Biden’s Budget Replaces the Phrase ‘Pregnant Women’ with ‘Birthing People’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Exhibit 952,694 on THE LEFT HATE SCIENCE

“Birthing people” – a gender-neutral phrase coined by the Left but panned by many on the Right – landed in President Biden’s 2022 proposed budget.

Exhibit 952,694 on THE LEFT HATE SCIENCE

“Birthing people” – a gender-neutral phrase coined by the Left but panned by many on the Right – landed in President Biden’s 2022 proposed budget.

Leftist woke DUMBFUCKERY. These people sound retarded, and they're just too STUPID to care.
You can see that when the shit hits the fan that a bloodbath is going to occur in our nation. These things happen in ways that you do not expect at times.
I guess in Biden's clueless world they think both genders can produce babies under the right circumstances.

It sounds crazy that anyone could think that, but I've actually heard sound bytes from trans advocates claiming trans women (biological men) can give birth. They mentally confused thinking they're women, so they probably also think they can give birth. They can't, of course.
Exhibit 952,694 on THE LEFT HATE SCIENCE

“Birthing people” – a gender-neutral phrase coined by the Left but panned by many on the Right – landed in President Biden’s 2022 proposed budget.

Fury as the CDC quietly replaces 'pregnant women' with 'pregnant people' in flu vaccine advice to be inclusive to trans groups​




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