Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor
Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor (
19 Feb 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The Iranian regime fired off missiles at a US-led military base in northern Iraq on Monday night. One civilian contractor was killed in the Iranian missile attack.
On Tuesday the US along with Western allies released a strongly worded condemnation of the Iranian attack on a US base.

Then on Thursday, two days after the attack that killed one contractor, the Biden Administration announced it was willing to start negotiating with Iran again on a second nuclear treaty.
The first Obama nuclear treaty with Iran cost the US billions of dollars and a pallet of cash on the tarmac in the middle of the night.
Iran used the money to spread terror in the region.

Will Joey Xi offer another 1.7 Billion to Iranian Ayatollahs?
It's a fact that Trump's action put Iran on the skids...yet we know already by the actions of this new administration that things are changing in the M.E. to our detriment.
The bombing of US bases is the best way to bring the China Joe Xiden to the negotiating table, hat in hand and ready for massive concessions. Which country is next? Step right up, step right up!
Obama's stooge and second in command Joey Xi holds the the most un-Constitutional EO's ever singed by an illegitimate president in the great republic's history... It's time for Republican's to stand and fight to contest them as the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists did during the Trump adminsitration.
However, the RINO's will not let that happen.
Have to reward Iran for their boldness and for treating the USA the way democrats believe it should be treated

I've begun wishing for a US military coup
We have a new Paper Tiger in Washington, this is the beginning of Iranian attacks on us, as their fear of us has evaporated.
Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor
Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor (
19 Feb 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The Iranian regime fired off missiles at a US-led military base in northern Iraq on Monday night. One civilian contractor was killed in the Iranian missile attack.
On Tuesday the US along with Western allies released a strongly worded condemnation of the Iranian attack on a US base.

Then on Thursday, two days after the attack that killed one contractor, the Biden Administration announced it was willing to start negotiating with Iran again on a second nuclear treaty.
The first Obama nuclear treaty with Iran cost the US billions of dollars and a pallet of cash on the tarmac in the middle of the night.
Iran used the money to spread terror in the region.

Will Joey Xi offer another 1.7 Billion to Iranian Ayatollahs?
It's a fact that Trump's action put Iran on the skids...yet we know already by the actions of this new administration that things are changing in the M.E. to our detriment.
The bombing of US bases is the best way to bring the China Joe Xiden to the negotiating table, hat in hand and ready for massive concessions. Which country is next? Step right up, step right up!
Obama's stooge and second in command Joey Xi holds the the most un-Constitutional EO's ever singed by an illegitimate president in the great republic's history... It's time for Republican's to stand and fight to contest them as the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists did during the Trump adminsitration.
However, the RINO's will not let that happen.
Biden doesn't want to offend his genocidal maniac friends in Iran.
Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor
Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor (
19 Feb 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The Iranian regime fired off missiles at a US-led military base in northern Iraq on Monday night. One civilian contractor was killed in the Iranian missile attack.
On Tuesday the US along with Western allies released a strongly worded condemnation of the Iranian attack on a US base.

Then on Thursday, two days after the attack that killed one contractor, the Biden Administration announced it was willing to start negotiating with Iran again on a second nuclear treaty.
The first Obama nuclear treaty with Iran cost the US billions of dollars and a pallet of cash on the tarmac in the middle of the night.
Iran used the money to spread terror in the region.

Will Joey Xi offer another 1.7 Billion to Iranian Ayatollahs?
It's a fact that Trump's action put Iran on the skids...yet we know already by the actions of this new administration that things are changing in the M.E. to our detriment.
The bombing of US bases is the best way to bring the China Joe Xiden to the negotiating table, hat in hand and ready for massive concessions. Which country is next? Step right up, step right up!
Obama's stooge and second in command Joey Xi holds the the most un-Constitutional EO's ever singed by an illegitimate president in the great republic's history... It's time for Republican's to stand and fight to contest them as the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists did during the Trump adminsitration.
However, the RINO's will not let that happen.
Biden doesn't want to offend his genocidal maniac friends in Iran.
biden has his pants down and already bent over
Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor
Biden Team Moves to Restart Talks with Iranian Regime Three Days After They Bombed US Base and Killed Contractor (
19 Feb 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The Iranian regime fired off missiles at a US-led military base in northern Iraq on Monday night. One civilian contractor was killed in the Iranian missile attack.
On Tuesday the US along with Western allies released a strongly worded condemnation of the Iranian attack on a US base.

Then on Thursday, two days after the attack that killed one contractor, the Biden Administration announced it was willing to start negotiating with Iran again on a second nuclear treaty.
The first Obama nuclear treaty with Iran cost the US billions of dollars and a pallet of cash on the tarmac in the middle of the night.
Iran used the money to spread terror in the region.

Will Joey Xi offer another 1.7 Billion to Iranian Ayatollahs?
It's a fact that Trump's action put Iran on the skids...yet we know already by the actions of this new administration that things are changing in the M.E. to our detriment.
The bombing of US bases is the best way to bring the China Joe Xiden to the negotiating table, hat in hand and ready for massive concessions. Which country is next? Step right up, step right up!
Obama's stooge and second in command Joey Xi holds the the most un-Constitutional EO's ever singed by an illegitimate president in the great republic's history... It's time for Republican's to stand and fight to contest them as the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists did during the Trump adminsitration.
However, the RINO's will not let that happen.

Hunter needs the income.

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