry, man, exactly what were were supposed to do in Afghanistan, exactly? We were in there for 20 fucking years, and we were not closer to defeating the Taliban in 2021 than we were in 2001.

Here's the ugly truth we refused to learn. You can't impose a form of government on a country. They actually have to want it.

We didn't learn this lesson 50 years ago in Vietnam.
We didn't learn this lesson 100 years ago in the Philippines

So if China REALLY wants to piss away Billions in resources in Afghanistan after we and the Russians failed, let them

They'll end up getting the same results.
yes. he in fact did. we don’t have to speculate
It remains to be seen!! He wasn't the pres. at the time!! I hope he is not the next one. Chances to be, he would of killed more vets.
Here's the ugly truth we refused to learn. You can't impose a form of government on a country. They actually have to want it.

We didn't learn this lesson 50 years ago in Vietnam.
We didn't learn this lesson 100 years ago in the Philippines.
Russia learned it in 1990. Fortunately it wasn't a bloody revolution, just a collapse of something that doesn't work well....just like how a company that makes a shitty product goes under due to lack of popularity. Once the idea of GDP was incorporated into Russia's economy things changed for the better.
The new synonym for disaster is spelled B_I_D_E_N.

Two more years of this and what will be left but a gigantic mess that no one can fully fix.

President Joe Biden's fumbled withdrawal from Afghanistan was a propaganda gift to China, his Defense Department found Tuesday.

The DOD's claim came as part of its annual report to Congress on national security developments relating to China, which it released Tuesday. The report suggests that China capitalized on the withdrawal to convince world leaders that the U.S. is not a reliable ally.

"The PRC employed multiple diplomatic tools in an attempt to erode U.S. and partner influence," the report reads, including "highlighting the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan."

China has always shared a border with Afghanistan. Years before Biden was elected China built a railroad, mining operations and power plants in Afghanistan.
The new synonym for disaster is spelled B_I_D_E_N.

Two more years of this and what will be left but a gigantic mess that no one can fully fix.

President Joe Biden's fumbled withdrawal from Afghanistan was a propaganda gift to China, his Defense Department found Tuesday.
The DOD's claim came as part of its annual report to Congress on national security developments relating to China, which it released Tuesday. The report suggests that China capitalized on the withdrawal to convince world leaders that the U.S. is not a reliable ally.
"The PRC employed multiple diplomatic tools in an attempt to erode U.S. and partner influence," the report reads, including "highlighting the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan."

quotes from August 2021:

Aug. 18, 2020 — In releasing a report that covered activity in Afghanistan from April 1, 2020, to June 30, 2020, the Defense Department inspector general’s office says, “The Taliban did not appear to uphold its commitment to distance itself from terrorist organizations in Afghanistan. UN and U.S. officials reported that the Taliban continued to support al-Qaeda, and conducted joint attacks with al-Qaeda members against Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.”

Sept. 3, 2020 — Afghanistan releases the final 400 Taliban prisoners, as required under the U.S.-Taliban agreement, clearing the way for intra-Afghan peace talks to begin.

Sept. 12, 2020 — After seven months of delays, Afghanistan government officials and Taliban representatives meet in Qatar for peace talks. The U.S.-Taliban agreement called for the first peace talks to begin on March 10.

Sept. 16, 2020 — The Taliban continued attacks on government forces. The Voice of America reported that “Taliban attacks in three provinces across northern Afghanistan since Tuesday killed at least 17 people, including six civilians, and wounded scores of others even as a Taliban political team was negotiating peace with Afghan government representatives in Doha, Qatar.”

Sept. 18, 2020 — At a press conference, Trump says, “We’re dealing very well with the Taliban. They’re very tough, they’re very smart, they’re very sharp. But, you know, it’s been 19 years, and even they are tired of fighting, in all fairness.”

Nov. 16, 2020 — Congressional Republicans, responding to news reports that the Trump administration will rapidly reduce forces in Afghanistan, warn of what Sen. Marco Rubio calls “a Saigon-type of situation” in Afghanistan. “A rapid withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan now would hurt our allies and delight the people who wish us harm,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says.

Nov. 17, 2020 — Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller formally announces that the U.S. will reduce U.S. forces in Afghanistan to 2,500 by Jan. 15, 2021.

On the same day, the Defense Department IG’s office released a report for the quarter ending Sept. 30, 2020, that said the peace negotiations between the Afghan government and Taliban representatives had stalled and violence increased. “At the same time, the Taliban increased its attacks against Afghan forces, leading to ‘distressingly high’ levels of violence that could threaten the peace agreement,” the report said.
Washington CNN —

Just eight days after the 2020 election, then-President Donald Trump was so determined to end the war in Afghanistan during his presidency that he secretly signed a memo to withdraw all troops by January 15, 2021, according to a new book, “Peril,” from journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

The November 11 memo, according to the authors, had been secretly drafted by two Trump loyalists and never went through the normal process for a military directive – the secretary of defense, national security adviser and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs had all never seen it. Unpredictable, impulsive, Trump had done an end run around his whole national security team.

In a remarkable scene, the authors write, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley, newly appointed acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller and his new chief of staff Kash Patel were all blindsided when the memo arrived at the Pentagon.

The new synonym for disaster is spelled B_I_D_E_N.

Two more years of this and what will be left but a gigantic mess that no one can fully fix.

President Joe Biden's fumbled withdrawal from Afghanistan was a propaganda gift to China, his Defense Department found Tuesday.
The DOD's claim came as part of its annual report to Congress on national security developments relating to China, which it released Tuesday. The report suggests that China capitalized on the withdrawal to convince world leaders that the U.S. is not a reliable ally.
"The PRC employed multiple diplomatic tools in an attempt to erode U.S. and partner influence," the report reads, including "highlighting the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan."

When they were trekking together through the foothills of the Himalayas, Xi convinced Biden that USA stands for Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan

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