Biden: 'The Republicans Have Savaged My Only Surviving Son'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Joe Biden USED his only surviving son - the alcoholic, drug-using, dishonorably-discharged, dead-beat dad, adulterous, ex-Board member of a known corrupt Ukraine energy company whose owner was a notorious criminal known for working with Vladimir Putin - by posting an emotional Tweet meant to manipulate the easily emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes for his own political gain.

Such a devoted, loving father...

"Biden spoke about tucking his children into bed as a young senator and then lashed out at Republicans for their attacks on Hunter (over his business dealings with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma while his father was vice president)."

Instead of lashing out at those who merely point out his son's criminal association and dealings in Ukraine, how it was a conflict of interest for Biden - who was named Obama's 'Point Man' for Ukraine and used that position to admittedly extort the previous Ukraine PM to protect his son, perhaps Biden should do some personal soul-searching and place the blame for how his son turned out where it really goes - HIMSELF.

Perhaps Biden should recognize that it was his own unethical, immoral, and even illegal choices that influenced his son and helped contribute to his son turning into such a POS.

Joe's attempt to demonize the GOP for wanting to investigate Hunter Biden's ... and Joe's ...dealings with Burisma reminds me of the DNC e-mail leak in 2016. Democrats' e-mails were leaked, exposing their e-mails consisted of racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content and also revealed the DNC had rigged the 2016 election for Hillary. The Democrats and their surrogate ass-covering liberal MSM, however, quickly spun the focus on the claim that the Russians had hacked their server...and how Trump was colluding with them (which was completely debunked).

Joe knows he is the Democrat front-runner and that the DNC wants HIM to be the nominee. Joe also knows if he wins the nomination - if not sooner (In the Senate Impeachment hearings), the whole Hunter scandal and his own with Burisma is going to be ripped wide open for people to he is trying to get ahead of it.

He is trying to manipulate the snowflakes to where if the GOP brings up their scandals they will be attacked for 'savaging' Biden's 'only surviving son'.

:boohoo: This tune is for you, Joe..... Nice try.... Perhaps you should have been a better father and les of an immoral, unethical, criminal politician....

Get ready for the spotlight / scrutiny over your son's criminal dealings and your own as well, to include your videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM!


Joe Biden Posts Emotional Tweet on Hunter: "Republicans Have Savaged My Only Surviving Son"

I also thought that using "only surviving" as a descriptor for his son was a ploy to women voters to get their "pity vote".
Otherwise why use it?

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