Biden Tells Tulsa Crowd Today The Biggest Threat Is White Supremacists....I Thought Global Warming Was


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Racial Equity = Payouts To Blacks = Reparations For Being Dark Skinned = Systemic Racism.

They won't show this yet (as an excerpt) on Youtube where he told people in Tulsa today about how white people are a huge threat to black folks....but we can look back at his SOTU address where he says it:

The only reason this guy is doing this today is because they're trying to kick every white person they don't like (Trump Supporters) out of every part of American life.

The fact is.....the primary threat of systemic-racism in America today is CRT and Democrats calling for attacks against White Supremacists.
So-called White Supremacists aren't a threat at all. As a matter of fact the only proof they think they can point to is Jan 6th. No other threat exists.
Racial Equity = Payouts To Blacks = Reparations For Being Dark Skinned = Systemic Racism.
They won't show this yet (as an excerpt) on Youtube where he told people in Tulsa today about how white people are a huge threat to black folks....but we can look back at his SOTU address where he says it:

The only reason this guy is doing this today is because they're trying to kick every white person they don't like (Trump Supporters) out of every part of American life.
The fact is.....the primary threat of systemic-racism in America today is CRT and Democrats calling for attacks against White Supremacists.
So-called White Supremacists aren't a threat at all. As a matter of fact the only proof they think they can point to is Jan 6th. No other threat exists.

I'm sorry but I must charge $25 a minute to listen to any /serious/ Biden speeches just to break even.
White supremacists cause global warming. Or was it the other way around?

Both are total bullshit in terms of problems America as to deal with. It sure as fuck wasn't white supremacists rioting over the last half of 2020, burning, looting, and destroying public and private property to the tune of billions of dollars. Nor is global warming to blame for that either.
Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.
You are "coming for" them?

What does that mean exactly?

Who is coming, and who exactly are they coming for?

You want to maybe clarify that vague threat you just made?
Racial Equity = Payouts To Blacks = Reparations For Being Dark Skinned = Systemic Racism.

They won't show this yet (as an excerpt) on Youtube where he told people in Tulsa today about how white people are a huge threat to black folks....but we can look back at his SOTU address where he says it:

The only reason this guy is doing this today is because they're trying to kick every white person they don't like (Trump Supporters) out of every part of American life.

The fact is.....the primary threat of systemic-racism in America today is CRT and Democrats calling for attacks against White Supremacists.
So-called White Supremacists aren't a threat at all. As a matter of fact the only proof they think they can point to is Jan 6th. No other threat exists.

If you have a problem with that statement, then it’s probably because you’re a white supremacist.

I wish Biden would do less talking and actually take action and do something about all the white supremacists.

Every night I get up in the middle of the night to check my locks because of all the white supremacists living in my neighborhood
Racial Equity = Payouts To Blacks = Reparations For Being Dark Skinned = Systemic Racism.

They won't show this yet (as an excerpt) on Youtube where he told people in Tulsa today about how white people are a huge threat to black folks....but we can look back at his SOTU address where he says it:

The only reason this guy is doing this today is because they're trying to kick every white person they don't like (Trump Supporters) out of every part of American life.

The fact is.....the primary threat of systemic-racism in America today is CRT and Democrats calling for attacks against White Supremacists.
So-called White Supremacists aren't a threat at all. As a matter of fact the only proof they think they can point to is Jan 6th. No other threat exists.

Post exact quote. In context. So everyone can see what a steaming pile of shit this thread is.
Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.

Get ready to get sawed off at the kneecaps, grasshopper.
So on the 100 year anniversary of a massacre, some fucking idiots are suggesting that maybe they should provoke another massacre.... are they serious???
How fucking dumb do you have to be to think that's a good idea?

The black community in Tulsa in 1921 was armed, many were vets, they were willing to fight, and they were wealthy and capable too...... they had all sorts of resources to bring to bear, and none of that helped them a bit. They got fucking destroyed in a couple days.

If someone thinks that starting another fight like that is an idea whose time has come, then they sure as hell aren't on the black folk's side.
If you are curious as to why this happened please research it for yourself do not allow CNN to do it for you...a mob of white men descended on the court house to try and lynch a black man named Dick Rowland....he was accused of raping a white women...the Sherriff told them to leave that they would not hand over the man to them....then a mob of armed black men came up to the court house to defend the accused man from a lynching....

The Sherriff talked the armed black men into leaving to avoid trouble but they came back with more arms and more men....then the shit hit the fan....Dick Rowland was never handed over but the lie had perpetrated through the black community that he had been....the black community was already tired of pre trial lynching's by white mobs...

This was basically a racial civil conflict...neither side was completely is in most cases like this....cooler heads did not prevail on that day although plenty of time of day went by when it should have...

But the dislike and distrust was already at a heated level on both sides....

Violent black on white assaults were happening throughout the city...people were being shot and robbed in the streets so the Governor sent in the National guard to disarm the black population and then the fighting really ticked up when the out numbered national guard swore white civilian men into their ranks...huge mistake....because they were already angry and worked up....

The rest is should have never happened but no side is without some blame....isn't that how it always is?....don't let anyone tell you only one side is at fault in any situation....because they are lying to you....
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Biden is wrong. The biggest threat to America is the right wing of America has become unable to distinguish fantasy from fact.

White Nationalist Racists are far and away killing more Americans than any other extremist group. However the misinformed right is more dangerous long term.
Biden is wrong. The biggest threat to America is the right wing of America has become unable to distinguish fantasy from fact.

White Nationalist Racists are far and away killing more Americans than any other extremist group. However the misinformed right is more dangerous long term.
You are half the problem but you can't see it.....

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