Biden’s Approval Rating at 48% — 9 Points Under Trump When He Entered Office, 3 Points Under Trump As He Left


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What would you whack-a-doodle right wingers have if you didn't have your lies and delusions?
Trump's final approval rating was 41% on the day he left office.

And yeah, Biden got 81 million votes. But feel free to continue to spin in your own fantasy world.
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

A job approval rating before starting the job:cuckoo:
How about a job approval rating when the job is finished
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
These MAGA nuts just can't let it go, can they? The guys been in the WH, less than 72 hours and already the bullshit is starting....LOL 81 million people voted this man into office and pollsters call up, less than 2000 people...mostly rednecks from Whoville.
Let's face it, no one is excited about Quid Pro. All throughout the campaign season, I asked repeatedly why people were going to vote for him, and there were maybe two that tried to offer some excuse or other, but the rest could not offer a single reason without referencing TRUMP!. His rallies didn't draw more than Hillary's did, and that's not a high hurdle to overcome. I would not be surprised if, after a year or two in office, poll responders asked about his performance say, "Joe who?".
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
These MAGA nuts just can't let it go, can they? The guys been in the WH, less than 72 hours and already the bullshit is starting....LOL 81 million people voted this man into office and pollsters call up, less than 2000 people...mostly rednecks from Whoville.
Nutty is the one crying about 2,000 people dying of COVID since Biden has been in office..two days
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
These MAGA nuts just can't let it go, can they? The guys been in the WH, less than 72 hours and already the bullshit is starting....LOL 81 million people voted this man into office and pollsters call up, less than 2000 people...mostly rednecks from Whoville.
We won't snitch on the real terrorists bringing the worst of weapons to your cities. You did this. If people were violent as you, the media and entertainers would be dead. Because it would be easy.
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
So you are citing a poll based on the Democrats 'political theater', no doubt a skewed poll run by a Fake News surrogate....cute.

Pedo Joe has the same approval rating as Brussel sprouts.

...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
These MAGA nuts just can't let it go, can they? The guys been in the WH, less than 72 hours and already the bullshit is starting....LOL 81 million people voted this man into office and pollsters call up, less than 2000 people...mostly rednecks from Whoville.
Nutty is the one crying about 2,000 people dying of COVID since Biden has been in office..two days
The Democrats declared months ago that if you go out without your mask you are KILKLKING PEOPLE. Joe signs a Mask Mandate EO on day 1 and hours later decides to 'KILL PEOPLE' by violating his own EO.

'He was CELEBRATING...and he had more important issues to worry about."

:p bwuhahahaha
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
These MAGA nuts just can't let it go, can they? The guys been in the WH, less than 72 hours and already the bullshit is starting....LOL 81 million people voted this man into office and pollsters call up, less than 2000 people...mostly rednecks from Whoville.
Nutty is the one crying about 2,000 people dying of COVID since Biden has been in office..two days
The Democrats declared months ago that if you go out without your mask you are KILKLKING PEOPLE. Joe signs a Mask Mandate EO on day 1 and hours later decides to 'KILL PEOPLE' by violating his own EO.

'He was CELEBRATING...and he had more important issues to worry about."

:p bwuhahahaha
'and hours later decides to 'KILL PEOPLE' by violating his own EO'....LOL!!..
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

A job approval rating before starting the job:cuckoo:
How about a job approval rating when the job is finished
These dick starved MAGA maggots are grabbing for anything to bring Biden down....but what is so refreshing....nobody's talking about Trump anymore, so bring it.
I wouldn't care if his approval ratings hit 1% and stays that way until 2024...AS LONG AS DONALD J. TRUMP KEEPS HIS RACIST IGNORANT CORRUPT WHITE ASS OUT OF FUCKIN WASHINGTON D.C....UNDERSTAND?
Wow, quite the emotionally unstable, irrational hate-driven demonstration. Thank you for that.
'and hours later decides to 'KILL PEOPLE' by violating his own EO'....LOL!!..

I see you just hate when Liberals are measured by their own comments and standards...

It didn't take Joe Long to demonstrate his administration will be run based on the same hypocrisy Democrat leaders have been and continue to display all over the country.

...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

A job approval rating before starting the job:cuckoo:
How about a job approval rating when the job is finished
These dick starved MAGA maggots are grabbing for anything to bring Biden down....but what is so refreshing....nobody's talking about Trump anymore, so bring it.

I guess by "refreshing" you mean having a demented, white guilt-ridden, career politician and his Communist side-kick running the USA. Only TDS nut-jobs would find that refreshing.

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