Biden's Biggest Debate Problem


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Everybody has been talking about Biden's problems in winning this election, and yes he has quite a few of them. There's the cognitive thing. There's the VP corruption that his family members got rich from. There's his silence on the riot mayhem, and his laughable turnaround when the polls showed him slipping.

We could probably extend this list to a dozen or more things, but first and foremost, I'm going to present what I think might flat out kill Biden as a candidate in this race - and nobody is talking about it. That is his DEMEANOR. Some people would call it his "bearing".

It is simply the way he expresses himself. Ever notice how, in public discourse, Jabbing Joe can't seem to get past 2 minutes before flying into a rage, and going into a tantrum about somebody or something. He often raises his voice, starts yelling, and just exhibits a harsh style that makes most people feel uncomfortable.

Trump, in contrast, while being strong in content and words, is typically relaxed and deliberate, without resorting to temperment overkill, and does not holler into the microphone, as Biden is so commonly seen doing.

There is plenty of baggage on Biden's side of the debate in the substance department, but I have the gut feeling that Americans are going to come away from this debate not well inclined to vote for a guy whose style, reminds them of a guy in a bar whose had too much to drink, after having a rough day at home. Or reminds you of the bad boy that every class in school always had ? Do you really want to see a guy on TV every day for 4 years who is going to be constantly pointing his finger, and yelling at the camera ? This could be the worst impediment waiting out there for Bad Boy Biden to overcome. Can he control it ?

How long will Joe go, before he starts finger pointing and YELLING!?
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Trump is always pointing and yelling. Do you think he'll be able to control himself when he gets a question he doesn't like? Past performances say, NO.

FALSE! Trump rarely ever yells (if ever). He's actually rather soft-spoken, even though his content could make the skin peel off of his opponents. But there's a good reason for that. They DESERVE it.

Of the two, Biden is clearly the screamer.

And the video you posted, does not show Trump yelling, except for about 2 seconds when he had to raise his voice a bit to be heard over the loud cacaphony of several reporters, all trying to ask a question at once. Throughout that video, reporters were rude to Trump, and he responded appropriately, without yelling (as Biden would have done).

I do like your western shirt though. Do you know why cowboys wear those type shirts, with the snap buttons ?
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Limbaugh has an interesting theory that Biden will avoid the debates by claiming that he has to quarantine, because someone in his campaign tested positive and that he was in close contact with him.
Limbaugh has an interesting theory that Biden will avoid the debates by claiming that he has to quarantine, because someone in his campaign tested positive and that he was in close contact with him.
Yeah, Limbaugh is known to talk out his a**. I wouldn't give much credence to his "opinion".
Everybody has been talking about Biden's problems in winning this election, and yes he has quite a few of them. There's the cognitive thing. There's the VP corruption that his family members got rich from. There's his silence on the riot mayhem, and his laughable turnaround when the polls showed him slipping.

We could probably extend this list to a dozen or more things, but first and foremost, I'm going to present what I think might flat out kill Biden as a candidate in this race - and nobody is talking about it. That is his DEMEANOR. Some people would call it his "bearing".

It is simply the way he expresses himself. Ever notice how, in public discourse, Jabbing Joe can't seem to get past 2 minutes before flying into a rage, and going into a tantrum about somebody or something. He often raises his voice, starts yelling, and just exhibits a harsh style that makes most people feel uncomfortable.

Trump, in contrast, while being strong in content and words, is typically relaxed and deliberate, without resorting to temperment overkill, and does not holler into the microphone, as Biden is so commonly seen doing.

There is plenty of baggage on Biden's side of the debate in the substance department, but I have the gut feeling that Americans are going to come away from this debate not well inclined to vote for a guy whose style, reminds them of a guy in a bar whose had too much to drink, after having a rough day at home. Or reminds you of the bad boy that every class in school always had ? Do you really want to see a guy on TV every day for 4 years who is going to be constantly pointing his finger, and yelling at the camera ? This could be the worst impediment waiting out there for Bad Boy Biden to overcome. Can he control it ?

Wrong joes biggest problem is incontinence
Everybody has been talking about Biden's problems in winning this election, and yes he has quite a few of them. There's the cognitive thing. There's the VP corruption that his family members got rich from. There's his silence on the riot mayhem, and his laughable turnaround when the polls showed him slipping.

