biden supports giving illegal aliens stimulus checks

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Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
According to data released by BANCO DE MEXICO in 2019 mexicans living in the USA and that includes legal residents and illegal aliens sent 36.4 billion dollars to their relatives in mexico. Mexican government officials expected those remittances would decline substantially during 2020 due to the pandemic with so many people not been able to work. Well Mexico's president lopez obrador was delighted to find out that according to BANCO DE MEXICO the money remitted to Mexico by mexicans living in the USA between JAN 2020 and Nov 2020 amounted to 36.9 billion dollars. Those remittances increased quite a bit in 2020,more or less 14%. In a round table discussion between Mexico City news anchor Dennis Merker and other journalists it was speculated that some of that stimulus check money given to legal mexican residents by the US government may have ended up in Mexico. I ask the citizens of the USA how many of you support giving illegal aliens stimulus checks. anyone doubt these facts just google it.
If they are illegal how would the govt. know to give them a check?
You need a link to yer story or else - I am in before the lock.
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