Biden To Oust trump-Appointed Fannie-Freddie Regulator After Supreme Court Ruling


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
The Supreme Court ruled today that made it easier for Biden to fire trump's director of the Federal Housing Finance Authority.

They also stuck it to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shareholders too. Which was great to read.

They were challenging the government collecting over 100 billion of the companies profits thus further solidifying those agencies are government controlled.

Biden is moving very fast to throw out mark calabria and replace him. They have not announced who will replace him yet.

Just as we come out from under the eviction moratorium and are looking at about 8 million people behind in rent and mortgages. This is set up to be one hell of a market tank this summer. Add that to inflation and the fed raising interest rates and… let the good times roll.

Like they say down south, "I haven't had this much fun since the hogs ate my baby brother..."
It's incredible that you trump people believe that democrats cause housing crashes and recessions.

That's what republicans do.

Changing the director of the agency isn't going to do what all of you claim it will do.

And all of you know it.
It's incredible that you trump people believe that democrats cause housing crashes and recessions.

That's what republicans do.

Changing the director of the agency isn't going to do what all of you claim it will do.

And all of you know it.
You are historically retarded. What caused the crash was forcing lenders to give loans to people that would never pay them , Barney Frank blocking tightening oversite of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and his assertion that the two mortgage companies where not in financial trouble.
It's incredible that you trump people believe that democrats cause housing crashes and recessions.

That's what republicans do.

Changing the director of the agency isn't going to do what all of you claim it will do.

And all of you know it.
You are historically retarded. What caused the crash was forcing lenders to give loans to people that would never pay them , Barney Frank blocking tightening oversite of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and his assertion that the two mortgage companies where not in financial trouble.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were not at all related to the cause of the 2008 crash.
Giving loans people could not repay was not the problem at all.
The problem was giving Adjustable Rate Mortgages based on the British LIBOR instead of the US prime, so when our economy tanked in 2008, mortgage payments for ARM went up instead of down.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were not in trouble at first, and only were in trouble when real estate slumped so low that the assets these institutions held were no longer sufficient to satisfy the minimum required by law.
It's incredible that you trump people believe that democrats cause housing crashes and recessions.

That's what republicans do.

Changing the director of the agency isn't going to do what all of you claim it will do.

And all of you know it.

You'd be wise to educate yourself on Bubba Clinton's housing issues.... which directly influenced the 2008 recession.....dumbass

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Great! Now we can have another Housing/Mortgage Crisis, followed by a recession, followed by a full-scale revolution.

I'll finally get to become a warlord and will end up owning everybody's stuff.


When Dems control Fannie and Freddie, it becomes a clearing house for their cronies. They also use it as a front to back up mortgages of people that will never be able to pay them.
Great! Now we can have another Housing/Mortgage Crisis, followed by a recession, followed by a full-scale revolution.

I'll finally get to become a warlord and will end up owning everybody's stuff.


When Dems control Fannie and Freddie, it becomes a clearing house for their cronies. They also use it as a front to back up mortgages of people that will never be able to pay them.
Leftists think everybody should have a 200k house - not just people who work for them.
The Supreme Court ruled today that made it easier for Biden to fire trump's director of the Federal Housing Finance Authority.

They also stuck it to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shareholders too. Which was great to read.

They were challenging the government collecting over 100 billion of the companies profits thus further solidifying those agencies are government controlled.

Biden is moving very fast to throw out mark calabria and replace him. They have not announced who will replace him yet.

This is a result of the CPFB SC decision that said congress can't put conditions on the service of a executive agency head. It's the correct decision based on separation of powers.

I'm sure when President DeSantis uses this precedent in 2025 to remove Biden appointees you will scream bloody murder.
The Supreme Court ruled today that made it easier for Biden to fire trump's director of the Federal Housing Finance Authority.

They also stuck it to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shareholders too. Which was great to read.

They were challenging the government collecting over 100 billion of the companies profits thus further solidifying those agencies are government controlled.

Biden is moving very fast to throw out mark calabria and replace him. They have not announced who will replace him yet.

This is a result of the CPFB SC decision that said congress can't put conditions on the service of a executive agency head. It's the correct decision based on separation of powers.

I'm sure when President DeSantis uses this precedent in 2025 to remove Biden appointees you will scream bloody murder.

If Desantis runs he'll get my vote

The guy has gonads
The Supreme Court ruled today that made it easier for Biden to fire trump's director of the Federal Housing Finance Authority.

They also stuck it to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shareholders too. Which was great to read.

They were challenging the government collecting over 100 billion of the companies profits thus further solidifying those agencies are government controlled.

Biden is moving very fast to throw out mark calabria and replace him. They have not announced who will replace him yet.

In essence, a president can’t be ‘stuck’ with his predecessor’s appointee.

“The court on a 7-2 vote upheld part of a lower court ruling that the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s structure is unconstitutional under the separation of powers doctrine because the agency’s lone director is insufficiently accountable to the president.”

I'm glad to see Biden is cleaning our government out of the trump appointees.

Yep, then you ought to be elated when the next recession rolls in...dumbass.
I agree. Guess the numb nuts doesn't know Fannie and Freddie were the lead in to that recession. They had everyone who wanted a house able to buy one even though they had no money, no credit and many didn't have jobs.

The Op is an idiot.
Great! Now we can have another Housing/Mortgage Crisis, followed by a recession, followed by a full-scale revolution.

I'll finally get to become a warlord and will end up owning everybody's stuff.


When Dems control Fannie and Freddie, it becomes a clearing house for their cronies. They also use it as a front to back up mortgages of people that will never be able to pay them.

That's exactly what caused the recession that GW got blamed for, except it was the Democrats who did that. If anything, he should be blamed for allowing them to do what they did and not using the veto to stop them.
Great! Now we can have another Housing/Mortgage Crisis, followed by a recession, followed by a full-scale revolution.

I'll finally get to become a warlord and will end up owning everybody's stuff.


When Dems control Fannie and Freddie, it becomes a clearing house for their cronies. They also use it as a front to back up mortgages of people that will never be able to pay them.

That's exactly what caused the recession that GW got blamed for, except it was the Democrats who did that. If anything, he should be blamed for allowing them to do what they did and not using the veto to stop them.
Agreed. Bush sat there and let the Democrats walk all over him so they could let people purchase homes they could not afford. They threatened the banks to make the loans and then when the homeowners could not payback, they blamed the banks for being predatory lenders.

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