We could probably extend this list to a dozen or more things, but first and foremost, I'm going to present what I think might flat out kill Biden as a candidate in this race - and nobody is talking about it. That is his DEMEANOR. Some people would call it his "bearing".

It is simply the way he expresses himself. Ever notice how, in public discourse, Jabbing Joe can't seem to get past 2 minutes before flying into a rage, and going into a tantrum about somebody or something. He often raises his voice, starts yelling, and just exhibits a harsh style that makes most people feel uncomfortable.

Trump, in contrast, while being strong in content and words, is typically relaxed and deliberate, without resorting to temperment overkill, and does not holler into the microphone, as Biden is so commonly seen doing.

There is plenty of baggage on Biden's side of the debate in the substance department, but I have the gut feeling that Americans are going to come away from this debate not well inclined to vote for a guy whose style, reminds them of a guy in a bar whose had too much to drink, after having a rough day at home. Or reminds you of the bad boy that every class in school always had ? Do you really want to see a guy on TV every day for 4 years who is going to be constantly pointing his finger, and yelling at the camera ? This could be the worst impediment waiting out there for Bad Boy Biden to overcome. Can he control it ?

Biden' demeanor is off putting yet Trump's demeanor is comforting? Really?

Do you expect to be taken seriously, or is your post the best example of satire since Mark Twain?
Limbaugh has an interesting theory that Biden will avoid the debates by claiming that he has to quarantine, because someone in his campaign tested positive and that he was in close contact with him.
Yeah, Limbaugh is known to talk out his a**. I wouldn't give much credence to his "opinion".
Oh, gee whiz. So, who would you recommend that I receive my marching orders from?
Trump will have great difficulty refraining from lying and blabbing misinformation.
While biden has a problem completing two sentences.You democRats still clinging to your collusion delusion. You fail to see the nose in front of your face. Fact 0bama made biden point man of Ukraine and China. In Ukraine he got his drug addict son a job paying thousands of dollars he knows nothing about. When Ukraine started doing an investigation on this criminal power company Crusty Joe gets the lead prosecutor fired and then brags about his corruption. Not bull shit corruption but heald American tax dollars from Ukraine benefiting Russia, Crusty Joe, and his drug addict son. The Bank of China a country that stabs us in the back at every opportunity copying every American company's produces and getting away with it Crusty Joe makes over a billion dollars. This isn't collusion delusion these are facts and everything was laid out in black and white for even an idiot could understand but apparently not democrats who have never understood TREASON. You didn't understand it when Bill Clinton sold China 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets or all our rocket secrets that now threaten our aircraft carriers. You didn't understand it when he was selling pardons to some of the worst drug lords on Earth. You didn't understand shit when hillary was covering her pay to play private e mail server that put our security for everyone could see it. You couldn't even see it when the 0bama administration sold our uranium to Russia. Now these criminals that burn our cities loot small businesses both Black and White and destroy with your party's blessing

So I only have one question of you democRats trying to put a treasonous pea brain and his American hating Communist in power. What is wrong with you because as hard as I try to understand I don't see it. Do you hate this nation? Or are you just that stupid? Is it the same old promise they will get you out of your democRat shit holes you have lived in since the Great Society, 60 years?

What ever it is there is no excuse for your criminal and treasonous actions. Just because you sold out your liberty and freedom for a pipe dream you have fallen for for 60 years don't mean the rest of us have. I hate war just as much as anyone else that has been there but if my children want any chance of enjoying the freedom I enjoyed you blinded fools leave everyone who love freedom no choice. If you got to have an enemy what a better enemy to have than a stupid one.
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Biden' demeanor is off putting yet Trump's demeanor is comforting? Really?

Do you expect to be taken seriously, or is your post the best example of satire since Mark Twain?
Having been born in New York City (same as Trump), in 1946 (same as Trump, and lived there for 31 years, I am used to the direct, often brash ways of New Yorkers. This is different than somebody sticking their finger in your face and shouting at you.

Trump is tough in content, but generally mild (compared to Biden) in temperment. Even in press conferences, when in confrontation with numerous (loud) hostile reporters Trump keeps his cool (as a video in this thread showed), and only raises his voice briefly, when necessary, to be heard over the cocaphony of multiple reporters all shouting their questions at him at once. No satire here.

