Biden Tells Tulsa Crowd Today The Biggest Threat Is White Supremacists....I Thought Global Warming Was

Racial Equity = Payouts To Blacks = Reparations For Being Dark Skinned = Systemic Racism.

They won't show this yet (as an excerpt) on Youtube where he told people in Tulsa today about how white people are a huge threat to black folks....but we can look back at his SOTU address where he says it:

The only reason this guy is doing this today is because they're trying to kick every white person they don't like (Trump Supporters) out of every part of American life.

The fact is.....the primary threat of systemic-racism in America today is CRT and Democrats calling for attacks against White Supremacists.
So-called White Supremacists aren't a threat at all. As a matter of fact the only proof they think they can point to is Jan 6th. No other threat exists.

THEME: "Biden Tells Tulsa Crowd Today The Biggest Threat Is White Supremacists....I Thought Global Warming Was"

RESPONSE: Actually mudwhistle is an example of the greatest problem facing us and the world. He and others who, for some unknown reason, continue to post threads such as this and other absurdities convince only biddable fools.

Attacks on President Biden commenced even before the election, once he received the nomination as the Democratic Standard Bearer. The world's people and the majority of our Citizens reject Trumpism for what it is, aka fascism.

Only those who continue to believed trump, and still continue to be believe the election was stolen (even now, after trump told Hannity he lost the election, this week) will continue to put forth petty and unsupported allegations on his efforts to make life here and on our planet better and safer for all of us.

What drives them? During the Trump Administration, Trump and his appointees were clearly flawed, and proved what Lord Acton so adroitly left to us:

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is no one who is honest, rational and observant to conclude Trump's abuse of power was in effect from the moment he lied when he took the Oath of Office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The greatest threat I represent is free-thinking.......and I is a threat to leftists.
We must all just go along with whatever they say and never question it.....or they will do something horrible to us.

Oh F. you. Your free thought is all about you. Trump and you have the same personality disorders.

Yes....disorders like...decency and love of country.....
That's why so many support him.

You support drunks like Pelosi and perverts like Biden.
You latch onto the folks that are so much like you.

Define Country?

Those who support and continue to support trump today are biddable fools. You're one of them.

...says the guy with his head inside Biden's transverse colon, saying it smells like roses.
Racial Equity = Payouts To Blacks = Reparations For Being Dark Skinned = Systemic Racism.

They won't show this yet (as an excerpt) on Youtube where he told people in Tulsa today about how white people are a huge threat to black folks....but we can look back at his SOTU address where he says it:

The only reason this guy is doing this today is because they're trying to kick every white person they don't like (Trump Supporters) out of every part of American life.

The fact is.....the primary threat of systemic-racism in America today is CRT and Democrats calling for attacks against White Supremacists.
So-called White Supremacists aren't a threat at all. As a matter of fact the only proof they think they can point to is Jan 6th. No other threat exists.

THEME: "Biden Tells Tulsa Crowd Today The Biggest Threat Is White Supremacists....I Thought Global Warming Was"

RESPONSE: Actually mudwhistle is an example of the greatest problem facing us and the world. He and others who, for some unknown reason, continue to post threads such as this and other absurdities convince only biddable fools.

Attacks on President Biden commenced even before the election, once he received the nomination as the Democratic Standard Bearer. The world's people and the majority of our Citizens reject Trumpism for what it is, aka fascism.

Only those who continue to believed trump, and still continue to be believe the election was stolen (even now, after trump told Hannity he lost the election, this week) will continue to put forth petty and unsupported allegations on his efforts to make life here and on our planet better and safer for all of us.

What drives them? During the Trump Administration, Trump and his appointees were clearly flawed, and proved what Lord Acton so adroitly left to us:

Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is no one who is honest, rational and observant to conclude Trump's abuse of power was in effect from the moment he lied when he took the Oath of Office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The greatest threat I represent is free-thinking.......and I is a threat to leftists.
We must all just go along with whatever they say and never question it.....or they will do something horrible to us.

Oh F. you. Your free thought is all about you. Trump and you have the same personality disorders.

Yes....disorders like...decency and love of country.....
That's why so many support him.

You support drunks like Pelosi and perverts like Biden.
You latch onto the folks that are so much like you.

Define Country?

Those who support and continue to support trump today are biddable fools. You're one of them.

I shouldn't have to define country for anyone.
If you hate where you live.....move.
Leave the rest of us alone.
Every country has a right to run the place the way they choose....and they shouldn't have to worry about evil folks coming there to destroy that. One place I've been that believes that is Singapore.
If you don't like know what you can do.

You dumb shithead, the country is The People, all of us - even assholes like you. The majority of citizens, moderate Democrats, Republicans and nonpartisans are the silent majority; you are not one of them. You hate (and fear) people like me who post thoughtful and thought provoking essays, and that you, and others much like you are incapable of writing a rebuttal. Evidence has been posted to my post #345 in which you responded off topic with a personal attack.

I don't like bullies and assholes, and never once backdown when encountered by punks like you. That is when I will respond and speak the truth to assholes, and that is you on steroids.

"Drama queen" isn't a personality, Skippy.

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