Biden’s Commerce Secretary Raimondo: Cyber Attacks Something Businesses Need To “Own On Their Own”


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Fighting organized crime is no longer the job of the Federal government. But going after grandmas for trespassing is.

Given that the two chief purposes of the American government to defend the nation against outside threats and to defend the individual citizens against his fellows, even IF the election was 100% fair and square, their adamant and repeated refusal to even attempt those two objectives totally delegitimizes it.

Companies must protect themselves from thieves that is nothing new even for those supposedly smaller less intrusive Republicans must recognize. The govt is not supposed to protect capitalist just like the police do not have to protect citizens.
Fighting organized crime is no longer the job of the Federal government. But going after grandmas for trespassing is.

Given that the two chief purposes of the American government to defend the nation against outside threats and to defend the individual citizens against his fellows, even IF the election was 100% fair and square, their adamant and repeated refusal to even attempt those two objectives totally delegitimizes it.

And? You want the government to babysit everything now?
Fighting organized crime is no longer the job of the Federal government. But going after grandmas for trespassing is.

Given that the two chief purposes of the American government to defend the nation against outside threats and to defend the individual citizens against his fellows, even IF the election was 100% fair and square, their adamant and repeated refusal to even attempt those two objectives totally delegitimizes it.

And? You want the government to babysit everything now?

They will change their story later.. and then change it back again later...
I guess the feds are too busy with trespass cases to protect America's energy and food sources from cyber ransom hacks. They weren't good at it anyway.
It is not their job, yet they did recover funds paid to ransomware, you could complement them on that but you won't.
I guess the feds are too busy with trespass cases to protect America's energy and food sources from cyber ransom hacks. They weren't good at it anyway.
Shall we put you down as NOW wanting the government to babysit all aspects of private businesses?
Why yes, I will immediate start a new business and the govt. has to fund it and protect it, I will run it into the ground and rob the retirement accounts that the govt. covers in case of loss..Then we can call it socialism light for conservatards.
I guess the feds are too busy with trespass cases to protect America's energy and food sources from cyber ransom hacks. They weren't good at it anyway.
It is not their job, yet they did recover funds paid to ransomware, you could complement them on that but you won't.

Yeah that was interesting how they recovered "partial ransom".
Fighting organized crime is no longer the job of the Federal government. But going after grandmas for trespassing is.

Given that the two chief purposes of the American government to defend the nation against outside threats and to defend the individual citizens against his fellows, even IF the election was 100% fair and square, their adamant and repeated refusal to even attempt those two objectives totally delegitimizes it.

Sounds like government plainly abdicating their responsibility for the protection of the American people. Cyber security is definitely a government responsibility.
I guess the feds are too busy with trespass cases to protect America's energy and food sources from cyber ransom hacks. They weren't good at it anyway.
Shall we put you down as NOW wanting the government to babysit all aspects of private businesses?
Figures you’d think government isn’t supposed to protect us against foreign attacks.
I guess the feds are too busy with trespass cases to protect America's energy and food sources from cyber ransom hacks. They weren't good at it anyway.
Shall we put you down as NOW wanting the government to babysit all aspects of private businesses?

I think Bode has a point here, if you really want a more limited and less intrusive federal gov't then you need to take on the responsibilities for things like cybersecurity. Private (and public) businesses and organizations should be taking steps to prevent or reduce the chances for getting hacked without gov't assistance or control; these days, if you ask the gov't for help they'll want some degree of control, right? Well, fuck that. There oughta be ways for the small businesses out there to band together to reduce the associated costs, the SBA should be helpful in that regard.

Certainly the federal gov't should also be involved to identify and then go get the bastards who are fucking with us, and if a foreign gov't gov't is involved the we go after them too. But it's not the gov'ts job to protect me and my family in my own house and I'm not going to depend on the cops to do it. They'll get here 10 minutes after it's all over, they can't do shit to guard my house 247. Well IMHO it's the same deal with my business or company/organization (if I had one, which I don't). There's things you can do that don't cost a lot of money, kinda like putting up home security system to keep out the bad guys.
Businesses need to handle their security both cyber and non cyber to prevent attacks on them the government needs to be going after those launching the attacks. It seems to me neither is doing what they should be very well.
I guess the feds are too busy with trespass cases to protect America's energy and food sources from cyber ransom hacks. They weren't good at it anyway.
Shall we put you down as NOW wanting the government to babysit all aspects of private businesses?