And the more smackdowns he delivers to enemies who DESERVE it, the better I like it.
Limbaugh has an interesting theory that Biden will avoid the debates by claiming that he has to quarantine, because someone in his campaign tested positive and that he was in close contact with him.
He could quarantine and still participate in the debate. People are being interviewed and questioned live, in their living rooms, every day on TV shows. Nothing new there.
While biden has a problem completing two sentences.You democRats still clinging to your collusion delusion. You fail to see the nose in front of your face. Fact 0bama made biden point man of Ukraine and China. In Ukraine he got his drug addict son a job paying thousands of dollars he knows nothing about. When Ukraine started doing an investigation on this criminal power company Crusty Joe gets the lead prosecutor fired and then brags about his corruption. Not bull shit corruption but heald American tax dollars from Ukraine benefiting Russia, Crusty Joe, and his drug addict son. The Bank of China a country that stabs us in the back at every opportunity copying every American company's produces and getting away with it Crusty Joe makes over a billion dollars. This isn't collusion delusion these are facts and everything was laid out in black and white for even an idiot could understand but apparently not democrats who have never understood TREASON. You didn't understand it when Bill Clinton sold China 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets or all our rocket secrets that now threaten our aircraft carriers. You didn't understand it when he was selling pardons to some of the worst drug lords on Earth. You didn't understand shit when hillary was covering her pay to play private e mail server that put our security for everyone could see it. You couldn't even see it when the 0bama administration sold our uranium to Russia. Now these criminals that burn our cities loot small businesses both Black and White and destroy with your party's blessing

So I only have one question of you democRats trying to put a treasonous pea brain and his American hating Communist in power. What is wrong with you because as hard as I try to understand I don't see it. Do you hate this nation? Or are you just that stupid? Is it the same old promise they will get you out of your democRat shit holes you have lived in since the Great Society, 60 years?

What ever it is there is no excuse for your criminal and treasonous actions. Just because you sold out your liberty and freedom for a pipe dream you have fallen for for 60 years don't mean the rest of us have. I hate war just as much as anyone else that has been there but if my children want any chance of enjoying the freedom I enjoyed you blinded fools leave everyone who love freedom no choice. If you got to have an enemy what a better enemy to have than a stupid one.
And the Clintons are one of the worst serial killers in American history. Democrats brush this off, and their ludicrous media calls it conspiracy nonsense, despite undeniable evidence to the contrary.

Biden' demeanor is off putting yet Trump's demeanor is comforting? Really?

Do you expect to be taken seriously, or is your post the best example of satire since Mark Twain?
Having been born in New York City (same as Trump), in 1946 (same as Trump, and lived there for 31 years, I am used to the direct, often brash ways of New Yorkers. This is different than somebody sticking their finger in your face and shouting at you.

Trump is tough in content, but generally mild (compared to Biden) in temperment. Even in press conferences, when in confrontation with numerous (loud) hostile reporters Trump keeps his cool (as a video in this thread showed), and only raises his voice briefly, when necessary, to be heard over the cocaphony of multiple reporters all shouting their questions at him at once. No satire here.

And the more smackdowns he delivers to enemies who DESERVE it, the better I like it.
I personally know several New Yorkers (Bath Beach inna house!) and I've only been pleasantly disarmed by the genuine personality we all share. Anecdotal evidence is a slender reed upon which to hang an argument.

Let me tell you a story. A Boy King is living large in the 1970s Manhattan night life. He's in the headlines of every tabloid. A young man who gets whatever he wants.

As this young man ages, divorce scandals were the heartbeat of the ealacious press. Meanwhile, his empire collapsed. Airline, universities, steaks, McDonald's endorsement cash, wine, vodka and even dietary supplements. Poof! All bankrupt, gone.

Would we, watching this man augering in on fire, believe this bombastic, brash, coverage whore matured into an insightful, humble man? We know his temperament. 3:00am tweets about everything from conspiracy theories like it will magically just go away to Colin Kaepernick should be fired.

Is it possible Trump is easily as paranoid as Nixon? And walking away from press conferences was not evidence of a mature mind at work. He calls the press the "enemies of the people" and they're not expected to question the president anything and everything?

