Biden tells U.S. troops what they will see in Ukraine ‘when you’re there’


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Obviously CONvid 1984 Scamdemic Quackzine doesnt't work to quick, so NWO wants to launch a nuclear war against Russia.
Before you repeat the shit penetrated into you by western lying scum presstitutes answere a simple quastion:
Where will you and your family hide yourselves from Russian nukes?
Any western city with more as 50,000 inhabitants is a target for Putin's atom bombs.
How you will survive?

President Joe Biden stumbled in a speech to American troops stationed in Poland on Friday, previewing what they would see when they arrived in Ukraine.
“You’re going to see, when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re going to see women, young people, standing in front of a damn tank just saying, ‘I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground,'” Biden said. “They’re incredible.”
The president spoke to a small group of soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division stationed in the Polish city of Rzeszow.
Biden repeatedly spoke about Ukraine to the troops, telling them they were there to support the Ukrainian people, even though he has repeatedly promised not to send American troops into the country.
“What’s at stake, not just that what we’re doing here in Ukraine to try to help the Ukrainian people and keep the massacre from continuing,” he said. “Beyond that, what is at stake, is what are your kids and grandkids going to look like in terms of their freedom.”
Biden told the American troops they were in a generational fight against the forces of autocrats.
“What you’re engaged in is much more than just whether or not you can alleviate the pain and suffering of the people of Ukraine. We’re in a new phase, your generation, we’re in an inflection point,” he said.

We will continue to survive by the grace of God. You better question yourself on how you will answer when asked how could you and why did you try to support a person with bloody hands and feet in such destruction ingrained in his heartless soul to try to destroy the innocent?
Where will you and your family hide yourselves from Russian nukes?

I think we're going to be OK ... you can't even beat Ukraine...

This misstatement to the troops, on top of all the dementia-driven “gaffes” Biden has made, this one has put American lives in danger.

He needs to be 25th, and the Kamala has to be muzzled.

And we still have liberals so arrogant on this forum, and IRL, that they still won’t admit what a horrendous error in judgment they had, falling prey to the lying media.
We will continue to survive by the grace of God. You better question yourself on how you will answer when asked how could you and why did you try to support a person with bloody hands and feet in such destruction ingrained in his heartless soul to try to destroy the innocent?

The West cheated and robbed Russia, now Russians say with full legitimization 'enough'
The imposed by the West 'democracy' has cost at least 10m human lives and numerous $$$ trillions stolen by Russian people.
The West cheated and robbed Russia, now Russians say with full legitimization 'enough'
The imposed by the West 'democracy' has cost at least 10m human lives and numerous $$$ trillions stolen by Russian people.
Why are you in NYC?

Young people interviewed in Russia do not appear to agree with you.


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