I think Bode has a point here, if you really want a more limited and less intrusive federal gov't then you need to take on the responsibilities for things like cybersecurity. Private (and public) businesses and organizations should be taking steps to prevent or reduce the chances for getting hacked without gov't assistance or control; these days, if you ask the gov't for help they'll want some degree of control, right? Well, fuck that. There oughta be ways for the small businesses out there to band together to reduce the associated costs, the SBA should be helpful in that regard.

Certainly the federal gov't should also be involved to identify and then go get the bastards who are fucking with us, and if a foreign gov't gov't is involved the we go after them too. But it's not the gov'ts job to protect me and my family in my own house and I'm not going to depend on the cops to do it. They'll get here 10 minutes after it's all over, they can't do shit to guard my house 247. Well IMHO it's the same deal with my business or company/organization (if I had one, which I don't). There's things you can do that don't cost a lot of money, kinda like putting up home security system to keep out the bad guys.
We all have the personal responsibility of self protection, despite the Left trying to take away our abilities to do that.
But it doesn’t abdicate the governments purpose of protecting its citizens.
I guess the feds are too busy with trespass cases to protect America's energy and food sources from cyber ransom hacks. They weren't good at it anyway.
Shall we put you down as NOW wanting the government to babysit all aspects of private businesses?

I think Bode has a point here, if you really want a more limited and less intrusive federal gov't then you need to take on the responsibilities for things like cybersecurity. Private (and public) businesses and organizations should be taking steps to prevent or reduce the chances for getting hacked without gov't assistance or control; these days, if you ask the gov't for help they'll want some degree of control, right? Well, fuck that. There oughta be ways for the small businesses out there to band together to reduce the associated costs, the SBA should be helpful in that regard.

Certainly the federal gov't should also be involved to identify and then go get the bastards who are fucking with us, and if a foreign gov't gov't is involved the we go after them too. But it's not the gov'ts job to protect me and my family in my own house and I'm not going to depend on the cops to do it. They'll get here 10 minutes after it's all over, they can't do shit to guard my house 247. Well IMHO it's the same deal with my business or company/organization (if I had one, which I don't). There's things you can do that don't cost a lot of money, kinda like putting up home security system to keep out the bad guys.
I think comparing cyber security to home security is a bit of an over simplification. Re: guarding 24/7--we're talking computers here--they CAN and ARE on duty and capable of blocking threats 24/7. Also I am paying taxes for my government to protect my assets from foreign intervention. That is their job, one of the tasks that they addressed in oaths of office. "Protecting from all enemies, foreign and domestic."
This is Raimondo's version of "not my yob"
It isn't, because corporations are responsible for their own cybersecurity, if a billion or million dollar a year company can't provide it's own security then they should go out of business.
The company needs to lock and bar the door, the government needs to arrest the guy who breaks the window and steals the goods. See the difference?
I guess the feds are too busy with trespass cases to protect America's energy and food sources from cyber ransom hacks. They weren't good at it anyway.

It is not the job of the federal government to protect businesses from cyber hackers. That’s the job of the people who own the business. Police can investigate once a crime has been committed just like they do with any other kind of business, but they can’t stop people from getting into your computers if you haven’t had the good sense to secure them.

I lock my door when I’m not home. To keep someone from going in when I’m not there. Companies should have locks on their doors too. Electronica locks on their businesses. The government can’t protect you if you’re not going to lock the door and just leave it open to the crooks.
I guess the feds are too busy with trespass cases to protect America's energy and food sources from cyber ransom hacks. They weren't good at it anyway.

It is not the job of the federal government to protect businesses from cyber hackers. That’s the job of the people who own the business. Police can investigate once a crime has been committed just like they do with any other kind of business, but they can’t stop people from getting into your computers if you haven’t had the good sense to secure them.

I lock my door when I’m not home. To keep someone from going in when I’m not there. Companies should have locks on their doors too. Electronica locks on their businesses. The government can’t protect you if you’re not going to lock the door and just leave it open to the crooks.
Apparently you didn't see my post before this one. I'll quote it for you. "The company needs to lock and bar the door, the government needs to arrest the guy who breaks the window and steals the goods".

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