The press is doing its job. By the way, the press is the only occupation enumerated in the constitution. Technology made the current media condition today. Imagine you were hanging around Germany in the late 15th century. Boom! Resettable type changed the world.

And we're off to the races! Independent presses were under scrutiny by the crown. Their shops could be seized and the printers and publishers would be clapped in irons.

The forefathers knew that and acted to keep it out of here. Let them do their job. And if Trump is such a masterful negotiator, why would he be so petulant when he has nothing to lose?

An a moral person would put himself over his office.
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I personally know several New Yorkers (Bath Beach inna house!) and I've only been pleasantly disarmed by the genuine personality we all share. Anecdotal evidence is a slender reed upon which to hang an argument.

Let me tell you a story. A Boy King is living large in the 1970s Manhattan night life. He's in the headlines of every tabloid. A young man who gets whatever he wants.

As this young man ages, divorce scandals were the heartbeat of the ealacious press. Meanwhile, his empire collapsed. Airline, universities, steaks, McDonald's endorsement cash, wine, vodka and even dietary supplements. Poof! All bankrupt, gone.

Would we, watching this man augering in on fire, believe this bombastic, brash, coverage whore matured into an insightful, humble man? We know his temperament. 3:00am tweets about everything from conspiracy theories like it will magically just go away to Colin Kaepernick should be fired.

Is it possible Trump is easily as paranoid as Nixon? And walking away from press conferences was not evidence of a mature mind at work. He calls the press the "enemies of the people" and they're not expected to question the president anything and everything?

The press is doing its job. By the way, the press is the only occupation enumerated in the constitution. Technology made the current media condition today. Imagine you were hanging around Germany in the late 15th century. Boom! Resettable type changed the world.

And we're off to the races! Independent presses were under scrutiny by the crown. Their shops could be seized and the printers and publishers would be clapped in irons.

The forefathers knew that and acted to keep it out of here. Let them do their job. And if Trump is such a masterful negotiator, why would he be so petulant when he has nothing to lose?

An a moral person would put himself over his office.
You are apparently programmed too deeply to warrant debate with you. Your oversight of the leftist, biased media is too ridiculous to enter discussion with, I see nothing more to do here than offer you my sympathies, and hope that, as I did after 40 years, you might shake off the illness of liberalism, and recover.
I personally know several New Yorkers (Bath Beach inna house!) and I've only been pleasantly disarmed by the genuine personality we all share. Anecdotal evidence is a slender reed upon which to hang an argument.

Let me tell you a story. A Boy King is living large in the 1970s Manhattan night life. He's in the headlines of every tabloid. A young man who gets whatever he wants.

As this young man ages, divorce scandals were the heartbeat of the ealacious press. Meanwhile, his empire collapsed. Airline, universities, steaks, McDonald's endorsement cash, wine, vodka and even dietary supplements. Poof! All bankrupt, gone.

Would we, watching this man augering in on fire, believe this bombastic, brash, coverage whore matured into an insightful, humble man? We know his temperament. 3:00am tweets about everything from conspiracy theories like it will magically just go away to Colin Kaepernick should be fired.

Is it possible Trump is easily as paranoid as Nixon? And walking away from press conferences was not evidence of a mature mind at work. He calls the press the "enemies of the people" and they're not expected to question the president anything and everything?

The press is doing its job. By the way, the press is the only occupation enumerated in the constitution. Technology made the current media condition today. Imagine you were hanging around Germany in the late 15th century. Boom! Resettable type changed the world.

And we're off to the races! Independent presses were under scrutiny by the crown. Their shops could be seized and the printers and publishers would be clapped in irons.

The forefathers knew that and acted to keep it out of here. Let them do their job. And if Trump is such a masterful negotiator, why would he be so petulant when he has nothing to lose?

An a moral person would put himself over his office.
You are apparently programmed too deeply to warrant debate with you. Your oversight of the leftist, biased media is too ridiculous to enter discussion with, I see nothing more to do here than offer you my sympathies, and hope that, as I did after 40 years, you might shake off the illness of liberalism, and recover.
If it takes 40 years to shake off my political ideology, I would be in the running for World's Oldest Human, a distinction not without its perils.

One idea? One orthodoxy? Outright rejection of a fellow American's notion of governance or morality? That doesn't bring on Capraesque patriotic love.

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